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About Kigre

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  • Location
    Norway, almost at the top.
  • Interests
    Gaming, game design, writing, martial arts (watching), music, weed, beer and boobs.

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  • Bio
    I was borned, then conformed. Then i rebelled. Was conformed again. Now i am a rebel once again and have not looked back.
  1. Kigre


    No wonder this game is unplayable atm... that and... yeah you know. That. And this... little of that... some of this.... then its back to that and no wait. Go back again, was fine the way we had it the first time and so on. I havent played in almost 2 weeks now and by the day reading the forums my will to try and play it again actually lowers. Yeah thats it, "Try" and play it. Nothing wrong with the playstyle mind you, its just... most of the time u cant see shit due to graph glitch, hackers on EVERY server... fuck it. We've all heard the rest of this. Good luck people. By the looks of it this mod is dying. Fast. Gonna keep an eye on the standalone. But get this, i wont preorder or buy on release. Most games that come out today ON RELEASE! Are at the point where they feel like where DayZ is now... except you paid 3x more. So yeah... im gonna research the standalone to shits when it comes out if. Im tiered og crappy games. Be it a mod that worked then got raped to a full game that feels undone from day one. Peace.
  2. Kigre

    Did I make the right choice?

    I've had the Winchester as my stick for a while now. Its simply awesome, plenty of ammo to find too so if/when you get trigger happy its no worry at all and it doesnt make that much noise. Feels great to not give a damn about ANY of the other main guns as well. And as a secondary i mostly use the M1911 but it varies there. And when it comes to supplies... Well,... Empty whiskey bottles and watches/compasses. Lots of em too. :thumbsup: \m/
  3. Good read, i see your points. Specially on the skillset of players. Some are doctors, some a mechanics, some are soldiers, some are survivalists, some are strong, (Carry weight) and some are a little weaker and have faster movement. Things like these i like. Dont mind the people that dont bother to read a single page of words. That in itself is a statement. Peace.
  4. Kigre

    Remove Barbedwire

    Wow... first sentence blew my mind. It damn fucking well was an issue before it came to the forums!!!! Whining?!? Thats all u get from people, some explaining the annoyance of the barbed wire, how it doesnt stop the zeds and how it was exploited!?!! And all you heard was whine... So you think shutting up about a problem will just magically make it go away? Or less worse? Yaaa maybe a little... but come on man? Really? Lets not talk about annoying game mechanics... and hope they dissapear. WOW! Amazing.
  5. Stuck in loading screen since yesterday. (Not continuously) :) Respawn on the beach somewhere. 10/10 times. If i do get in... like 2 days ago. I was hacked twice within 2 hours on two different servers. Constantly loosing gear, weapons, ammo, backpacks... etc. Vehicles are rare. Hidden out of bounds or whatever. If we do find a vehicle, the server restarts or seomthing and the vehicle is no longer there!?!?! Barbed wire, tank traps, and bear traps All over. Not so much bear traps. But barbed wire EVERYWHERE is just completely annoying and nothing else. And if you do manage to play the game as intended, you get sniped or just murdered by a random. That dont need any of your shit. And thats fine. After all, it is a Zombie Appocalypse. Deal with it. Im not trolling or hating here, just asking based on observation and stories. I am fairly good at avoiding other players and move around stealthy. But sooner or later you will get killed. You cant be a 100% sure of your surroundings at ALL times. Some prob think they do, fine. Let them. But this is not an option for me to experience anymore... Gg folks, might see you in the Standalone. Peace and have fun.
  6. Kigre

    Which weapon can do this...

    Have they fixed that thing where u can tear down walls with a normal smoke grenade? Could have been that.
  7. I had been hacked to shits twice that day but i didnt let them get the better of me so i just logged in somewhere else. Here is where the story starts. I started close to elektro. Found and axe and just starded raiding running style. The zeds are pretty much like teddy bears when u have an axe. Anyways, i was about to finish elektro entering the powerstation at the north side. I ran inside and as i was about to go up the stairs there, i see another survivor right outside the main door. 4-5 feet away from me. I only saw in the corner of my eye. My thinking since he is this close and havent said a word he will prob put a bullet in my head. I saw his rifle briefly. I then thought i was gonna chase me, thinking he was thinking that i was just gonna keep running up. So i turned the corner, then turned back towards him swinging my axe at his face, missing by one feet. He askes "Friendly" as i do it... i turn and prone waiting for 15 bullets to penetrate my head. I talk back and say "YES" and "Sorry man, i was sure you was gonna kill me" He says ok, and just says hes looking for a sniper rifle to hunt trolls on the mountains looking down into Elektro. He sounded about 15-16 or so. I was shocked, appologized greatly again for swinging at him, offered him anything i had. He said good luck and left... I was stunned for minutes. I SWUNG AT HIM!!!! And he didnt kill me... (Elegant clap) Whoever it was... you are awesome. This alone, this young man. He alone said fuck off to the hackers FOR me, by being cool like that. All the script kiddies that have ruined me and my friends fun. They didnt matter anymore. He gave me hope, i am not a christian or religious in any way. I am somewhat of the spiritual kind. But i do believe he was some kind of an angel for this game. :) Peace.
  8. NO. Not everyone is as awesome as Rick from The Walking Dead. Why not add his Aim while we are at it? Auto Aim for all survivors? NO.
  9. Please tell me you guys that replied... that you are trolling him? Please tell me this is so... Because if you actually look at the video, you can see very clearly that the boat is out of FUEL!!! Fuel people... most vehicles need it. Lol. Peace.
  10. This one of the absolute main reasons why i stopped playing this game. I am a sucker for Zombie games and i really enjoy this mod. But a good 35-50 hours of gameplay shows the real fatal errors of this mod. This one being one of the worst. Im not giving up on this mod but i am also not playing it in its current state. I got my eye on this one. :) Peace all.