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Everything posted by wnxlions

  1. wnxlions


    As of right now Ambient, the number value is no longer there. I have heard reports of people still turning to bandit/survivor. However, that will soon be changed so everyone is a survivor.
  2. wnxlions

    1.5.8 Glitches

    Hmmmmm how do we bandage other players :D. I love the R click feature. No more accidentally eating/drinking. >Go to click open door >Open door menu disappears >hit drink water >FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
  3. Wood spawns in a market but not forest??? I'm confused.
  4. wnxlions

    Blood type/Group

    In that case I sure as hell want to be AB+ hahahaha. Universal Receiver for those of you who don't know. I do see this as being something interesting that can be added. Just another way to make it more realistic :D.
  5. wnxlions

    Long term survival is pointless

    I do basically what Willy said. If I see someone in the distance and they aren't posing an immediate threat, I watch for a little and most likely let them pass. If I'm in a town and someone startles me close up you will be sure I'll shoot first and ask questions later. The trick with meeting other players is the decision you have to make in a blink of an eye. In milliseconds you have to access the situation and react to it.
  6. Hello survivors!! Do you guys love playing the Dayz Mod as much as I do? If you do and are looking for a clan of fellow gamers to group up and enjoy this awesome mod together, as one big family, then Warrior Nation is the place for you. Let me give you some information on my clan and what we are all about. Warrior Nation is a forum based gaming community with 1,300+ members and over 46 different games on every platform (PC, Xbox 360, PS3). Warrior Nation has been around for over 13 years! Even with a large amount of members we are a close knit family. Our main goal is to have fun and what better way to do that then being with people you know and share a common interest, gaming! I am looking to bring Dayz Mod into the clan and to do that I need 10 people to start out so we can get our very own forum to communicate, discuss zombie apocalyptic turmoil, and most importantly have a good time. If you are interested and would like to check out our website you can follow this link www.warriornation.net. Make sure you also check out our Laws and Policies: Laws Polices If you would like to join please let me know and I'll help you through registration. Xfire: wnxlions Steam: car62393 or send me a Private Message on the forums here. I look forward to playing with you, WNxLions
  7. wnxlions


    I'm not sure if this has already been brought up or if it's already something Rocket is working on but I was thinking of how cool it would be if it could snow. Having snow on the ground and having to worry about the effects of being in the cold for a long period of time would be awesome. I know they are working on sicknesses like getting a cold and infections. What do you guys think?
  8. wnxlions

    New starter weapon [PIC]

    I prefer using dead zombies or soda can suppressors but this will have to do hahaha.
  9. wnxlions

    MERGED: Booby traps, Explosives and IED's

    I feel like this would lead to really, really bad stuff. You'll have those people that make a shitload of bombs and just litter a town with them. It would be utter chaos on the servers and I think the lag would increase from a shit load of bombs exploding.
  10. wnxlions

    The Gang

    I hope this clears up some confusion
  11. wnxlions

    Include server name in debug monitor.

    YES. Server name in the debug monitor would be great. I couldn't tell you how many times I would be talking to friends in mumble/ts3 and be like... SHIT what server am I on and have to either ask or disconnect.
  12. Melee weapons would be awesome. FINALLY a good suggestion. They are few and far between and this is one of the few.
  13. wnxlions

    MERGED: Everything about DOGS

    I don't know how many times we have to say this but apparently it's more than we have been doing. QQ sum moar. Bandits make the game what it is....awesome.
  14. wnxlions

    The Gang

    Um... what? Those would be care bears.
  15. Like the titles says, I was playing with photoshop and wanted to make a banner like the one on the top of the forum and this is what I came up with. I've been using Photoshop for quite some time now and do a bunch of artwork. (My Avatar and Signature for example). Tell me what you guys think. Also I took the picture from the screenshot contest thread. So I'm going to give credit where credit is due. Thank you Davidc437 for taking the picture. If you don't want me to use your picture let me know.
  16. wnxlions

    The Gang

  17. wnxlions

    How well geared are you?

    Markarov. Nuff said. Fear me for I shall empty 2 clips into you without you feeling a thing!
  18. I said it before and I'll say it again. Stop bitching about 3rd or 1st person. If you prefer one compared to another then go to a server that forces it. There is nothing more simple than that. You guys are wasting your breathe arguing. Arma isn't going to change their mind nor is the Dayz mod so stop bitching like little school girls.
  19. wnxlions

    multiple MP profiles

    Having multiple profiles like in some MMO's would be cool but I think the time it would take to implement something like that would be astronomical.
  20. wnxlions

    We're gunna need a bigger boat...

    Rocket, this is why Dayz Mod is so great and everybody loves it. You are a gamer at heart and develop this mod with the communities best interest. You take criticism and suggestions well and it shows in your Mod. You have such a level head and a great mindset it's outstanding. I wish big studios would think the way you do but in all reality, they aren't gamers, they are business men. They don't care about the community all they care about is how much money they put in their pocket. What I'm trying to get at is you are doing an excellent job and we all greatly appreciate the time and effort you put into this mod for us.
  21. wnxlions


    Toolboxes are needed to put up tank-traps (hedgehogs), sandbags(I think), and razor-wire fences. Also one needs a toolbox to take them down as well.
  22. wnxlions

    mod: close thread ty

    Why is everyone arguing about something so simple. Check this shit out. Solution to all your problems right hurr: Play on First Person forced servers only.... end of story. Have a good day. Stop bitching about stupid stuff that can be solved by simply playing on a certain server.
  23. wnxlions

    Convince me

    Just a quick tip for you. How to get on servers: 1. Place finger on enter key. 2. Smash the shit out of said enter key. 3. Pray to the server gods you smashed harder than the next guy. 4. ??? 5. Profit.
  24. wnxlions

    Im ranting here.

    LOL Sorry about your luck. Are you using a wireless router or do you mean wireless connection via some type of internet card. If it's a router you might want to go bitch up your ISP's tree.