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Everything posted by Groner1661

  1. You come to US 2893. We hunt you down. If you make it to the NW Airfield without being killed, we award you with great gear. You must let us know when you come in and it has to be at least 1K or closer to the coast. Enjoy!
  2. Groner1661

    I want to play a game.

    I was thinking we could have a predefined spot that you have to make it to... Say, the bottom of the control tower. You let us know when you're there and we can give you the reward. Would just have to tell us what you want as a prize to make sure we have it. No tricks. Promise. But I do think with the 4 or 5 of us who play we could split up and do a pretty good job of searching... Multiple vehicles and such... It's worth a shot for us to see if it can even be done. Oh, and we would have to coordinate in voice chat, you would have to stay logged in the entire time, and based on running speed you would have to make it to the NWAF no quicker than a predetermined time so we know you didn't just start 200 meters away. Might have to have at least a starting city or something like that...
  3. Groner1661

    I want to play a game.

    That WOULD be sweet!
  4. Groner1661

    I want to play a game.

    That's cool. I was just trying to offer an interesting twist. Obviously not a good idea to play if you have all the gear you need. But if you are "gear poor" and feel adventurous, we cant give any item you want as a prize. Anything that spawns WITHOUT hacks that is.
  5. Groner1661

    I want to play a game.

    Wow, really? Hateful much? Last time I checked, Hueys were in the game. Don't like it don't play. Didn't say it was going to be easy.
  6. Groner1661

    I want to play a game.

    See! That's a good challenge! Just seems like no one has been on all night...
  7. Groner1661

    I want to play a game.

    Fairly. I'm no hacker. Just getting a little bored, and no one is on here but us...
  8. Groner1661

    What just happened?

    To answer your actual question. Either it was a glitch or someone has been using your CD key as was previously mentioned. To the whiners: Hackers and hacked weapons are always going to be around until someone fixes the problem. Most of us are not qualified to do these things. (Certainly not me.) Sooooo, stop wasting your time worrying about the hacked weapons. I've been killed by them, I've found them, I've used them. They will be around for a long time. Learn to live with it. Maybe you get banned on a server by an admin who is flashing his badge of righteousness. But you won't be banned by BattlEye. As long as you don't spawn them in and I could care less.
  9. Groner1661

    Sniper overdose?

    I was like that for a while. Guess I got a little cynical after killed burned too many times... Thing is, there are not a whole lot of REAL consequences for being a bandit. But there are a heck of a lot of rewards. Also, I can't tell you the last game I played that actually got my heart racing when I went to take a shot. I am literally worn out after a night of sniping. It really gets the adrenaline going. ;-)
  10. Groner1661

    Sniper overdose?

    I have on occasion engaged in some of this activity. Mostly I have become bored running around looking for vehicles/repairing them and having them disappear on the next server reset. So at times I resort to sniping the unwary in Elektro and or Cherno. I suppose I could take more time and identify whether or not those people are actually armed or not but usually they are too far away for me to actually figure it out. (Sniping with a AS-50 from quite some distance.) I actually do feel bad for some of them, but there is an entertainment value to it. We have also all had the same thing happen to us at some point I am sure. A little payback in game never hurt anyone. My guiltiest of pleasures has to be sniping a guy with a full load-out and then waiting the 45 minutes it took him to return to his corpse and hitting him again. Horrible I know, but... such is DayZ
  11. Groner1661

    AS50 TWS still existing?

    Still exists, just found one... It think it was karma for getting pwned by a hacker and losing all my gear including an L85 the other day... I do agree that it is quite powerful and should probably be 86'ed from the standalone, but for now, for my troubles, I am enjoying it...
  12. Tonight, around 11:30 PM (EST) myself and a friend were playing on US 616. We spawned at the NE airfield and were hoping to have some sniping practice. We haven't killed but two other players before, we decided to try the bandit route for a bit since being a helpful survivor has not paid off very well. (We just lost 4 vehicles after spending weeks trying to get even one, and our camps were destroyed over and over again.) But I digress.... As we spawned in we noticed that there was nobody in the area for quite some distance. This was confirmed with the L85 Thermal scope. Several minutes later I heard "Hey swag Groner! Goodbye!" and I was shot dead. The server does appear to have name tags and my name on the server is [sWAG]Groner. My partner was shot dead almost instantaneously after I died. Now I figured that this guy just spawned in behind us and got the upper hand... No harm no foul. After I calmed down from the initial excitement I logged back in on the coast and decided to run around in Cherno. (Now that I had no gear, I had a bit of a death wish.) I ran into a construction building near the coast where I spawned and picked up a hatchet and a couple of sodas. Next thing I know, I hear a survivor coming up the stairs. I thought, "Oh well, I'll just try to axe him before he gets me." To my surprise the player says over direct chat, "Hey Groner! Sorry man, I'll give you your stuff back." I of course am dumbfounded and I am waiting to be shot. Even as he dumps some of the gear I had on the ground, including a ghillie suit and L85, I am expecting to be shot again at any moment and I seriously consider just trying to end this guy's life. Instead, I try to engage him in some conversation while I record 2 videos on Fraps. You can hear me making small talk and I was trying to elicit some more info but it ended too quickly. His name tag reads "Shawn". Shawn drops a few more items and says "Here's an M9 for your trouble." Immediately I am thinking that this guy is trying to pay me off or something. Anyway, several minutes later I see "Shawn was killed." Then I hear flies. I run down to investigate and find his body halfway in a wall and not loot-able. So, here's what I think happened... (Other suggestions/ideas welcomed.) 1. A player hacked in behind us and killed us. 2. I re-spawned on the beach and the group that hacked either felt bad or thought they were going to get caught and hacked back to my new location. 3. The "Shawn" character tried to buy my silence with my L85, a ghillie, and an M9 which I don't even like. (Everyone has their price, but he probably should have given me back ALL my gear if he expected me to keep quiet! :-) ) 4. "Shawn" hacks back out again and returns to his friends, leaving an empty body behind. Has anyone run into this? All these things on their own could be coincidental, but the fact that he found me that quickly in Cherno after I spawned baffles me.... Video Links: (Still uploading as of 00:26 EST) http://youtu.be/SabwL4SXysE
  13. Your cousin got banned for the same thing tonight..... Did you find a fix for it yet? Or does DE 318 just not like us? (Personally I think things haven't gotten weird on that server anyway.)
  14. Yep, just checked at 22:57 EST. Mostly empty except those items.
  15. Unfortunately (Or Fortunately) I already had the L85 from before... Didn't actually pick anything up from that camp because I didn't need it. I was hoping I would catch a griefer setting up a sniping spot for other survivors... thankfully no one did. Really want to find a vehicle camp!!!!!
  16. For "Taben", "Pain" or "[PAP]Amalux" whichever one of you was running around with the G17 flashlight out. Proof that I am a nice guy... :-) Any voice reference to shooting you in the video was just me joking around with friends... :-)
  17. Groner1661

    admin is cheating what a suprise

    Thermal M4A1 was found in a tent at Black Mountain, you guys really must like this "Filipe" guy or something. Don't really care what others do, as long as its not a deliberate exploit. Again, we were kicked by the admin for no apparent reason. This put us on alert. My cousin logging out and "ghosting" after death really doesn't concern me after that. I'm sorry that Dak misrepresented what was actually going on. We asked him not to post any accusations without proof. I don't necessarily believe the admin was cheating or hacking. Why would an admin need to? They can pretty much do whatever they want. Hey, they paid for it. But if they are going to be listed publically I expect to be treated fairly by the admin. EDIT: L85, not M4A1, Derp.
  18. Groner1661

    admin is cheating what a suprise

    Didn't say there was proof. Just said it was suspicious, highly suspicious. It is pretty obvious that the admin is abusing it's authority regardless. Hacking or not. If they want to play their own game in private, fine. Server should be blacklisted for kicking alone. Then they can play with their choppers in peace.
  19. Groner1661

    admin is cheating what a suprise

    This seems to have gotten a bit out of hand. Dak was a little upset when this happened and I'm not sure that he got all the details correct. Here are the facts. Myself, and another player were on "Le Zombie". We have played on this server before and had no problems. The only people on the server before and during the incident were "Filipe" (Admin), "Filiupu", and "Defklok". I logged in originally and saw a UH-1 about 550 meters away to the NNW of Cherno in a sloping field. I called my cousin to come help me grab it as it looked in good shape and according to therma,l there was no one around for a good distance. He logged in and ran to the Huey while I covered him. He started it up and we were excited to find that it was fully fueled, repaired, and full of machine gun ammo. This should have been our first clue, but I digress. We flew quickly away to the north and then decided to land on an island and wait for Dak to log in. While over Otmel, we were both kicked by the admin. Normally I could care less, except we were a couple hundred feet in the air and didn't know what would happen when we logged back in. Plus we were 99% sure we just lost the chopper. We searched the forums to find out if we would die from falling when we logged back in, thankfully we spawned on the coast with our gear. I spawned in Kamenka, my cousin spawned in Cherno and Dak finally logged in where he had previously left in Elektro. We all ran to the spot where the chopped was spotted originally on the off chance that it returned. My cousin made it there first of course. He was immediately sniped when not 2 minutes earlier there had been no one around. Possible that one of those three players ran there? Yes. Suspicious? Yes. My cousin logged out after dying. He then ran back to the area on a different server and then hopped in to see what was going on. Meanwhile myself and Dak had just arrived. Dak was on a hilltop, 300-400 meters from the area where my cousin was killed. He was lying down in heavy brush reading his map. Next think I know, "Dak was killed." I of course being the lone survivor alive was nervous but proceeded to the area anyway. I scanned the entire area with my thermal scope on my M4A1. No one had left the server and I saw no one in the area, no zombies in Cherno either. I log off. My cousin in the meantime, makes his way back to his body area, and is shot again. This time with his own weapon seemingly since he says the first shots were loud and coming from right next to him and these were silenced and right next to him. This all happened within a few minutes and is highly suspicious for several reasons. 1. We are kicked for seemingly no reason while flying a chopper. 2. We return to the chopper's original area and are killed by seemingly invisible people. At least invisible to thermal and us. 3. The admin did not kick the other two people just us. 4. Prior to the incident "Feliupu" was kicked by BattleEye for cheating. (This was not mentioned previously.) 5. Also pretty sure your server is supposed to be named in a region and number format I.e. "US 567" not "Le Zombie". Did the admin kick us because he thought the chopper was hacked? Possibly. But why are we punished for it? We were just excited to find a vehicle that holds more than 2 people for once... As for the whole combat logging arguement. It's going to happen, I don't think anyway can say they haven't had that reaction at some point. I did not log out in this situation but I am not saying I have not done it before. It's not realistic, it's not fair, it's not fun. But neither is getting kicked while 300 feet ASL in a chopper, or having a horde of zombies glitch through a wall and kill you, or not being able to see anything because of artifacts and getting shot because of it, or in rare circumstances getting trolled by a hacker or people with hacked weapons. When standalone comes out I am sure a lot of these things will be fixed. For now, there are no consequences, but high reward, for people who run around killing other survivors for fun. (Except for a bandit skin if you are on .5) That's about as bad as combat logging, since there is no reward and many consequences for being good. (Except a hero skin if you are on .5) Your karma may be better at the end of the day for it, but you will still be on the coast, with a flashlight, a bandage, and painkillers. EDIT: L85 not M4A1, Derp.
  20. Groner1661

    The Devil's favourite game: DayZ

    You must agree that the fact that they cannot seem to see you is more than slightly suspicious...
  21. Groner1661

    The Devil's favourite game: DayZ

    You posted clear evidence of hacking/scripting? Good job. I'll bet those survivors couldn't even see you coming right? Considering you should have been shot by the one near the end of the video while you were busy dispatching the zombie. Hopefully a global ban is in your future.
  22. Sorry for killing you both on US2326.... You stumbled into our camp and I tried to talk to you guys over direct chat but no response. Got a little too close and pulled out your AK, though one of you was only carrying a hatchet. We left all of your stuff on your bodies....
  23. Groner1661

    DayZ Memes

  24. I would read it, but it has to have a premise....