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About tezakian

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    On the Coast
  1. tezakian

    Nevrean Stories

    KC2. I can't help but keep on going back and forth between the 2 barracks. I know they are the only 2 buildings with the best loot. As I did so I encountered little resistance. At one time near north barracks I heard AKM shots, I asked in side chat whether or not anyone was there, no answer. I never saw him. Near south barracks I encountered a dead player, I was frightened, I wondered whether or not there was a nearby bandit. There were no nearby dead zombies. I never encountered that bandit. Beyond that it was just me running back and forth, sometimes kiting zombies and taking them down. I threw my M16 grenadier away for an M16 acog. At south barracks, once, I found an M136 and a rocket. However I left it behind, I valued the extra 20 spaces (ALICE) and 6 spaces (Rocket would have taken up this much) it would have cost me too much. I can't wait for say, some other place to spawn ultra rare items. Like helicopter crash sites, which apparently don't give loot yet.
  2. tezakian

    The Crossbow.

    The crossbow needs to be more powerful. It needs to one shot kill zombies with a chest shot, have accurate sights set to 20 metres, and have multiple crossbow bolts per slot. And when you pick up bolts, have them add to already existing 'magazines' of bolts. I believe that it may make it a viable weapon, rather than worse than a makarov.
  3. tezakian

    Nevrean Stories

    I logged in, and appeared inside the barracks. The server I was on, was pitch black. I looked through my pack and got out a flare, lighting it. I saw bodies, about 20 of them, all at the entrance of the barracks. I had a quick look around, finding nothing useful. There were 2 other people on this server. On side chat, one of them spoke. "You at NW airfield, we have you in our sights." I rushed into one of the siderooms of the barracks and typed back. "DCing now! It took me a long time to get here and I am not risking it!" He said he was friendly, however I dced from the server entirely to be safe. I remembered seeing a few times where people at NW airfield specifically say they are friendly, get you to come out into the open, and then mow you down. It took me about an hour to get into another server. I tried to target almost empty servers, and eventually I got into one that was just starting up. I looked in the barracks and found an M16A2 (no scope) and 3 stanags and some smoke grenades. I decided to go north and look through the 2 hangers there, but I found nothing. As I was searching them I was chased by zombies, however as I was running towards the station, the server seemed to die, no message for 20 seconds. I disconnected. I tried looking for more servers, this time I looked for those with good ping, but usually targeted empty or new servers once more. I eventually found a server (I believe this may have been EU2) and found myself still alive, in one of the 2 hangers north of the barracks. No loot, no zombies, as expected for a place I had just spawned at. I went back down south and looked in the barracks once more, looking at the newly spawned loot. I found in there an M16 Grenadier, 3 more stanags and some grenade flares and grenade smokes, with even more smoke grenades. I decided to run out of the barracks and run into the station, with zombies following me. Instead of shooting them like I initially planned to, I checked the ground and tower for loot. I found nothing good, disconnected and reconnected. The zombies had disappeared. If I had shot, I guessed bandits may have detected me. I reconnected inside the tower, ran across to the air control tower, finding no more loot. I then ran south, spotting a tent outside the north most hanger of the 6. Inside it had 1 M249 belt, some grenade flares, some food, makarov mags. Not much use to me. I was spotted and retreated inside the north hanger, deciding to shoot the zombies with my makarov instead of my m16 with the belief it was quieter. 3 more zombies detected me, however I took them all out. I went around the outside of the airfield, going all the way around and checking south barracks. I managed to sneak by without trouble, I looked through the windows and saw that not all of the doors were open. No one had yet looted it! I walked in, opening the first door. I saw medical equipment and a drink. I continued on, looking through the 2nd already open door, only to find a survivor with a makarov. I tried to step back, and as I was backing away he fired his makarov, hitting me. I was now out of sight, back at the entrance of the barracks. I could hear zombies incoming, from here I decided to sprint past and get to the other end of the barracks, furthest from the door. I crouched down, turned around, and waited for the survivor to come out. He turned the corner and fired at me with his makarov once more, as he did I turned my M16 to burst fire and fired as fast as I could. He dropped to prone, but he didn't seem to be down yet. I adjusted my aim and continued firing. He was dead, bandits killed +1. Zombies poured through the door, I decided to throw a smoke grenade and check the other rooms in the barracks. I found an AKM with one magazine and a Stanag SD magazine, but nothing else was good. I took the stanag and searched the survivor. He had a winchester with a lot of ammo, a lot of makarov magazines, a compass, a map, a hunting knife and matches. I wondered at that point why he didn't use his winchester at all, he would have surely taken me down if he had. The zombies which were previously at the door, disappeared. I don't know what happened to them after I threw the smoke grenade, no bodies, nothing. I quickly left the barracks, mentioning my firefight in side chat after I left the position, wondering if the survivor inside was just scared and shot me, if he had meant to shoot or not, whether he had been friendly or not. However I had no answer. I continued back around towards north barracks once more, on the outside of the airfield. I ended up heading to the nearby deerstand, using up almost all of my makarov rounds taking out the military zombies there, and checking the stand for loot. Nothing useful. The server seemed to crash, and when I reconnected to the same server starting up yet again, I took out the 3 zombies there, and still there was no good loot. I checked north barracks once more since the server had crashed, however yet again I was met with bad loot. I left the airfield and logged out. I have not died yet, somehow.
  4. tezakian

    Nevrean Stories

    Mostly FR6 this time. At first I spawned. This was a very unusual spawn, because, I have seen this happen with a player called "Chris" before, I spawned in the wilderness. Anyone who has waited at a "Waiting for server response" screen for long enough may have seen this area, hills, trees, can usually see other players just standing there, you cannot move. Sometimes recently I have spawned there as a bird. However, this time, I spawned as myself. Free, I could move. I needed food and water. All I had was a makarov with no rounds, and some water. I had no food. I found a single player, a man with a Czech backpack and a Winchester, standing there. I searched his pack, and I am sorry to say, I stole a can of beans and some painkillers. It would have been far better, and easier for me to respawn but I wanted to live. I spent a little while looking around to see if any other players were around. I could not find any uhm... secure players. I saw some appear for half a second before disappearing. Others I saw appear, teleport a few metres, and then disappear from view. There only seemed to be that one player who stood still. I looked for the moon and 'remembered it was west'. I am not sure of this fact any longer because on using that, I remembered which way would have been south, if the moon was west. I cannot remember why but I changed server and ended up on FR6. It was daytime, I saw yet another player standing there in the wilderness. An ALICE pack and a winchester. I searched his pack, and stole some more items.. uhm.. I kinda felt bad but I NEEDED those items. 3 Makarov magazines, some beans and a can of coke. I did not take any more. I decided to set out to what I believed was south. I continued running for what seemed like forever. I did the trick recommended to me by a friend where you hold W, press shift tab to bring up the steam overlay, then close it, so that I would run without having to hold the button down myself. Eventually, eventually.. I found the map's edge. I decided to continue along that. I was going south right? I will end up at the ocean. I saw rabbits and cows and goats on the way, but I had nothing to gut them with, I had less than the initial starting gear at this point. I was wrong. I had reached the corner of the map. From here I wondered, was this even part of the main map? Had I really gone south? I must have gone north west... No.. the moon is west right? I went south! I turned right and continued on the map's edge. taking a drink as I went. Bear in mind I had no food at this point, and was worrying about starving. I continued running, and eventually I met a familiar sight. A main road. I was north west after all... just to confirm.. I went down that road. I saw more familiar sights. Accidentally heading north from NW airfield instead of south has come in handy for once. My food bar was now flashing. I continued down the road, hoping it wouldn't take long before I found zombies. For once, I hoped to find zombies. I knew there were no lootable buildings up this part of the map. But there were zombies which could have food! I eventually come across the first building, and shot the 2 zombies there, wasting 10 of my makarov rounds. I was in a hurry and didn't wait to catch my breath. One dropped a CZ magazine. They did not drop any food. I continued down the road, I eventually got to the next building. More zombies! Horay! Wait... I see.. a lootable building! The long wooden building with the stone floor, usually has weapons and food inside. I ran past the zombies, running into the building, hoping to find food. I found none, I did however find a CZ and 3 magazines. I killed the zombies that chased me into the building, killed them, and found yet again, no food. Nearby there was a very small shack with an ALICE pack inside. I now had a bigger backpack. I shot at the zombies over the road to the lootable building, kiting and killing 5. They all had, no food. At this point I was losing health, about 10 every 2 seconds. However I was called away, so I decided to disconnect and sit in the player lobby until I was done, hoping that when I next logged in the loot would have respawned. This is where.. something unusual happened. I logged in and found that my hunger had disappeared, and my thirst had also recovered. To my knowledge I had absolutely no food. Maybe it was a glitch? Lucky me! I continued south until I reached the pond, not shooting any zombies on the way. From there I continued east, checking the deerstand and finding 2 remingtons and 2 lots of 8 shells. I used the remington to kill the 3 military zombies around it, finding 10 rounds of M107. I ditched the remington, getting my CZ back. I looked around the fields to the west Petrovka, in hopes I would find a crashed chopper or something, however I found nothing. I looked into Petrovka from afar and saw no lootable buildings. I decided to go to Devil's castle from there. At Devil's castle I killed a single zombie, and there I found some food, flares, chemlights and some binoculars. I didn't find a compass, hunting knife or matches as I had hoped. From here I decided to go south, then try and make my way to NW airfield. After a lot of running and trying to figure out where I was and which way to go to get to NW airfield, stopping near Kabanino, I finally reached NW airfield. I decided to cut through and sneak to the northern barracks. I was lucky not to find any bandits, hell anyone, at both NW airfield and Devil's castle. I found at the entrance to the barracks there was barbed wire. I managed to sneak up to the barbed wire and then step over it, into the barracks, without being seen. Furthermore I was lucky that there were no zombies within the barracks. Inside the barracks I found 3 smoke grenades, an M16 and 4 stanags. I looted these, and was seen by a zombie as I tried to leave the barracks (Which failed, I was put back inside the barracks as I tried to step over the wire). I changed to my makarov and shot the zombie, however more had been alerted and entered the barracks. I shot a few more shots, but decided to call it a day. I logged off inside the barracks. I really hope I don't spawn inside it as it is being looted. I would have MUCH preferred to have left the barracks and led the zombies far away from the airfield before shooting them. Boring update, with an unusual bug.
  5. tezakian

    Nevrean Stories

    Today. UK3. I had logged in and found myself spawning at Balota Barracks, where I had left off, with very basic equipment. It was dark, barely bright enough to see people. I saw nearby there was a survivor with an AK. Next to him, a dead body with flies around it, and a flare. I assumed nothing. Maybe he was a random survivor who just so happened to have an AK and just so happened to be next to a dead body. Maybe he didn't kill him for no reason. I mentioned it in side chat, and surprisingly he never saw me. I avoided his flare and eventually lost track of him, all whilst players were shouting at me in side chat to "SHOOT HIM HE'S A BANDIT" Someone logged on, his full name always escapes me. Like many names I forget them easily. I remember them not by their name, but their objectives, mostly. However I made sure this time to remember at least a little so that I could keep track of his responses in side chat. His name was Timmo. I called out asking if anyone needed medical supplies, as I usually do. He said he required painkillers. I asked him to travel to Balota Barracks, and after some time of coordinating with him openly in side chat, he eventually got there. In near enough the same area as the bandit used to be, I had gone up to him and healed him. I asked if he needed anything else, and gave him my only water bottle under the assumption I was only going to die soon anyway. I had left him for not even 2 minutes. I was on the other side of the barracks, leaving the area. The bandit had come back. He shot and killed Timmo. I had my confirmation, he was indeed a bandit as first suspected. Infact, he had now been awarded with his new bandit skin. I had made my way back to Timmo's body and watched as Zombies swarmed around the bandit. I waited half behind some bushes, moving forward slowly and confirming his position, hoping he had not seen me. He had seen me. He took a few shots but missed. I ran around the bush with the telephone pole sticking out, and went into third person so that I could track him, and stay out of his line of sight. He hit me once, however I bandaged just in time to move and avoid sight further. He got closer to the bush. Too close. I decided to sprint, and go around the bush, and spray my makarov into him. I reloaded, ran around more, shot another 8 rounds into him. The bandit was dead. I spoke about what had just happened in side chat, someone there, I believe he was called "Damien" at the time said that I would soon go onto the forums and report my victory. I suppose that was one of the major motivations for creating this thread. The loot I had gotten from the bandit was okay. An AKM and 3 magazines, one half used. Compass, map, ALICE pack. I got my water bottle back. I carried on along the coast in darkness, my objective, Chernogorsk Hospital. My aim, to get as high of a humanity as possible. Very difficult when you rely on random strangers to rely on you being legitimate. And very difficult when most players shoot you as soon as they see you, even if you are clearly friendly. As I talked in side chat along the way, a player called "Prophet" had snuck up on me in the darkness and blown me away with his winchester. He believed that since I had a primary weapon, I must have had good gear. However I had not had the map he was hoping for. This was one of the few deaths through player killer I was not angry about at all. I don't understand it, maybe I was just that happy after having killed that bandit from before. However I said to him that he could probably find a map in a castle, since that is where I seem to always find the navigational gear such as a map or compass, and watches. I started talking about my experiences so far in DayZ after someone in side chat said something along the lines of "I'll give you a tip..." I cannot remember what that tip was. It was not useful. 1 My stories included those where I have found NVGs. I had climbed the air control tower at NE airfield and discovered 2 survivor bodies with very very high end gear, including GPS and NVGs. I mentioned how later on I had found a helicopter, then crashed it, with this gear on me, however I was kicked the instant I crashed it and so I instead survived. I believe it may have been a script to prevent the world from being set on fire. I later died at NW airfield with my NVGs as I was shooting zombies with an M14 at south barracks. The bandit who killed me if I remember rightly was called "LondonHyena" however I cannot be sure if he was indeed the one who killed and looted me. He said he wanted the DMR mags. 2 Another story included one where I was in Chernogorsk, I was aiming to get hospital supplies. I had shot the windows out and hid inside the nearby apartment, shooting the zombies. I went to the top floor, however I heard more zombies screaming. 2 players had also entered the apartment. The first I saw was a bandit with a lee enfield. The second was a survivor with a makarov. I did not shoot either with my winchester. I asked if they wanted healing, however I had no reponse. The bandit was clearly friendly towards me. However when I went down the stairway to shoot the zombies for them, I was hit by makarov rounds. I believed it may have been an accident, however I sprinted into one of the side rooms of the apartment and waited, saying in side chat that I was hit and did not want to see them. I soon sprinted out of the apartment, passing the bandit on the way out. He did not shoot. I got to the hospital and started looting blood packs. The bandit and his friend also came into the hospital. After 10 seconds, the survivor decided to mow me down with his makarov, even though I did not shoot them and even offered to heal them. After I had respawned, I found myself back in Kamenka. I made my way east back towards Chernogorsk. On the way, I had met a bandit, who had decided to run up behind me whilst I was sprinting with a flare. He had an M1014, and attempted to kill me. (I had just spawned at this point and had nothing but a makarov). He missed, and I spun around and ran around him, firing all 8 round into him when he was not aiming in my general direction. I repeated, and he fell onto the floor in prone. He continued missing, and I continued spraying bullets into him. This is the 2nd time a bandit attack has failed against me. The other 10 or so... always passed on the first shot. I took his M1014 and 2x8 slugs, and continued on to Chernogorsk. I eventually reached the hospital, I climbed the ladder, crouching to loot the box. As I looted I thought to myself "Maybe I should go prone" but decided against it. Within 10 seconds of looting this box for blood packs and other supplies, I was shot, hit by a lee enfield from an unknown location. I spawned, somewhere east of Electro. I decided to go to Electro's hospital, even though I did not know it's exact location. I reached it, discovering a small group of 4 other survivors holed up in a brick building. I told them in side chat that I was running in, and did so without much concern for being shot. They did not shoot me, I did not shoot them. I mowed down the zombies and started conversing with them. I found it difficult to know whether the people I was talking to were really the people in side chat. They could have been someone else in Chernogorsk. He said that the hospital was "Just around the corner to where you were" however later on I discovered I was on the other side of Chenrogorsk to the hospital. I worked with these survivors and then set out to try and find the hospital. I could not find the hospital, believing it was on the left side of Chernogorsk. Even now I still do not know the actual position of it. At the same time, I had drawn attention to zombies. Furthermore, I had noticed things starting to lag. I put it down to my own connection, and it seemed to have an advantage for the purposes of avoiding zombies. They followed me all the way to the back of a factory building, which had some metal grating stairs leading up to a metal grating walkway, nexy to it. Here there were, I assume, the same 4 survivors from before. I had led the zombies straight to them, and with the lag I could not shoot the zombies very well at all. They seemed to have a hard time themselves and one survivor was downed almost instantly. I had used up all of my ammo and could do nothing more than try to light the ground for the only remaining survivor I could see. Soon enough I lost him too, he must have ran off somewhere. I led the zombies around Electro for a little while, coming back to the factory. I had led them up onto the metal platform, slowing them down considerably so that I could speak in side chat. Prophet from earlier, whom had said he feels really bad after killing me now that he had heard my stories, said he wanted to come join us at Electro. The guy telling me the hospital was "Just around the corner" was in a different group to ours. He was at the hospital with all of the supplies in the world, extra guns and extra ammo, all of the blood packs, and no zombies. He didn't like the idea of a bandit joining them. However, Prophet had appeared. He had found me, and shot at the zombies. We led them up ontop of the metal grating platform once again, and he shot every, single, zombie there was with his winchester. I counted around 30 to 40. He did not shoot me. I ran back to try and loot makarov ammo from the survivor's body whom had died earlier when I led the zombies to them, however the server lagged so much that I could not take it. Zombies started detecting me and with the lag managed to harm me but not kill me. I was bleeding and low on health. Prophet, who had climbed the nearby ladder, decided to come back down and save me. He killed the zombies around me and bandaged me. We climbed the ladder and went onto the roof of the factory. The zombies detected us but could not climb these ladders. From here I discovered that atop the roof there were 4 survivors, including me, and now Prophet too. We set flares and communicated with the team at the hospital. Prophet had blood, and decided to heal me, redeeming his -17k humanity a little. It seemed that the other group was at the station. We were at the factory. We could see eachother's flares, and just to confirm, we threw flares towards eachother. The flares we threw landed inbetween our buildings. I had decided it was best to group up with them. Prophet seemed like the only person atop the roof who would communicate. At the same time, Timmo said that he was making his way to Electro and could help me with my blood problem (not having seen me thanking Prophet through side chat for healing me) and that he wanted to join us. I suggested that he make his way to the station instead of the factory. I descended the ladder with the other survivors and prophet, however at this time the lag made it difficult to see what happened after, or even during the descent. I sprinted to the station, and found no one there. They had all moved to the hospital. I saw no zombies. The loot I saw on the ground floor was an M9SD mag. I said to Timmo that I would wait for him there. I did not see Prophet speaking in side chat from here on. I waited around 10 minutes, with Timmo saying he was almost there. However I decided from here that I should find the hospital, which is apparently near the station, and wait there for him. I got to the church, and tried looting gear inside. I tried picking up items, however even after a minute, they would not move. I tried talking in side chat, no reply. The constant conversation had died down, no one would reply. After 5 more minutes I disconnected, back at the player lobby I could see that people were talking. I mentioned that there seemed to be huge problems. Everyone was having problems with the server. They all experiences lag, and we came to the conclusion that the server was dying. I tried to reconnect anyway, we were getting a group organized, and no one was shooting at eachother for once. However, on attempting to reconnect, ARMA2 crashed. I decided to call it a day for today. A very very large amount of text, it seems... I shall post more as they come, whether you guys like it or not!
  6. I like this game, I really do. There has to be a reason after every death I eventually go back to playing it. It must be the immersion and the self set goals, along with the loot grinding and the large map. My main problem, I did see a dedicated thread for this but I am not sure if this should go in there, is to do with the "PvP". I travel across the map looting random buildings, sometimes I go straight to NW airfield, sometimes I just wander about and try to help people. Either of these choices leave me with death. The problem with NW airfield is that it is the best place for high end gear, and the most well known loot point for NVGs and other super rare items. Due to these items not spawning anywhere else, it makes NW airfield a very hostile place. The problem is, that it is so far away. If someone wants to get the best gear, they first have to spend about an hour trying to get there. Maybe less if they have a compass and work out exactly where they are. When you get there, you have to have a lot of ammo or spend a long time sneaking to actually get anything. If you shoot, you become a target. If you sneak, you will soon be spotted by either players or zombies anyway. One shot is all it takes. You will never see it coming. In my experience, the first shot always hits, and always kills. No firefight. You never know who killed you. You never have a chance. The problem with trying to help random people on the coast, is that even if you do have blood, and offer to heal them, a lot of the time they will shoot you anyway. Whether you have good gear or not, and even if you have the best of intentions, are not holding a weapon, have not shot at them when you had the opportunity, many people still kill you. The only solution to this is to join them and become a bandit yourself. The only people who you can group up with and help reliably are friends you already know (Different time zones prevent me from doing this). Kill all else to be safe. (However I can't bring myself to kill random people who have not shot at me). I don't understand the attraction to killing those who try to help you, or to killing random people on sight. I also do not see why all of the best loot has to spawn so far away, why not have a chance for high end loot to spawn anywhere at reduced chances? Why isn't there a skin for high humanity to help prove good intentions?