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About NakaNaide

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. i just wish they would finally approve my report -.-
  2. it's generally a decent indicator though. i know i was more immature when i was 14 then i am now, hell even when i was 20 i feel i did more immature things.
  3. thats cute except that this is not a dayz thing its an Arma thing. And last i checked Arma is not in alpha.
  4. i'm assuming this was on the same server?
  5. I'm not trying to stir up a bunch of shit, they are still paying for the server and i respect that but i do think what they did is wrong so sorry but i cannot comply to this request as funny as it would be to just post all there camp locations and names.
  6. Today August 31, 2012 at 11pm EST I and most of my group were repeatedly kicked from the server. When i re joined the game i was kicked repeatedly after a second I was finally able to reconnect without being kicked and upon requesting a reason for being kicked I was informed that "when i stop hacking I'll stop being kicked" Basically what had happened is my team had been raiding a camp we had spotted during a Huey ride my team moved in and cleared out some of the tents and upon noticing no people in the immediate area they moved our truck in to start loading items up from the tents. I had been positioned on a hill across the way and was watching over them as best i could with my AS50. After unloading most of the tents in to the trucks we heard shots fired and they hopped in the truck and tried to drive off where they were almost all immediately killed. I sat watching the camp expecting them to bring the truck back up and either try to unload goods or move the goods that may still be in the tent to another campsite. after waiting about 5 minutes and seeing and hearing no sign of the truck or player i proceeded to move down the hill and try to see and take up position on where they said there last co-ord's were before death. Upon moving in to position i saw 3 players walking around the area of the truck so i positioned myself till i could see all 3 who appeared to be for the most part partaking in removing gear from the truck or each other as they were standing still. i took 3 shots dropping the players and killing all but 1 instantly, i then fired 2 more shots to get the player who survived the as50 shot and was unconscious on the ground. It was at that point that i noticed the players i killed were xinn, Sneakerzz, and Nazum(not sure on the spelling i do apologize) Knowing the names from the title I looked at the area one last time to make sure there were no players I missed and checked to see if the players i shot were still in the lobby or had connected. Upon seeing them in the lobby i proceeded to disconnect real fast and typed out "gg guys." "kill my team and i will kill you back :)" and rejoined the server which is when the kicking commenced. The next day i was then driving around cherno in a bus where i was killed while trying to pick people up and drop them off as a bus driver lol i was then killed in a laggy way and the server went down, when i came back on the server i found i was banned. we later requested a reason for being banned and i was informed that i was banned because i called one of there admins a moron after they kicked me accusing me of hacking. The recording of the day the kicking was going on The recording of the last 6 minutes of the day i got banned I posted a server report with more information Just making this post to warn players that if your playing on that server you will be banned if you annoy them and they will try to find any reason they can to do so.
  7. you clearly havnt gotten to fly one
  8. i tried a bunch of stuff too and couldn't figure it out so i'm just going to put this as plainly as i can because it has worked for me since then 3 times. get 1 engine, 1 rotor, 8 windows, and 4 scrap metal. Replace EVERYTHING even if you have already, for the glass make sure you replace each glass option not just keep spamming the same one. for instance in the menu you will see 8 options for replace glass, use 1 pane on each option. every time i have done this it has stopped leaking. And has never leaked since.
  9. So basic story synopsis, me and my friends are flying around in our chopper and put it down to get fuel before we managed to fix the fuel leak. as we set her down i run around the side and suddenly hear him say player and shots start firing out. then over the comm i hear "friendly friendly, don't shoot, i don't have a weapon" My friend stops firing and calls his bluff as he was holding a Winchester at which point the guy starts yelling over com " i don't anymore" as he drops it.now to save you guys a long boring story he helped us fuel the chopper and here we are 3 days later another member of the group stronger, a group member who up until now had been playing alone for 2 months and had never found a vehicle. and all i can say is, I wonder WTF went through his mind when he saw us land the chopper right next to the barn he was in hahaha. but seriously moral of the story, SD rounds hit higher then what your aiming at with the M4A1 HOLO or our new friend would not be our new friend but a blood splattered corpse. oh and not everyone is out to kill you for fun sometimes we just don't have time to give the chance to let you live because our hides are on the line too. So just because someone shoots you don't go complaining that pvp in this game is broken, because atleast with my group if you seam un threatening we only shoot you if you begin to show a threat. anyways i'm tired so bed time for me, just know there are nice people out there, and there are people who shit themselves when a chopper lands next to them, and in the immortal words of "Morgan Freeman" (that was his in game name LOL) I was thinking of killing you and taking the chopper till i saw your big ass fucking gun and thought twice about what would happen.
  10. NakaNaide

    Dear ADZ clan on US165

    that bike was actually mine which i had hidden on the server i hopped back on that one to go check one of our old camps to see if we left any items behind when i saw the chopper shooting the shit out of people and got a few kills at that camp. unfortunately i saw a shit ton of bodies went to loot them then got shot at by a terrible shooter i ran down the hill and waited and had some guy drive about 10 meters from me on a motorcycle who i then abruptly missed with my as50 from that close range lol.
  11. NakaNaide

    Dear ADZ clan on US165

    ok now im starting to understand where peoples camps were and who is who haha me and my friends took the uaz we had it for about an hour and it was gone. we also took the big civilian thingy um w/e its called and a white truck. our camp was the one to the east of misty peak. sounds like there are so many people on that server x.x
  12. green or NOT replace it to fix it
  13. NakaNaide

    Dear ADZ clan on US165

    no we ran into the UAZ with the white truck, where i unfortunately missed my 50 cal shot as we both stopped and hopped out, my friend had his pistol out for some reason so before he could switch we were both gunned down, however i wasn;t killed and saw where who ever it was took it where we later raided and took our white truck back, the Ural, and the UAZ + a bike. we also found a bus and a car we left and a bunch of empty tents. we are just another group of friends who play is all so in total there were atleast 3 groups of 5+ warring for a bit. still have no idea who we ran into that took our truck we later took back.
  14. NakaNaide

    Dear ADZ clan on US165

    hmm actually i think we took it from you, or we took it from them after they took it from you haha.
  15. do you get a parachute or just fall to your death lol.