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Everything posted by mikey182

  1. mikey182

    Trouble configuring DayZ server

    How do I set up a server out of the hive then? I cant even log into my own server. i set it up last night and 32 people are currently enjoying theirselvs at my expense. All i get is the infamous "loading" screen. On top of that I get limited controls to server functions. I know why the mods want this to be (to stop server hopping etc) but I only bought this server to play with 5-6 other people I know.
  2. mikey182

    Trouble configuring DayZ server

    Why would I want to buy a server slot, only to be able to do sweet FA with it? I get the impression that the deves are proper up their own arses.
  3. mikey182

    Few Problems.....

    Server List issues: MOST of my favorited servers have dissappeared.... maybe they genuenly offline. ALL servers have max players of 666. All servers have BAD protection. Just a heads-up :)
  4. mikey182

    Pitching a tent

    How do I set about this? Seriously. All the places I try......says must be flat and away from objects......... Seriously how do I set a tent down?
  5. mikey182

    Pitching a tent

    Cheers. Sorted it doing the WASD method you guys mentioned :) I put it under a tree but now I cannot access it lol
  6. Hi all. Really enjoying the game so far, been playing a week. Bugs are frustrating as hell :) Few questions if I may... Tents. Ive seen these and understand how they work. ive not got one yet as they seem rare. If i set one up and stor stuff in it, how will this work. If I do this on server A will it be available when I log back in, and if I were to go to server B the next day would it be there? How long do they last for? Suits How do I get out the suit you get at the beginning and where to find them? Flares How do I set these off? thanks
  7. mikey182

    Few questions (Suits, flares etc)

    Nevermind sorted that one. Mouse scroll, select gear option rather than backpack. he had a nice selection of stuff on him :)
  8. mikey182

    Few questions (Suits, flares etc)

    Thanks, also how do I get a weapon from a dead survivir. Theres a guy with an M14 in front of me but I can only access his backpack, there is no m14 to take.....
  9. mikey182

    Bad Version, Server rejection connection

    There are no '168. its either '100 or the next ones are '170 I dont know why they have to release updates every 5 minutes. Each day I must try for about an hour to get this game working before I can play it. Alpha or not, ita an absolute farce. I know its not bent to be smooth sailing, but why force the clients to updat and not the servers? Joke.
  10. mikey182

    Bad player name

    Ive got this problem too. Mine is "mike" I played yesterday without a problem (After trying for an hour to find a server that worked that is). I know this is alpha - The in game bugs are understandable. But the getting down to playing this game takes the absolute biscuit. Which is a shame as the game is interesting.