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Everything posted by 1clash1

  1. First of all I'd just like to say that this is an amazing mod and very much well done to your rocket. The element of the game that has been causing me much issue is the heavy effect that blood loss has on the colour of the screen. I understand the motive and it does help to foster the idea that you're really getting in the shit as your screen gets darker. However, I think the greyness takes effect to fast and too heavily, it means that once you've lost 2,000 or so blood, or even less, that the way the game looks is compromised. I'd like to this effect happen at a much lower blood level and perhaps only severely at around 3,000-5,000 blood. Alternatively if you want to keep the current system in place then perhaps allow players to transfuse their own blood without the help of others. Although I think having the effect start at a lower blood level would be a much preferable fix. Many thanks, Clash
  2. Yeah it can get really frustrating, hate it when I can spend alot of my life in a grey mess because I was jumped by glitchy zombies :/