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Everything posted by 1clash1

  1. I have in fact played the game, I've spent longer in the vanilla game than in DayZ. I haven't heard anyone else make this assumption and it seems to me that in DayZ it's supposed to be a generic eastern european country that has encountered a zombie outbreak. Anything that happened before this seems pure speculation, not to mention the fact that all the buildings are intact and there's no real evidence of armed conflict.
  2. I'm going to make a point to only excrete in the existing outhouses. Just because the world has gone to hell doesn't mean we should act like bloody animals!
  3. I have been experiencing, not just in DayZ but mainly in DayZ, large FPS drops whilst playing online. I run the game fine offline on normal to high. I can play on Utes better than other maps, Takistan plays relatively well but when playing Chernarus there are serious FPS drops. I don't experience multiplayer issues on other online games like I do with Arma 2. I've checked my ping and internet bandwidth whilst in Arma 2 and often I have ping in the 30s and bandwidth in the 100s when experiencing these lag spikes. This happens regardless of server, the only difference is how well it runs between this FPS drops. My specs : Intel core i&-2630QM CPU @ 2.00GHz 8GB installed RAM 64 bit operating system Nvidia 540m
  4. I have, yes. and it runs well, however I still get these FPS drops every now and again.
  5. I've changed graphics settings numerous times, it happens despite changing them after reading graphics optimisation threads. It happens on very low settings aswell. It is a year and half old laptop. I'm looking to buy a gaming PC soon anyway, I was just wondering if there was any fix in the mean time.
  6. I agree with your points about Hazmat teams and an expired UN presence at airfields, however in regards to your secondary ideas; For a start it would be the UN that would go in, not NATO. Also, I'm pretty sure if there was a zombie outbreak in Russia the rest of the world would find out and not for think that the Russian military had decided to massacre vast swathes of its population. Additionally, Russia would likely ask for military help and coordinate responses with the UN troops sent in. Clashes between Russian troops and UN troops would be counter productive and worsen the situation in their country. Russia is part of the UN security council and as such could veto any UN military intervention in their country and as such you wouldn't have a situation where the UN went in without Russia's consent so fighting between UN and Russian troops seems highly unlikely.
  7. DayZ 2017 (A mod for DayZ) is set 5 years after the outbreak.
  8. 1clash1

    Just saw Rocket again.

    (Kiwi lol)
  9. You definitely should. Not just for DayZ but for all the other mods and the Vanilla game itself. There's the coop mod 'Insurgency' which gives your team a base and you have to go out in groups and fight AI in towns looking for weapon caches and destroying them. It's good fun. Then there's the Wasteland mod, which is really fun, it pits two teams against each other and other independent players, with base buildings and missions . There's also Takistan life, an RPG mod there's also pretty popular.
  10. 1clash1

    Wishlist of new weapons.

  11. The issue of humanity and the problem of people simply shooting others on site has been often talked about. I was playing the Walking Dead game and I found that after deciding to kill off a character, my decision was then severely questioned as I saw him squirm and cry out whilst bleeding. This lead me to think; what if players cried out and groaned when you shot them? when you broke their legs? a really heart wrenching cry when a player was heavily wounded or killed. This would serve to possibly lessen player killing and increase immersion. Also, it could serve to help players identify a nearby bandit, after hearing a shot followed by cries. Just a few thoughts.
  12. 1clash1

    DayZ 2017 Mod Released

    Has anyone got a link to a post containing all the features in the current DayZ 2017 release? I can't seem to find one anywhere.
  13. 1clash1

    Cries and shouts from injury/death

    The comments get darker and darker... I like it.
  14. 1clash1

    Night Time .... lets take it seriously.

    Unrealistically dark? I hate to break it to you, but the night is dark. It would incredibly dark in Chernarus given there's no artificial light, no street lamps. The level of light at night in DayZ is realistic and should be kept that way.
  15. 1clash1

    Couple of moronic logic's that should be fixed.

    1. You can't gut animals with an axe because you can't in real life, axes are never used to gut animals, it's delicate. You can't just chop it up with an axe. 2. a) Why do you want more than one knife? B) Knives wouldn't make a very effective anti-zombie weapon anyway, given how close up to a zombie you would need to get. 3. I don't understand the point you're making, there's no system of obtaining nutrients or boosts from food and water in DayZ. You simply eat and drink when you need to. 4. Yes, people can survive 3 days without drinking, but this has many negative consequences as you become dehydrated. Given that you're running about, fighting, vaulting, chopping down trees etc. in DayZ, the current system isn't as unreasonable as you think. Not to mention that water and food metres don't go down when you're offline so if you were to make it every 3 days in game time you needed to drink, you would hardly ever drink. 5. Fair enough. 6. Also, fair enough. Finally, it's based on the Czech Republic. Not Soviet Russia.
  16. A proper inner city map is what I've been waiting for, it would be a great change from the open layout of current DayZ maps.
  17. 1clash1

    Cries and shouts from injury/death

    Haha, hearing that would definitely be something.
  18. I have seen a few posts mentioning extreme weather effects such as sandstorms, blizzards and tornadoes but I think floods would be much more in keeping with the setting of Chernarus. The area that this map comes from, situated in the czech republic, does suffer from flooding and so it would not be a stretch to incorporate this. I think one of the main immersion factors in DayZ is the environment and how realistic it is and so this would have to factor into the implementation of flooding. The flooding would have to follow a natural timeline, factoring in heavy rain and storms at sea, as a way of warning players of the impending flood. The way in which Namalsk incorporates warm clothing could be added in order to combat sickness and cold suffered from venturing into flooded towns. These towns would likely be less populated due to the flooding and so a risk-reward situation would occur as you'd encounter less opposition from players but would put yourself at risk from diseases and the cold as a result of getting wet. This flooding feature would only really work if a proper sickness and temperature system was implemented. This flooding would perhaps not be as devastating as in the ACR DLC mission, as this would wipe out all reason to go to these towns as they would be submerged, although conversely this would drive players inland and tackle the issue of overcrowded coasts that some players complain of. Furthermore, this would give boats a larger role to play as at the moment they're fairly useless as you can only go around the coast, this would offer boats as a quick method to get in and out of coastal towns. Floods would happen every few weeks or so, I'm undecided as to their frequency but I think it would really mix up gameplay every few weeks. Also, a further incentive to enter these towns could be that supplies lost at sea would be washed ashore, with additional loot piles of items such as fuel cans, wheels etc.
  19. If you want it to be a case of you die after a week of not having food, would you have this as a week of in game play time, or a week in real time, because then you either never die of starvation or you die of starvation if you don't play the game for a week.
  20. 1clash1

    Please don't implement passing stool

    Ignoring that you said 'I just want to pvp and shit', go play another game if just want PvP, DayZ is a zombie suvival game not a PvP game.
  21. 1clash1

    Cries and shouts from injury/death

    I agree that zombies should be more of a danger, as this would encourage players to team up in order to combat the threat presented by zombies. Part of the reason DayZ has turned into a PvP deathmatch is possibly because of the little problem that zombies pose.
  22. 1clash1

    Cries and shouts from injury/death

    It would be horrifying.
  23. 1clash1

    Cries and shouts from injury/death

    That game man. And Imagine how haunting it would be to knowingly leave a player to die by zombies? Running away as you hear their screams, you'd find players 'putting players out of their misery' whether for practical or emotional reasons
  24. 1clash1

    Cries and shouts from injury/death

    That's a good point, mind if I add it to the post?