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About 1clash1

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Haha yeah, it's some mad cow disease.
  2. Haha it's a cow herding zombies at the beginning! I did get close enough but that broom proved more than ineffective...
  3. Hey man a laugh is a laugh. I was a bit out of it when I recorded this too, I had to cut a bit where I positioned the broom in a rather unfortunate position for the poor cow.
  4. This was the first experience i had with the new animal AI and it was really quite something... stick it with it the to the end! [0.54]
  5. 1clash1

    Standalone Zombies a bit OTT?

    I wouldn't say that the infected are 'unbelievably fast' rather that their speed is totally believable, in the devblog they seem to be just as fast as you which makes sense, surely? Also, improved path finding is a good thing, it makes them seem more realistic. They chase you just like you'd expect them to chase you, rather than running around zig-zagging. It seems that you don't want the infected to be more realistic because that would be harder. But that's the whole threat, and the whole fear of the infected, is that they're a danger. Of course it will make looting harder, that's a good thing. As it is looting is stupidly easy, you simply run into a building and loot everything while the infected, for no reason, switch to walking as soon as they enter indoors. If your looting tactic is to run through towns, aggroing infected and then running into buildings to loot then yes, you will find looting in the SA much much harder, and that's because that tactic would be stupid in a real zombie apocalypse. This game has infected/zombies as big danger, it's a zombie survival game, so the zombies should act as you would expect them to and not be compromised because you'd find the game hard. Adapt your play style, use stealth and you'll find looting to be fine. With regards to your suggestion to make them slightly faster inside buildings, but not the same speed as outside, that shouldn't be implimented because it wouldn't make sense. Why would they slow down when they're inside? They're trying to kill you. If you take away their primal drive to attack you they're no longer scary, as in the mod. They just become a slightly nucence, a threat who politely slows down when they enter a building. Also, I'm not quite sure you can go over the top with zombie gameplay in a zombie survival game.
  6. 1clash1

    PVE Objectives

    You should the Wasteland mod for Arma 2. It has all these ideas that would quite frankly ruin DayZ if implemented. If you're bored of DayZ, play something else, don't suggest things to make it a bit more exciting. You can play other games, not solely DayZ.
  7. They look amazing but more with Cyrillic script would be great, for authenticity's sake.
  8. 1clash1

    Huge Structures in DayZ SA

    A palace along these lines, the Catherine and Alexander palaces in Russia. If these were more run down it would make them pretty eery and creepy, much like the interiors in Amnesia;
  9. 1clash1

    An accelerated Day/Night cycle

    Thanks for pointing out that mistake! Can't believe I missed it. I see what you mean, but I like the idea that night is something you have to account for and occurs during your play session, rather than a choice you make before entering a server as usually your choice is essentially day or night for your whole play time.
  10. I love playing during the night in games and even more so in DayZ as it presents many challenges and frankly lighting at night looks beautiful, and will look even better with the SA's improved lighting system taken from Arma 3. At night, you have problem of trying to navigate your way through your environment without being seen and using lights intelligently, an extra interesting challenge. At the moment due to the length of night and day you essentially have to choose whether to play night *or* day unless your play session is going to last a considerably long time. This removes night as a challenge that arises while you play and instead it becomes a choice before you log in. A solution to this would be to have an accelerated day/night cycle, not unlike that of the Wasteland mod. I'm unsure as to an exact length, that can be discussed, some Wasteland servers use approximately 2 hours of night to 4/5 hours of day. This would cause night to be a challenge that can arise during your play time, a challenge that you can survive through. Imagine playing through the evening, heading to a safer location, managing to survive through the night to see the sun rise in the morning. That would be an epic feeling. It would add more variety to gameplay. I feel it's a good compromise for people who play at certain times of the day that mean they can only play at night for example and is a better option then 24/7 daylight servers which remove night completely. In response to the issue of realism, I think that this faster day/night cycle is preferable to 24/7 daylight servers which are much less realistic. It also means that you character will actually experience the night.
  11. So I was playing on EU#101 DayZ.ST Thirsk winter server and had been playing for about an hour or so. I had died a couple of times and soon after spawning I was banned with the delightful message 'Nice teleports you fuckin' scumbag'. Needless to say I didn't use a teleport. I'd no idea why I was accused of teleporting, I had just died and then respawned on the coast so perhaps they thought I had teleported? I'm sure this could be easily fixed if the admin looks through the logs, I'd very much like this ban revoked as up until now I've had a farely good experience on this server.
  12. 1clash1

    popularity to my server please

    And to think people say that admins on private hives are a problem!
  13. 1clash1

    ShannonZKiller chat with Rocket

    Here you go, chap. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/120064-dayzgame-shannonzkiller-jan-2013-interviewlivestream-with-rocket/
  14. 1clash1

    ShannonZKiller chat with Rocket

    This already has a thread you dringus. However, I'm more than happy to engage in a discussion about queues!
  15. 1clash1

    So rocket, a western city eh?

    I say London. You've got a few high rise buildings but not too many, you've got a big ass church, St.Paul's. You've got a big ass Castle, Tower of London. You've got a big ass river running through it, the Thames. Not to mention the large underground system that links it all together. Plus, you've got Tower bridge which could even be usable, a group could control it and raise/lower the bridge for others. Also cricket bat melee weapons would be a must. Also this as lootable clothing; It's generally a pretty nice looking city 'n' all, I'd say. Edit : And a shit tonne of pubs