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Everything posted by BravoDown

  1. Was on US 494 tonight, went back up to the NWAF to get my gear, got there and it was all looted which was expected. I found a lee enfeild with 3 mags. I start to run across the tarmac when I see 2 surviors/bandits, I take the first shot, not sure if I hit them or not. They return fire, I believe one has sniper rifle cause they hit me. I run back to the woods take up a new postion and start to shoot towards them again (they are by the NE barracks) I dont see them but im surpressing them. Couple shots are returned and wtf one hits me lol. so i bandage with my last bandage. and take up postion in the woods behind the cement walls and proceed to have a 20-30 min firefight lol. I just wana salute them for not Alt+F4ing and for giving the rush of a life time in Day Z. <S> name in game is godpunch.
  2. was wondering same thing :/?
  3. BravoDown


    Ok i did this and BAM what you know it works.. :D yay thank you so much man.
  4. BravoDown


    You gotta run arma 2 and arma 2 AO before trying dayz for first time setup
  5. BravoDown

    Error after being on a server that restarted.

    Arma 2 updated via steam now it doesnt work..
  6. happening to me and my buddies too, steam updated arma 2 and arma 2 OA
  7. BravoDown

    I'm a heartless murderer...

    I understand where coming from and I respect that. It is no easy task to hit a 6ft man moving at 5 mph from 600m +. This game doesnt give you windage and elevation knobs. So after while you learn where to lead and wether to wound or kill. Snipers will do that shoot to injure to lure his buddies out. We as humans are hardwired to either have extreme Passion and guilt or your heart is cold. Either way we all die and I rather die seeing the man doing it and vise versa.
  8. BravoDown

    I'm a heartless murderer...

    Eh you like your prey from a distance. I'm different kinda hunter...i stalk and follow studying thier every move...you be amazed by how alot of people act the same. Sometimes I will follow 1 person for miles. Followed this one guy from chern to stary. He found some nice shit in stary, I'm like thank you friend. I crouch run up to like 10-15 ft from him 2 to the chest 1 to the head. Ended his pain and suffering while filling a void in my cold cold heart ;)
  9. BravoDown

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    Berenzino seems to be a death zone these days. I was in berenzino couple weeks ago, had nice equip, just made it from stary sobor was going to meet my friend there in zino. I had a M4A1 CCO with 5 clips and a M1911. Im jogging up the field behind the northern most market when i hear lots of gunshots, I instinctively face bang the dirt. I crawl up to the market and there are 4 guys inside, 2 of them with m16s and the other 2 only had hatchets. Well there was a horde, and I mean horde of zombies outside, Im looking in the side window, had the drop on all of them but was not sure if I could shoot thru the windows, so I decide hey ill help these poor fellers, and I go around front and start blasting the zombies kill good 15 of them. I run up to the front door on right side so they dont shoot me. I yell friendly over direct chat, and they lower thier weapons and the hatchet men run for cover. So i walk in and we have a convo, they had just met thier friends and were getting them gear. I was like I can show you were to get good weapons. Well 2 or 3 mins go by and I hear the distinct sound of M16 going off, but im not hit...I was eh maybe hes shooting a zombie lol. I turn around and hes pointing that dam thing right at me, I turn to run and bam a lucky ass shot to my legs. they walk over and unload into me...Sad day..I did not play DayZ for like a week after that lol.
  10. BravoDown

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    LMAO im sorry that this happened to you, it could happen to the best of us but that is some funny stuff..that is adding insult to injury.
  11. BravoDown

    I'm a heartless murderer...

    Wow dude you would make a great mass murderer! The way you talk in your story is crazy, kudos to you tho..Cold blooded killer, I know how you feel tho, served in the army 6 years, have 2 tours in afghanistan under my belt. At first it dawned on your mind and you wonder why you did it and think should I have given them a chance? But after seeing your battle buddies get hit and shit hits the fan believe that goes out the window fast and after a while it becomes a adrenaline rush to be in a fire fight...Call us crazy but hell war is what men do.
  12. This is the exact reason that guy is being a douche, people get shits and giggles from readying rage posts..some people have no lives im afraid.
  13. BravoDown

    Super Noobsauce :(

    Dude I will help you out. Add me steam ikeelyou2
  14. BravoDown


    Yea since you have that SD m4. Keep your enemies close but keep your friends closer.
  15. BravoDown

    Am I an ass hole?

    I'm glad you never ran up on me like that, you would've been warned and then shot. Can't trust no one.
  16. Hey all my 3 clan mates from a different game and I are looking for a group or clan to roll with. We all are expierenced and have been alive for quite some time, longest is 45 days so far. We are friendly for the most part but lately its getting hard to do that. We have good gear and plan on keeping it ;). We all have our own roles, sniper squad auto, rifleman and rifleman/medic. We mostly play at night 9pm est until after 3am est. I myself am prior military and tend to use my skills and knowledge of tactics and SA in game. Pm or add me on steam: ikeelyou2 my avatar is a kitty yelling BOOM headshot.
  17. BravoDown

    Looking for NA clan/group

    Yea man when I get home I will add you(on phone atm).
  18. BravoDown

    M16A4 ACOG vs M4A3 CC0

    I currently use the m4a3 CCO and love it. Good range, good rate of fire, very accurate with single shots. Ammo is easy to find, and btw cco stands for close combat optics. Its just a holo optic with red dot. Acog is same concept just with 1.5x zoom but do go higher. Not sure what it is in game.
  19. BravoDown

    Looking for NA clan/group

    Age does not matter as long your mature. I'm 27 and the others 22 and 21. We don't use Skype we use teamspeak. But your more than welcome to join up.
  20. BravoDown

    Recuitng Small Fire Team

    I don't have Skype but can acquire it. I play with my clan buddies, there are 4 of us total. We are cautious, and stealthy. I have notvperished in 10 days days and been in 3-4 skirmishes at NE airfield. We are looking to hook up with like minded survivors. If your interested I will let my buds know and get Skype up and running.
  21. So topic says it all...3 of us looking to join up with fellow survivors to hunt and slay bandits to make cherno and elecktro safe for the new spawnees. add me on steam: ikeelyou2, user name 11bravo
  22. What server yall play in?