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About jjake121

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. its not a hive server? its private, and for some reason this post is getting all the views! seriously i need help! if you can help go to http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/84131-private-server-for-youtube-vids-help/
  2. hey, I've just started up my own server that's private with a password on it. I want to use this server to make youtube videos so its not a proper server. But I cant be bothered to spend a whole night stockpiling all the weapons for use in the videos. I don't want to hack the items in as I don't want to risk getting banned but I swear there is a way I can put the server to spawn 100% vehicles that are fully repaired and edit my gear to contain certain weapons ect. I saw a video that you can use a program called navicat lite but for some reason it says "506 - curl_easy_perform: couldn't resolve host name" when i try an access a connection and it says "2003 - Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)" when I try and make a new connection. I'm not very advanced at all this coding stuff so if anyone could redirect me to a video that's perhaps helpful at guiding me in how I do this it would be greatly appreciated. The guy who did it was able to edit his gear but he didn't really do a proper tutorial on how navicat lite worked as it doesn't for me. I make it clear that I am not hacking and by no means want to, this is a private server detached from the dayz hive and its a server used by me and people I invite to help me record dayz machinima. Any help will be greatly appretiated on both areas 1. editing ingame gear of certain players 2. editing starting gear (not sure if this is possible but if anyone knows how please help) 3 changing server time 4. making all vehicles spawn fully repaired and fueled Any other information that you need please pm me or reply to this topic
  3. hey, I've just started up my own server that's private with a password on it. I want to use this server to make youtube videos so its not a proper server. But I cant be bothered to spend a whole night stockpiling all the weapons for use in the videos. I don't want to hack the items in but I swear there is a way I can put the server to spawn 100% vehicles that are fully repaired and edit my gear to for some reason the post screwed up goto http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/84131-private-server-for-youtube-vids-help/ this link is the proper post
  4. jjake121

    Bandit glitch!

    it doesn't go up over time, ive been stuck on -21000 for ages even after healing people trust i have tried everything, this keeps getting me shot when people automatically assume im a foe
  5. jjake121

    friendly!!! WHY BE FRIENDLY!

    hahah never offer people candy thats the problem i have
  6. jjake121

    friendly!!! WHY BE FRIENDLY!

    I went bandit for 1 life and it sucked! even though its a game I felt guilty when I killed ffs lol! I think I want to play as a friendly person but need to make rules about it! 1. say friendly once! if no response dont faf around! kill them 2. Always asume hostile! 3. no mic! get away from them
  7. jjake121

    friendly!!! WHY BE FRIENDLY!

    Wish I would bump into you guys lol
  8. well!!!! I just was friendly and died in the space of 1 hour I have died 4 times from people not responding! WHY SHOULD I BE FRIENDLY SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME!
  9. jjake121

    Bandit glitch!

    jog on
  10. jjake121

    Bandit glitch!

    Hey, I'm not a bandit by any stretch of the imagination but everytime I freshly spawn in I do so with a head scarf! I start with -21000 humanity! I don't know why this is and its really annoying as no one views me as friendly when my heart beats a million miles an hour and I have that skin! Also for some reason when I do get 0 humanity which sometimes happens randomly every time I relog back in despite what I have done to get humanity up I get 0 again! Can anyone help me please
  11. dude, its alpha there are going to be problems! ALOT! if it really bothers you so much take a break from DayZ until standalone is released and then see if the bugs are still there
  12. jjake121

    Mission editor help

    go to units, then civilians, then class (i think), zombies should be there. My advice, after several days of searching I found that the main way to get zombies that are a single bit like Dayz zombies is through the downloading of a mod called Charons undead mod. it can be found at armaholic search it on google
  13. jjake121

    does a ghillie cover up a bandit skin

    I don't get it! In Dayz I find that I have to kill people before they kill me. That's why I need my gillie suit, it has saved me on several occasions now
  14. jjake121


    go there at night buddy, with the radio, and with a murder under your belt and just wait and see what happens