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nasse (DayZ)

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Everything posted by nasse (DayZ)

  1. nasse (DayZ)

    Dont know what to do.

    Me and two friends was plying on DE 524 and found 2 cars and two tents, shortly after we took the two cars one guy in ghillie suit spawn 100 meters in front of us, we ask if he his frendly but he start to shot at one of my friends, Me and my other friends shot the man 10 times (4 shot with m249 and 6 shots with M4A1 CCO SD) and the man still stand as nothing hit him so at this point I know he is a hacker, Now to my question, can me and my friends do anything to get this hacker banned? We have the name of the hacker. Thanks for any help.
  2. nasse (DayZ)

    Dont know what to do.

    NEWS ON THE HACKER. Me and my two friends found the hacker camp and one of the cars, and this time "ITs PAYBACK". Took the car and drove over all the tents " he/she had a lots of weapons in them" so I think the hacker will be mad :D. Now we are going to shot his car to OBLIVION!!!!!!!!
  3. nasse (DayZ)

    Dont know what to do.

    Ok thx anyway.
  4. nasse (DayZ)

    Dont know what to do.

    Well the server name is "DE 524 DONNAKUPPEL.COM"
  5. nasse (DayZ)

    Dont know what to do.

    http://www.donnakuppel.com/ Clan thats have the server. Any help will be appreciated.
  6. nasse (DayZ)

    Dont know what to do.

    One of my frends die after we get out of the car and we shot him 10 times then we realize hes is a hacker and try to get in the car, Im bleeding when Im get to the car and start to drive away from the hacker. The hacker shot the living piss out of the car, I get out from the car (have almost zero blod left) and start to run but Im bleeding havy and need to bandage my self, so I run to a bush (not George bush) and bandage, still sitting in the bush the hacker drives me over with the car, so now me and one of my friends are dead and the last one of us fights to the death in frustration and screaming "DIEEEEEE to the HACKER" (in skype to us) and die a hero death............Thats the end of the three heroes attempt to survive the DayZ hackers. And thats is the last time I will play on DE 524 server.
  7. nasse (DayZ)

    Dont know what to do.

    We hit that Im certain of, he stood still when we shot him so that no chance that we missed plus he was bleeding but dident die afte 10 shots, it was then we tried to get in the car and driving away.
  8. nasse (DayZ)

    Dont know what to do.

    Thanks, I have the name of the game clan who owns the server but its on German :(. Any one who knows german?
  9. HI, I dont know whats wrong with my name, its nasse (from winnie the pooh bear, the small one) and I gets kickt from each server I try to connect to. "You were kicked off the game. BattlEye bad player name". I do not know what to do? Can some one help me or explain what is wrong with the name.