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Everything posted by Blackbook

  1. Hi there. I was sniping outside electro when suddenly i heard a noise behind me. I turned and shot no-scope and managed to down a dude dressed like a tree with one hell of a big sniper rifle on his back. Thinking he was dead, I ran over to him and could hear his heart beating as he lay motionless on the floor. I rolled my middle mousewheel over him and got options like 'drag body' 'give paracetamol' 'check for pulse'.... But no loot (i was able to look in his bag though). Wanting this mofo dead, I shot him twice more with my sniper in the head - then got my pistol out and emptied 2 clips into him.... Still he didn't die. After about 30seconds he simply vanashed (log off?).....I want his gun. Any idea what happened?
  2. This mofo looked like something I've seen from another game; http://thehealzsquad...dtreeoflife.jpg
  3. Probably for the best... Mother scared the shit outta me.
  4. Hello. I've managed to obtain keys to a rather amazing bus and can drive it for about 1 minutes, but then my game either crashes or my graphics drivers need to 'recover' themselves (thus crashing the game). I have 2x GTX 480's running in SLI. I've tried older drivers and the latest and it's the same on both. Help?
  5. What's considered the 'better' weapon? A Winchester or an AKM? I've done just fine with my Winchester. I like its single shot, one hit kill. Never used an AKM...so I'm reluctant to ditch my old faithful boomstick for one....But I dont want to just leave it on the floor if its an upgrade. HELP :D
  6. Blackbook

    Winchester or AKM --- Preferred weapon

    I'm not really playing this game for the 'pvp' side... Otherwise I'd be playing BF4 or CoD. Winny it is!
  7. Blackbook

    Looking for a partner

    Read stickies.
  8. Blackbook

    Alt + F4

    Alt + F4 effectively cuts the connection between your computer and the server. Based on latency, it can take a few seconds for the server to recognize you're not there -- meaning you wont see any difference. Dont use it. It's for fuckheads.
  9. I have VLC in fullscreen on my right monitor, DayZ fullscreen on my middle monitor and This website/Ventrilo on my left monitor...All works fine.
  10. Imagine this --- You wake up on the coast of a strange and distant land. You don't know where you are. You have nothing on you.... ZOMBIES have taken over...how do you survive? You sneak. 'Z' and 'X' are your friends...As well as 'SHIFT'..... Be sneaky. Also - Try going on a lower population server (less than 20/15) in order to have a better chance finding some weapons.
  11. I have been playing fine last few days...and today. Infact, I was doing grand until about an hour ago. Now, I get ''Kicked from server'' upon attempt to login. I checked Steam updater (did about 200mb update to Operation Ballbag), Verified both Arma2 and Arma2OP. Ran Six Updater. Used Six Launcher and updated that... According to DayZCommander I'm on Arma 2 :: 95248 Dayz :: 1723 what's going down? It says Servers are running on 95251? I can't find that anywhere...and steam...don't get me started on steam. What a pile of puss that program is. help?
  12. Blackbook

    Up to date ... Kicked from server

    I've managed to find 1 server is Australia that is running my version....so im going to spam that for a while.
  13. Blackbook

    Where's the beef?

    I've been shooting boar, chickens and seen two deer today...they are out there.
  14. Blackbook

    Up to date ... Kicked from server

    What does that mean? (My mate in vent just said Terminator reference). thanks for that :D
  15. http://dayzmod.com/f...hanging-server/ Same thing happened to me.
  16. Blackbook

    Up to date ... Kicked from server

    Problem is, steam's gone and shafted me by the looks of it. I can't connect to servers under why my machine is calling 95248 - I just get kicked from map on load.
  17. Blackbook

    Up to date ... Kicked from server

    So I've got to wait for servers to update? Or must I do something to get playing again? I got Steam 3 days after its release back with CS 1.5....and I quit playing because of stuff like this. Any ideas how I can play again MisteR_Magotchi?
  18. Blackbook

    Playing Sniper In Elektro Till Helicopter Ruins It

    Shooting people in Electro? sounds fun son.
  19. I was playing on a NZ server for last few hours. Started getting red chain on screen so I decided to go to nearest barn, log off and change server. When I log in to another server, I'm missing my M4, My Pistol, My map, my knife, my matches, all my ammo, my GPS, my axe,...bla bla bla..Lots of stuff. I didn't die. I still have meat, cans and a few extra pieces - and im in the same spot - just with bugger all of my gear. It's not like I just looted it - I've had it days. Where the hell did it all go?!
  20. One simple variable would improve this a lot; On logout save data - is save data complete? If yes, save. If no, revert to last save. Job done.
  21. I'm not attached to it per say, just 3 days crawling around in the dark collecting it on ...don't fancy doing it again considering i wasnt even killed. :(
  22. So...thats it? see you later stuff. Bubai. Start again? GG?
  23. Here is a picture of my current bag upon login :: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/823/photoizk.jpg/ I dont even have a backpack, torch....fucking anything. what a load of shite.
  24. Very much my philosophy.
  25. I got kicked from a server 2 seconds after looting 3 tents last night. Some Admins are assholes :P