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Everything posted by MeGustacus

  1. Count me in. Im 14 and my skype should be scruffy_piggy.
  2. Every server at the six launcher has a ping of 9999. Any help?
  3. Hi, Im having problems on playing, everytime I join a server it goes on the "waiting for host" then says BattlEye initialization failed. I tried reinstalling BattEye, manually reinstalling it.... Any help??
  4. MeGustacus

    Six Launcher: Ping 9999

  5. MeGustacus

    BattlEye initialization failed

    I just updated my six updater and it worked again :)
  6. MeGustacus

    BattlEye initialization failed

    Alright i'll try this then update you if it will work
  7. MeGustacus

    BattlEye initialization failed

    Tried many servers. Same problem :(