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Everything posted by AluCaRdBe

  1. sometimes, coz of this other bug where the game is stuck on loading......... EDIT: Confirmed, it only happends to me after i had to abort cause loading screen getting stuck.
  2. Same here. always spawn at the beach, using six launcher still
  3. AluCaRdBe

    Strange radio transmission

    douze, she certainly says douze not onze so its 12 at the 3rd number. just checked it. Anywayz, ima quit playign this game for a while now. I'm a big guy, but this radio transmission isn't something u want to hear at 2am in the morning when ur all alone at home.
  4. AluCaRdBe

    EqE Recruiting 2 new bandits

    -3 people on the group atm - Whatever we feel like. mostly sniping, although we had our chopper rampage moments - Not sure what to answer here, we try to make our bullets fly straighth? - Both really, we been hacker nuked a few times on UK servers so now we stick to us/de servers
  5. 1) Where can i find them? i heard residential areas, but do walmarts also count as residential areas 2) Is there any type of building where they are more common?( i'm thinking castles) 3) What do they look like when on the ground? do they look like makarov magazines? the little satchels?
  6. AluCaRdBe

    Questions about Ghillie suits

    to sum it up: -they have their own on-the-floor- icon. -They are superrare -they can be found in helo crashes One more question remains: findable in supermarkets?
  7. AluCaRdBe

    Questions about Ghillie suits

    I'm Belgian, hence the BE in my name. Belgium is located in europe. I just thought walmarts would be more clear. Sorry that ur mad.
  8. AluCaRdBe

    Questions about Ghillie suits

    so they do drop in barns? Maybe supermarkets is the word i shud of used
  9. AluCaRdBe

    Reduce Blood Recovery of Cooked Meat

    if you do this, then u must alow people to give themselves bloodbags, if not, this idea is rubbish, no offense.
  10. Its the only NVG sniper, bar maybe the M16 acog if u count it being a sniper
  11. AluCaRdBe

    Pending Update: Build

    only 1 week left of infinite ammo cherno sniping :(
  12. "thank you for not being a dick" -Hacker I lol'd at the irony. Sadly, you'll be able to play again,yes.
  13. AluCaRdBe

    dead player corpse

    if the server resetted, i'm afraid ur corpse will be gone either way.
  14. AluCaRdBe

    Hacking/Exploit or Grenade or Bug?

    i was in the position of winning a 4v1 yesterday by throwing 2 grenades that killed 3 people then shot the last guy to bits on US 1100, was also on a slope in front of forest.
  15. you ask your girlfriend to stop breathing cause she sounds like a Z also: http://www.gamerdna.com/uimage/sA6NBTd/full/legendary-thread-2.jpg
  16. AluCaRdBe

    Hacking/Exploit or Grenade or Bug?

    were u playing us 1100 by any chance?
  17. AluCaRdBe

    Why do regular/recruit servers exist?

    While i hate the nametags n stuff i curse at the servers who won't let u place waypoints.
  18. AluCaRdBe

    Displayed server time question

    Because the admin doesn't show the correct time all the time. Dayz commander only bases itself on the time displayed in the server name afaik. If the server admin decides to enforce another time than displayed, then dayzcommander is off aswell
  19. AluCaRdBe

    Beware Of Player: HELI HUNTER

    That's what she said.
  20. Oh, really? allways? http://edwinfotograf...c_book_air3.jpg UMAD mac-costs-more-but-has-no-logic-to-it-fags? sorry bro, it'll be new laptop for u if u wanna improve. If u use it only for home-gaming, please concider buying a desktop.
  21. press windows key+R => type dxdiag=> read or download cpu-z for more info only the ram/harddrive, some of the time not even that
  22. He has a laptop, gl changing a GPU on a laptop. What u basicly need is a Nehalem i5 or more ( so basicly any i5/i7 will do) a reasonable graphics card( GTX 460M at least) and 6-8gig ram depending if the architecture allows dual(or quad)/tripple channel memory. U can do with less but i suggest u get something like that, its the best price/performance u can get atm
  23. AluCaRdBe

    Beware Of Player: HELI HUNTER

    He was hacking hacks? fml, lucky u banned him then!
  24. AluCaRdBe Huge Graphic Bugs unplayable

    turning vram to low instead of very high fixed it for me..