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Everything posted by AluCaRdBe

  1. AluCaRdBe

    Can't connect to servers

    jesus christ, that long?
  2. AluCaRdBe

    Can't connect to servers

    How long does this usually take?
  3. AluCaRdBe


  4. Coz all veterans hear gunshots and cans opening 24/7
  5. AluCaRdBe

    Non Lethal Taser gun

    Giveme a gunfight where i have a makarov vs a FN FAL i won't alt F4, but if im just unconcious on the floor where ur just stealing my items, why wouldn't i? It's like getting shot at without having a weapon, if i got something to lose i'll gtfo there, there would be no honor in killing me, so by default no dishonour by running away. Sam fisher style.
  6. 1. kinda enforces my point of them not having enough recources ( i mean $$) to redevelop basicly everything + pay for amazing hardware. 2.Totally agree. But as long as rocket does dayZ pro-bono, he needs BIS and BIS needs him. 3.Not sure which is better... going for $$ and then let the $$ make a better game, or not going for $$ and then be limited in what u can do because u don't have $$.. This would be yet another 'revolution' and i totally support it. Just like i'd like to run a DayZ server but don't got The 10K € to spare for a server, the same fate awaits this "revolution", no recources.... His vision includes letting the community pay for the servers they play on, its the only reason why this is cheap and possible...
  7. 21, granted i've only been working for 6 months, but still. We did not have a course "Reading 101" and if you wanna know what they did teach me(to spare future questions) -CCNA+Security (i did the real exam a month after finishing) -Windows server & linux server. That aside, you're indeed talking about the standalone game built on a suitable engine ect ect... So, loosely based on rocket's interview, this standalone game (he said september this year, but i'll be reasonable and say max Q4 2013) you expect this company to: -Develop a total new engine or (again being reasonable) make the whole arma team ( inexperienced with the new engine) redevelop the backend structure. -Develop ARMA III -Develop DayZ -Pay that kind of servers themselves :D Blizzard couldn't do it, EA couldn't do it ( All the battlefields run on user servers, and the ones who are centralized(login servers), fail miserably under load.) This company can't do it( no offense bohemia)
  8. Dayz= Windows server 2008 R2 for now which caps at 2TB of ram max ( ps, i have no idea how ur gunna fit 2TB of ram in a single server), I'm no game designer or a (very) good software engineer, but the thing ur askign this server to do is gunna need more than 2TB of ram, again, afaik. I'll hold on to my firstborn promises, take a boys name tho, ima throw it down the well if its a girl anyway.
  9. Eve online is played on a single server? As a network engineer, i am amazed. Allso i'll name my firstborn after you if u can find me a server that supports 800K players (probably 5x that by the time it gets standalone) cause i have heard of dual 22nm Xeon servers getting brought down to their knees by 50-60 slot dayz games, not even gunna start with the router(s) you'll need ( they exist, but this company can't pay it). long story short:make users pay/manage their own servers= affordable + scalable + redundant + higher availability. so no, imo the current system is good & affordable, i'll agree with u on tl;dr 3) tho.
  10. other way around, and its like 5x the same amount of dmg, But then again, killing a person 3x with one shot or 15x with one shot, does it really matter? hit him in the toe and hes dead. For me its the M107 for the simple fact that it has '"more style". also, u can snipe zomeone out of a vehicule with an M107, if u shoot a bit of with an AS50 the whole tractor blows up and no loot for you (also no tractor for you).
  11. Everyone knows the only food u shud look for in a zombie apocalypse is a twinkie.
  12. 0.16% of your blood left, ur past the point of vision impairment and the ocassional passing out, i'm not a doctor, but i'm pretty sure of this. So my point stands (which was: don't go looking for realism in the blood count if its allready unrealistic) i'm a 84Kg/1m86 man and i can only donate 500 grammes of blood (lets say that's 0.5 liters), i'm pretty sure the dimensions of a grown man imply that u have above average amount of blood lets say 6.5 liters, 6.5-0.5 liters= 6 liters. I can promise you that after donating blood i feel like utter shit and i have a realistic chance of passing out if i stand up without getting some food/drinks with sugar first. So my assumption of < 4 liters of blood = dead is probably even optimistic. All i'm saying is... if you say 0 blood= "DEAD COZ U HAVENT GOT A SINGLE DROP LEFT SO CANT REVIVE" then to me 20 blood is exactly the same thing. Hell, even 8K blood should be "unrevivable" then. But.... it's a game, and there shouldn't be too much thinky thinky and more shooty shoot. So thats why i think my "system" would work, and, like theruss0n suggested, maybe with alternate values. For the underlined part : Exactly! but thats how it is in real life right? A guy who allready needs defibs and bloodbags to pull trough probably won't benefit from another hole in his body. thats the thing about my "system". 1) It promotes teamplay and real-life squad scenarios 2) Lone wolves and/or squads who can't real their teamie ( think vin diesel in saving pvt ryan) will still die from the same amount of damage 3) The team performing the rescue still takes a HUGE amount of risk saving their buddy, so you need to weigh the positives from the negatives. 4)The player who is at the < 8K mark will either die as usual or be out for at least 2 minutes anyway.
  13. No offense, but if u wanna be full of little details like that then explain to me why 0 blood= no blood, yet 20 (thats 0.16% blood left in body) blood still allows you to run around like a happy mofo Afaik people got 6L blood, drop down to 4L and ur pretty much dead. But sure since u people wanna be so nitpicky about the system, and i like this idea which promotes teamplay, i suggest change the system: -Start at 20K blood -Drop down to below 10K= start passing out (like the 3K barrier now) -Drop down to below 8K= u "die", however, if someone defibs you, you go back to unconcious for 2 mins, if not above 8K after those 2 mins=> 0 blood= permadead. If you did get healed: turn back to normal after those 2 mins unconcious. -Drop down to 0 blood, permadead ( as a result of a headshot/peopel shooting you after u were "dead"(the blow 8K one)/not getting defib'd+ healed) Don't forget that this solution also takes care of unrecovverable wounds like headshots or getting shot by .50BMG, because they do way more than 20K dmg
  14. AluCaRdBe

    How you Spawn / Spawn Locations

    One minute ur drinking with ur mates, then you wake up, in a ditch, hung over as fuck, in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. #FML On topic: seems nice, esp the parachute. Doesn't arma 2 allready have this in the game? so it wouldn't need to be developped just for day z? Seems like an easy fix for me.
  15. AluCaRdBe

    Bandits win

    i have yet to find a single barn that doesn't contain an enfield.
  16. AluCaRdBe

    Non Lethal Taser gun

    Point: take care of other issues that render this suggestion unattractive first, or u'll just cause more rage. Cause atm it's pointless. U taze me, i log off and u get nothing, should have shot instead >.>
  17. AluCaRdBe

    Bandits win

    nice suggestion. " I love the smell of ragequit in the morning"
  18. I hate referring to battlefield, but there you have limited time for a "revive". In dayz lets make that limited time around 1 minute? You got 1 minute to return ur fallen buddy to an unconcious state with 200 blood. after wich you can drag him to safety and/or give him blood and maybe an epi-pen. It sounds realistic to me, afterall its what they do in hospitals no? (the defib+ giving blood part, not the dragging to safety part)
  19. AluCaRdBe

    whats is your ideal gun setup/gameplay style

    Solo pvp: -M107 + 3 mags -M1911 + 3 mags + 5 bandages -1 bloodbag & epipen( you never know if you need to save some noob) Pvp with mates: -M4 with M203 ( think its named M4A1 HWS or smth) -M1911 + 1 mag + 2 bandages +2x explosive M203+ 1x M203 flare + 2x M203 smoke ALWAYS THIS: -1 bloodbag & epipen -2 morfine -2 painkillers -2 meat + water bottles -As much gadgets as possible but allways allways allways binoculars+matches+knife+axe To all those wanting M9 SD, you clearly haven't fired the weapon yet or i'm doing something horribly wrong. That weapon is so bad i actually prefer throwing cans at zombies
  20. AluCaRdBe


    HMMV with a .50 on top so you could actually make a convoy and defend it.
  21. AluCaRdBe

    Non Lethal Taser gun

    Forum treads 2 hours after tazer patch: TAZED A GUY AND HE DISCONNECTED BEFORE I COULD LOOT STOP LAME ALT F4 AFTER TAZE OMG <enter casual name here> D/C'd AFTER TAZED
  22. AluCaRdBe

    DayZ FOR XBOX 360!!

    1) XBOX can't handle the stress this game puts 2) if they wanned arma on xbox, they would have made arma on xbox
  23. AluCaRdBe

    Coitus - alternative to heatpacks

    I guess you could say this suggestion SUCKS
  24. Maining weapons - yes them actually breaking & you need to find another one - no Don't forget those AK -47's u see today were made during the cold war, they still work today for those african gang wars(lacking a better word to name it) I promise you, those 12 year old child soldiers don't know anything about cleaning their gun, yet it still works. M1911? invented in, yeah ... 1911, even those actually made during WWI still mostly work. So, i love ur idea but i suggest the following instead: Make people 'maintain' weapon instead. No maintan? Have Weapon jam.(UMAD America's Army players?), so the more red ur weapon bar is, the more chance of weapon jam Give different guns different ratio's of degrading speed (AR family of weapons are alot better now, but during the vietnam war soldiers threw them away and used captured AK-47's instead because they were as reliable as a random bandit)