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-4 Poor

About Roflpotamus

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Roflpotamus

    A Round of Applause for Bandits

    Thanks Dro for proving the maturity of a diehard bandit with your down rating ;)
  2. Roflpotamus

    A Round of Applause for Bandits

    Another gem: It really is amazing how this is taken as a CoD by just about every bandit out there. Seeing how there won't be any more "bandits" in this patch this forum section's become moot :P @Dromag67 I'm assuming you haven't read any of the posts in this section. Feel free to read the ones I've quoted and then browse about. A particularly fitting one's the one I just linked. Let me give you the short of it: ;)
  3. Roflpotamus

    A Round of Applause for Bandits

    ^^Deadbolt Oh I assumed that this is a zombie-survival simulation. Per why we've got hunger, thirst, etc. Not quite a camping game where we try to get the lowest karma and grief the most. ^Zarlak If you really want to go down this route. 2% of the world survived. Most of the "evil" people in the world (as you describe them) would be in prison and deader than dead. It's logically ridiculous to assume that any large % of the survivors of the remnants of humanity would be murderous for the sake of being murderous, as 95% of bandits are played. To kill just to kill - for the fun of fucking with people.
  4. Roflpotamus

    A Round of Applause for Bandits

    I must have lost all the maturity and intrigue of banditry between threads titled, "Favorite weapon for getting Survivor's jimmies in a rustle" and posts saying: And oh so many more. Truly these players play this game in a manner befitting zombie survival instead of zombie's being the sideshow to their griefing. How did I not see it before? :P
  5. Here's to you CoD kids who view Zombies as the sideshow to griefing. Here's to you, huddled in your parent's house as you think randomly killing people in a post-apocalyptic setting is "realistic" - especially where only 2% of the population survived. Here's to you being just CoD brats bragging about your - karma just as you would killstreaks. Here's to you playing the completely wrong game. First time I've really looked at this part of the forums and it's LITTERED with people flexing e-peens and taking pride in griefing. Not in surviving, having tense situations of trust, no - merely griefing. It's a marvel that anyone seriously thinks that in a zombie-survival game the most fun they can derive is camping inside of grocery stores or in bushes for the sole purpose of gunning down strangers - most often not even for their loot. So here's to you and here's to the Dev's realizing that taking away bandit skins is a bad idea. There's a reason people got those skins and there's a reason they were implemented. Prepare for this mod to become a glorified CoD until this is patched. Here's to you kids :P
  6. Roflpotamus

    Stuck on loading after 1.5.7 patch

    Yup, in this boat too.
  7. Roflpotamus

    Stuck on "Loading"

    I get no error, just get stuck on loading. :X
  8. Hey guys, so I just got Arma 2 and OA specifically because of this mod (everything I've always wanted in a game! :D ). Anyway, my computer specs supposedly should run this perfectly fine, however, when I play I lag heavily. My specs are - Intel Core i5-2410M NVIDIA GeForce GT540M, 1 GB VRAM 4GB DDR3 Memory 640 GB HDD I also have no problem running other games that are much newer. Any help in fixing/optimizing Arma 2/this mod would be VERY appreciated! Thanks.