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About Colm692

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  1. Whenever I try to sign into any server using the Panthera map I get an error on my screen which says I must update to version 1.7 to play even though I already have downloaded and installed 1.7 with DayZCommander. This happens with every server I try to join. Has anyone encountered this problem before? If so, is there a way to fix it?
  2. Colm692

    DayZ Mod To A Real DayZ Game???

  3. So I installed DayZ commander and got all the necessary updates etc and it is still showing every servers ping as "10000" and players as just "/". I can still actually join servers and play on them. Is there something i'm doing wrong or is there a way to fix it?
  4. Colm692

    Camp Saving

    In the debug zone? No, they won't save.
  5. Hey, I'm Irish, 16 but mature for my age. I have Steam, Skype and Teamspeak and I'm looking for a group to play with because I'm sick of all this kill on sight bullshit, add me on Skype or Steam if you want to meet up. Skype: colm.reilly5 Steam: Colm692
  6. My Steam is Colm692 if you want to play later
  7. Colm692

    Constant server Kicks

    Try this - http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/45202-fix-for-being-kicked/
  8. Colm692

    M1911 or G17?

    Here is a list of weapons damage from the update - http://dayzdb.com/news/weapon-changes-in-arma2-162
  9. Colm692

    i get those black lines in stary only

    I think I know what you mean.. I get this every time I look at the medical tents in Stary Sobor - http://i.imgur.com/dI7Gw.jpg
  10. Colm692

    Servers not showing?

    I tried earlier and every server I join I get kicked from it as soon as it loaded up, now no servers are showing up at all.