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About Sanimus

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  1. Sanimus

    Only one weapon for you!

    AKM - too easy to find ammo, nice range & nice damage.
  2. Sanimus

    DayZ Sniping story in Elektro.

    Running around that guy stealing his pepsi, awesome haha. Your vids are great, carry on posting - do more random stuff with a hatchet if you can.
  3. Sanimus

    Skills make TeamWork

    It's a good idea.. Having skills build up over time will make life more valuable than equipment. Currently the balance is way off. Your suggestion for stealth is unbalanced.. It should be for your current character only so skills are reset on death. Also perhaps it should just decrease your visibility whilst crouching or crouch running. I really like the rest of your suggestions though. +1
  4. Sanimus

    Any groups on to throw a hand to a lonely survivor

    Add me on Steam - Sanimus. I'll be on a bit later and I'll happily talk you through a few things.
  5. Sanimus

    Little bag with a rabbit symbol, what is that?

    Sounds like a hack.. no idea what it is from the original game though. Have you got a pic?
  6. Completely agree, I've died many times in PvP but this was my first time using disconnection tactics and it completely ruined the experience for me.. I think the perma-death is one of the best parts of this game.
  7. Sanimus

    Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD.

    I agree, perhaps Rocket will make humanity a meaningful mechanic at some point.. Or even better, make the zombies so difficult that team play is much preferred over gear-hunting then killing sprees on the coast.
  8. I agree, I preserved my characters life for quite some time - think this one was about a week old. I was quite attached to him but I felt that was such an unsatisfactory end to his life, would have much preferred him to have died in some epic firefight rather than a glitchy hopping mess of a death. :beans:
  9. I'm ashamed to say that for the first time today I DC'd to avoid death. I was in Stary Sobor in the barracks in a gun fight.. I just picked up an assault rifle, got involved in a firefight and DC'd. What a cowardly dirty tactic it was.. I reconnected straight away after realising how lame this tactic was.. guy was crawling up towards me, I shot him, he shot me, we both died. I'm sorry to whoever that was and I regret it. So not only did I DC I reconnected and killed him. I vow from this point onwards to accept my deaths, and I'm glad his buddies are nearby to save his gear.. I hope you find my corpse and loot it for all it's got. One thing I did learn from this experience is that the game really does make you jump, it was such a pussy reaction to hit the Abort button. I hope Rocket comes up with a solution for this soon, although it's not really much of an excuse ;) I'm sure there are other people who have done the same and regret it so please share with a "I have learned my lesson." Share your confessions if you have any, flame etc.. Sorry to that person in US 260, next time hopefully I'll put a bullet between your eyes without using exploits :thumbsup:
  10. Sanimus

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    It seems like a great idea, but as many people have previously said - it would require a hell of a lot of coding and work from rocket. The feel of Dayz is created through so many things: the slow encumbered movement, the colour scheme and graphics, the way the weapons shoot. How can you create all of that from scratch and keep the same fundamental feel to the game? The answer is you really can't. There are a lot of things that have sped up the development of Dayz since most of the systems and particularly the weapons are already inbuilt. Whilst Rocket could possibly do it, it would be a hell of a lot of work and would likely result in the game having a completely different feel and character. Personally I like the feel of Dayz at the moment but I guess I agree with you to a point - Real Virtuality, or whatever the Arma engine is called, isn't the best I've come across. Cry Engine 3 always reminds me of the Cinema, its shiny and refined and the types of projects that use it tend to be big and flashy but typically limited and "boxed" experiences. Alternative engines such as Real Virtuality and the new Gamebryo engine (lol) tend to be built for specific purposes and do it well, whilst they're not very versatile it just so happens that Arma and Dayz have a lot in common - it's unsurprising therefore that Rocket is finding it easy to develop on it. I think you're correct when you say it is more likely that we'll see a "spin off" like CryZ before we'll see Dayz go to a completely new engine. You never know though, perhaps it will get to the point where the limitations of Real Virtuality will outweigh the benefit for Rocket - but from the looks of it we're nowhere near there yet. Thanks for the thoughts.
  11. Hello all (first post means beans for all :beans: ). Looking for some random people to tag along with, even if just for small bursts.. I live in the UK, 19 years old and only really play casually. I do have fairly alright gear at the moment though. My steam name is Sanimus, drop me a friend invite and send a mail/message. No need for a mic or anything, although I do have one if you do. Cheers.