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Posts posted by nullkid

  1. Not the most terrifying, I actually laughed my ass off, but I was outside of elecktro when I heard on mic "REEEY REEEY REEEY REEEY REEEY" like the psycho music when he is stabbing someone, out of nowhere this guy comes running straight at me with his axe, I shoot him in the leg and he drops, crawling towards me still swinging, the power of the mighty axe hit me from 5+ meters away and broke my legs, he slashed, I shot, we both died by zombie.

    One of the scariest was when some guy was on mic with these creepy ass girl screams, I was so afraid to move.

  2. I am going to be obnoxious and say YES/NO.

    It could work if we had more spawn points, mainly inland. This would also add to the, "where the hell am I" feeling and be very noob unfriendly :). It could also work if the game could have some form of hand to handcombat I.e. a knife or machette/boey knife.

    It won't work as is imo because it would just turn into a horrible bandits paradise, meaning any bandit not worth a bullet would just camp the few spawns their was to shit on new spawns day. It also wouldn't work because the spawn rate of some weapons would need to be obnoxiously increased to the point where mack and mags would be everywhere because everyone needs one. Maybe less mags so you have to be resourceful. As is I am a NO.

  3. Date/Time: Last two hours (1:21 am - 3:21am est)

    What happened: Logged into a server, saw a blue flash and my gun disappeared. I couldn't move so I rejoined, I spawned in debug forest with quick join time. Now, I only spawn in debug forest for the last two hours.

    Where you were: debug forest, I was out side out mog, I believe

    What you were doing: Laying down. Every once in awhile I will spawn swimming on the ground in debug forest.

    *Current installed version:

    *Server(s) you were on: Multiple us, virginia, texas, and ny servers.

    *Your system specs: AMD phenom II x4 955

    8gb ram

    amd radeon 6950

    *Timeline of events before/after error:

  4. I just lost all of my stuff due to server restart and not being able to get back in..After loosing my stuff to what I am going to chalk up as a glitch.

    I logged of last night under a bush, after my food symbol turned red because I didn't have time to go looking around, it was time to sleep!

    So I log in today, bleeding, hungry, thirst, screen flashing. I take a few steps, pass out, killed by a passing zed when I get back up. I run 20 minutes back to my body, not even sure if the road I am following is the correct one because I could swear last night I was running on dirt (yes it was dark : ) ) So I finally find my cold, dead corpse and I jump for joy. I maneuver my way through the zombies and start looting. exxxccceept my loot isn't moving from dead body to me. My matches move over then my revolver. I try to take my alice pack, my guy puts my pack on ground but leaves alice on dead body, server disconnects.

    I have been trying to get on, what I hope is the right server for the last half hour but noone is getting in and I have to goto work.

    I know alpha.. but everytime I loose stuff it is because of a server side/master server issue it seems. Anyway of getting my ammo, full tool set minus NVG, 2 assault rifles, revolver, full alice pack back? Or am I boned?

  5. It would be cool if they continued to play when dropped.

    Or you can just give it to a friend, have him sit somewhere popular and use the noise as bait. Yes, I am a bandit.

    So' date=' morse code starting at 4:10 there:


    Just in case anyone was curious.


    This is the greatest, creepiest, thing I have seen/heard in awhile. I don't know morse code, but if I had and heard that, I would have shat bricks.

  6. You can tell when a Dev actually has a passion for gaming. Not willing to change things to see how they work and such a supportive person! Looking forward to this! Keep up the good work on the best game ever (Don't hate him everyone on arma team.) Yes I know it is a mod.. Still.. Best pc game available now.

  7. I love this. The tears. The drama. The eve leaking into dayz.

    All the haters need to STFU, this is how stories get written in sandbox games. This is hour heroes are made an conflict becomes history. I hate people that bitch about how other people play their games, "hurrr durrrr you're such a nerd, I am going to go sit in front of wow/cod/any other casual crap ass game title for 10hours straight. I am not a nerd, I don't roleplay."

    I can't wait to see how this develops.

    Also, if war happens, I would love to see streams of both sides, although I am sure one or both will end up stream sniping.

  8. Don't flame me BUT why doesn't the humanity reset on death? Every other stat does.. I believe if it reset on death you could use humanity as sort of a points system. Right now I have -40k but it doesn't mean anything to me. Now If I had to accumulate that all in one go and got killed after getting such a high score... Well, then I would have to try harder next time.

    I know some people use the amount of time lived to feel accomplished but it's easy to sit there like a paranoid ass hole instead of going out and racking up a score!

    I understand having to "stick with your decisions" but I don't think this really changes things, other than it would make survivor encounters more sketchy and fun.

    I know this is not an arcade cod shooter, get kills for airstrikes zomg!, but it is just something that makes sense to me.

  9. I think they should just stop now. Work on nothing but bug fixes in its current state and focus on a stand alone game. Same realism as ARMA, I don't care if it is on the same engine but things like direct chat needing addressed hinders a lot of potential gameplay. As I understand DC is broken in ARMA and not just the mod. I would pay 50$ bucks for this and buy it for all my nay saying friends, who I am having a hard time getting to download because "OMFG DIABLOZ."

    As someone else stated, this game gives the thrill eve does but on a quicker pace, not instant but not as slow as eve either. It would be AWESOME to see some kind of ecomny without the game being taken out of context (i.e. Vehichles should be hard to obtain/keep running, no op guns, and no b.s. airstrikes or anything COD.)

    FPS games literally NEEDS a revolution like this game or we are going to be stuck with COD clones for to long(already to long!) I haven't felt this engaged in a game since Eve and before that Lan parties with counter strike and starcraft!

    Go devs go!

  10. This guy shot at me from inside of a building, misses both times, I hit him in torso with Winchester and he runs into the back room and logs off. ><

    I stalked the list of servers to see if I could get vindication but the server list started bugging and I have to go to work.

    Not sure if/where we should report abusers at, but if you see this guy, shoot him in the face.
