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About FatKev

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. FatKev

    Banned from DE 1859

    Spoke to the server admin and worked things out. Nice guy to be fair.
  2. FatKev

    Banned from DE 1859

    I was just banned from this server as well.... along with whoever else was on the server.
  3. A few randomly placed shots from an AS50 takes out a heli quite easily. A friend and I were on top of the factory roof in Cherno near the medical tents and I tell him to find cover cause I can hear a heli coming. It stops and hovers above us.. then starts to position itself with the side looking at us. I know what was bound to come next. Changed to the AS50 I had and placed a few shots in the location of the gunner - he is dead. But I keep unloading into the hull of the heli shot after shot with my big gun. A clip goes by, the thing is on fire and plunging downwards towards us but thankfully it falls into the streets of Cherno and blows up. First time I had ever seen a big explosion and fire in DayZ. No less than 3 additional killed messages had popped up at some point during this. The other thing was all this action attracted a shed load of Zeds. The building sounds like its surrounded by them. My friend has an AKM and me the AS50 along with a 1911 and a revolver. This is going to be fun trying to get off the top of this building. As we're climbing down the ladder and clearing an exit to get back to our ATV we're laughing at what those poor bastards must have been thinking. All that effort to repair a chopper, thinking they are gods sitting high up in the sky and would give some poor noobs on an open roof some grief. Don't think they were counting on an AS50! Oh what terrible luck for them. However, in true DayZ karma - I died later on and deserved it.
  4. I had the same problem, running and beta 95883. Kept spawning back at coast as well. Died now cause some arsehole shot me as I was trying to find my bearing. Rather annoyed as I had some nice equipment.
  5. FatKev

    [1.5.7] Keep Spawning at the Coast

    I was near the base of Klen hill, logged out. Log in today, die instantly on log in and respawn in the plaines without any of my equipment. Log out and back in and end up on coast. Run to a certain spot, log out then back in hoping it was just some error or something. Still no equipment, back at random point on coast and got shot. Thanks. Beta 95883 Dayz