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About Treehead

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Treehead

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I can confirm this. Tried the new "Play with SIX" and it worked like a charm, Pretty nice map. A lot of buggy buildings with falling through floors and breaking legs. Far too many instantly respawning telepathic zombies. But it looks really good. I just can´t get in my head why it should be desirable to die of pneumonia within minutes after spawning. The low temperature is nothing more than retardedly frustrating. Hey, why not spawning in underwear in the middle of antarctica, with the slight chance that you might meet a polar scientist and steal his clothes within 30 seconds... It's just perfectly realistic... Except that in reality you could never ever get to the starting point without adequate clothing.
  2. Treehead

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I get kicked instantly from every single server (Even when they don't appear locked or whitelisted). Never had this problem with any other map. Usually I use DayZ Commander for starting DayZ, Fallujah, Pantera,etc. and a .bat for playing on the Celle map. Namalsk is the only one where it seems to be impossible for me to get on a server.
  3. Treehead

    Incoming: Password Protection.

    I'd prefer whitelisting to passwording. Passwords go around like a STD. But the same day when PW or whitelists are allowed, I'm booking a new server. I think I would make it similar to joining our MMORPG guild or our guilds forum: Start a new topic, introduce yourself, write a few sentences about yourself, give us at least your email address. If your introduction doesn´t sound like a spoiled ADHD brat, we give you a trial period in which we feel entitled to kick you for any reason, after that, we don´t care. The most important part is not to grow too fast.
  4. Treehead

    Can Someone Explain WTF Happened???????

    It gets pretty ridiculous how people see hackers everywhere, or - even better - admin abuse. How about this: An evil, evil admin changed something on his server in your disfavor, so a minor road bump destroyed your car. Blacklist him. Kill Osama! Burn the witch! Call FOX News!!! Not that DayZ didn't have a hacker problem. It has the biggest hacker problem I have ever experienced in a MOG. But the problem doesn't get solved by accusing everyone of being a hacker. After 3 days of gameplay you get enough skills to be called a hacker by a complete noob playing for the first time. "He can sneak aroud a village without being aggroed my Zed. BAN HIM!" Of course we have thousands of script kiddies running their bought scripts without the slightest understanding what the scripts do. Allow whitelisting of servers and the problem is contained. How about this: There was a Sniper at one of the towers in Cherno, he saw you driving around in your car but didn´t want to waste a bullet. Then you left town driving in a straight line away from him (without any transversal velocity) he simply fired. You were so far away that you even didn´t hear the shot. For me it sounds more probable than there was a "hacker" who acually could do anything more than klicking on his thunderdome-bound-key. But whatever: You were in cherno in daylight driving around in a car. You got killed. What did you expect? I put my feet into water, they get wet. So what?
  5. Treehead

    Zombies way too hard now

    I think it would be annoying if we could be infected easily with a little drop of blood as in "28 Days Later". But I would love to see every killed survivor stand up as a zombie after 10-15 minutes to roam fully equipped (without being able to use weapons and stuff) so you need to kill the zombie to loot the corpse.
  6. Have a friend with morphine waiting for you in front of the hotel and jump on his head.
  7. Treehead

    Should I just shoot everyone?

    Well, it's an experiment. Do what you want to do and expect being shot all the time. You can start shooting everyone on sight, if you don't like it anymore you can start being the helpful medic. I would definitely reccomend everyone to try being the evil sniper at some point of his DayZ career (preferred after finding a sniper rifle) to see how hard it is to snipe someone and to learn how to avoid being sniped. After several weeks in this game I can tell you that the most fun part is when you are freshly spawned and have nothing to lose. My next step is going to be the insane axe murderer, It looks like fun :D
  8. Treehead

    Zombies way too hard now

    The points I'm complaining about would be implausible for almost any AI controlled pc game enemy, except the lore tells me that this enemy is omniscient.But I doubt any game developer had the balls to insert the christian god as a shootable NPC into their game. I assume not with their intelligence and debating skills. How could microbes kill the aliens in "War of the Worlds"?
  9. Treehead

    Zombies way too hard now

    That's how they should work and most do. But I assume you never had the joy of being spotted from 200m at night, lying in deep grass and peeking with the 3rd person camera over a wall? THESE zombies are so extremely annoying. Most times I'm a gammawarrior and I like to lie on the ground, several hundred meters from the town I want to enter and watch the zombies. From their spawning points and walking directions you can pretty soon see if there is another player in town. I have done this for 2 weeks and I have a pretty idea how they should behave. You can make their behaviour more random or whatever, but it doesn't make the slightest sense that sometimes a single zombie inside of the town starts running towards me and aggros me. No player could have only noticed me except he had thermo view but one sigle zombie can spot me? This reminds me of the idiotic mission in ArmA(1) where I had to snipe someone in a hotel. It's a pretty long shot at the edge of the effective range of the Dragunov, but at the moment I shoot, several MG gunners headshot me firing from the hip.
  10. Treehead

    Zombies way too hard now

    I don´t want to say "realistic" but "plausible" zombies should always be easy at some point because they shout be stupid and predictable. Not to this point that it should be no problem to kill any amount of zombies in any situation. A city full of aggroed zombies should always be a death trap, but there should always be reliable tactics how to handle zombies in general. And to most players it should be possible to simply outsmart them. (initially I wanted to say "any players", but judging on some postings in this forums, ehhh... no I don´t want zombie shaped wooden blocks standing around.) The problem now is, that they are inpredictable, their behaviour seems random and some of them seem to have supersenses. Combined with the handgun nerf, zombies walking through closed doors and attacking through walls, they are pointless ATM.
  11. That's why a standalone DayZ game is a good idea. BIS can make their ArmA3 as mod friendly as they want, keeping the engine interesting for their military customers, other modders etc. But there is no need for further mods of the DayZ game (a.k.a. hacks) so they can remove the open parts, drop any custom client side scripts without executing them and so on.
  12. Treehead

    Weapon Nerfing

    The point ATM is: after the recent handgun nerf you need less empty cans thown at the zombie than bullets in it's chest to kill it. OK, I see it: empty can nerf is coming.
  13. Treehead

    So what's your DayZ soundtrack?

    When being chased by zombies:
  14. First: It's their server. Second: Since hackers are everywhere, everything is seen as hacking. The point of a simulator is, that over time you can achieve pretty awesome skills. You are hidden between bushes, can't see anything and get a headshot? Most players cry "hackers!!" But it can be a team of a spotter with a L85A2 AWS putting a laserpointer at your head and a sniper blowing your brain out from 800m away. I started playing on sanctuary servers recently and it's much enjoyable and relaxed. The admins can run scripts and addons which kick and ban automatically everyone who tries anything that looks fishy. So they can afford being more laid-back and be sure that a lucky strike is just a lucky strike.
  15. Treehead

    Done With Server Hosting

    Yeah,right! We have hackers that can spawn crates full of every crap Arma2 has and regularly bomb your server into oblivion. Dupers building tent cities full of über-gear, but the biggest threat to the future of this mod is that you could pickup a Makarow mag in the outskirts of Gvozdno without the risk of being Thunderdome'd