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Everything posted by Tobu

  1. So I just got a DMR for the first time from the cherno military camp and needed someone to test fire it on. Obviously a zombie wouldn't have been a proper test subject for various good reasons. I was just making my way to elektro when I saw this dude running near Prigorodki. I got into position, waited for a perfect shot and once he stood still for a moment, fired. Sorry mate, must've given you a terrible haircut. The gun aggroed all the zombies from 250 meters away so i wasn't going to try again. http://youtu.be/56nB9F5DLvw
  2. The fact that I'm playing this in front of a flat screen in my room, being able to see the surrounding environment and therefore not being able to fully "live inside the game".
  3. I woke on the beach in Krutoy Cap. I decided not to use the online map this time, rather to rely on my own knowledge of Chernarus (what little I had of it) to survive. I headed inland, climbing the steep mountains until I reached a road. I followed the road for awhile, but then noticed that it was heading into a village. A zombie infested village. I had nothing to fight the zombies with, and I figured the village wouldn't be a great source of supplies either. I left the road and climbed up a hill. As I was scouting my surroundings something flashed in the corner of my eye. As I turned towards it, only to find that it was a rabbit, I saw something in the distance. A tent. Several of them, infact. I immediately felt paranoid and ran behind a tree. Everything was still, except for the rabbit, jumping around in the undergrowth. I figured that I had nothing to lose and approached the campsite. As I looted the tents I found a coyote backpack, some raw meat, a DMR with 6 mags, MP5SD, no ammo, and some AKM rounds. It was only then that I realised that whoever put this camp together was a completely legit player and losing these items would probably sadden them. Still, I needed them more. And I didn't take everything, I still left him some random ammo, 2 alice packs and some miscellaneous items. I realised that the owner of this campsite could still be around, so I left, heading north. Atleast I thought that it was north. I was then 500 meters in air and falling. I then died. This is not going to be a rant. I just wanted to say that DayZ is an amazing mod and we must not give in to these sad, terrible people who can only have fun when other people are suffering. Keep on playing and try to avoid the hackers, play on servers that are not full, look for signs that point to the fact that there's a hacker on the server: helicopters, large explosions, boat in a church, people starting to die in an alphabetical order, getting warnings on your screen about textures / scripts, seeing custom skinned cars etc. There are not always signs that point to a hacker but it's something, anyway. Also, if you get turned into a sheep or w/e, try closing Arma from your task manager, it may prevent it from saving your unfortunate state to the hive. Also, fun fact, had I not taken these items from the tents the player who owned them would still have them. Now they're just gone forever Create a new character.
  4. Thank you so much, I finally got it working! First I tried a 2.3 server and it actually loaded and I was able to swim around, which was odd to say the least, but then I joined a 2.4 server and forced the game to close about 20 seconds into the loading and it did the trick! I lost everything except my backpack and my M16A2 M203 but hell, atleast I can play now. Thanks again!
  5. Nah the hacker definitely teleported everyone into the air above the sea. I managed to do everything you told me to so i'll log on to 2.6 and see if it worked. Hope it works. Also, I play on EU servers, since US is just too far to give decent ping. *Edit* Well shit. I spawned in water, no land in sight. I think this might be worse than death. I've still got all my gear but... I'm really not sure what to do now. Should I just try your method again?
  6. That is awesome, I had no idea that worked! Anyway, a hacker teleported everyone to the sky again and I managed to Alt F4 in time. I did as you suggested and went on a 2.3 server, waited until it reached loading and closed it from the task manager. I'm really not sure whether im safe to go on a 2.6 again however, because I'm not sure whether the loading got stuck or was it just loading. I mean its just a black screen with "loading" in the middle. I had some really good stuff on me this time and I just want a confirmation that I did it right. Cheers!
  7. I saw a tent in the church in elektro so I guess so, but then again, there was also a boat there so the legitimacy of the contents of the church is pretty questionable.
  8. Thats awesome info, but explain the following for me please. I really slowly crawl to the appartment buildings in cherno, I get in, run up the stairs, see some loot and ... its gone. Just despawned while i was looking at it. I tried to loot the area they were in - nothing. I check the other apartment buildings and find nothing. Hospital still has loot. Why does this happen? It's not the first time either.
  9. Tobu

    Takistan on DayZ Commander

    Why would you call it stupid? It's great imo. And shouldn't you still be able to find servers in the arma 2 ingame server browser?
  10. So I came to DayZ after a couple of weeks of not playing and I wanted to check the UI options. I completely disabled the UI, then turned it back and now my hunger / hydration icons have reset, does this mean that the icons are showing the correct amount of hunger / hydration or not? If they do not show the correct amount, how can I revert this? Cheers!
  11. Ah, I switched debug off and on again and It shows the correct stats now, thanks :D
  12. Tobu

    Shit DayZ players say (contribute!)

    When in doubt, double tap.
  13. Tobu

    Weapon Poll

    Favourite sidearm is definitely M9 SD, as for primaries, I really like the AKM due to it being relatively powerful and ammo for it is easy to come by. My second favourite primary is the Winchester, best gun to kill zombies with imo. Never liked sniping.
  14. So I suddenly started to dance on that server today, at 19.15 GMT, was anyone on that server when it happened, and were you all dropped from 500 meters up? I just logged off... Bloody hackers
  15. Tobu

    NL 20 dancing?

    And then I hit UK237 and the entire population of the server is killed. Must hold on...
  16. Especially on crowded servers. You must be thinking that i am the worst type of scum on earth by now. Well, let me tell you what I actually do there. After a fresh spawn somewhere near elektro I always move there, hide myself in a bush and watch people in Elektro from my binoculars, and wait. As soon as I hear shooting near me (which doesn't take long btw), I figure out where the douchebag is and pop him! And you get to see loads of player interaction while waiting too, I've seen a couple of really good firefights. Just thought i'd share.
  17. who/what are you talking about?
  18. That's what I like to do too, just to blow off some steam.
  19. Tobu

    Stand Alone ESRB Rating?

    ESRB ratings are a joke right now. Kids just get everything online, with their moms credit cards. I remembered when I was like 12 and tried to buy some 16+ rated game and the cashier refused to sell it to me.
  20. Thanks, its nice to be appreciated!
  21. Is manhood a word that people frequently use or have you just been reading ASOIAF books? Just wondering.
  22. I believe that pornographical content is forbidden on these forums, therefore I shall not bother to ask.