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Everything posted by Tobu

  1. Tobu

    The weirdest thing...

    Guess so, helicopters dont spawn currently so it had to be hacked.
  2. Tobu

    The weirdest thing...

    I lol'ed :D They were causing lag issues, if I remember correctly
  3. Tobu

    The weirdest thing...

    You could but they were removed some time ago.
  4. Tobu

    The weirdest thing...

    bumping for interest.
  5. Tobu


    Didnt even notice that steam updated my Arma 2, everything works great.
  6. This world needs more people like you. I've been shot in the face thrice today, while wearing nothing useful or harmful to the killer. One bandit even made me beg for my life, after which he shot me in the face with his rare military weapon.
  7. Okay, so last night I got the urge to try out the gameplay during night, so I fired up DayzCommander. I tried 5 different servers that were supposed to have night at the time and none of them did. I live in Europe (Estonia) and it was like midnight GMT, and the servers I tried were danish, swedish, german etc. Whats up with that? Anyone knows a good server with decent population that actually sticks to the original day/night cycle? Cheers!
  8. Tobu

    DayZ Stories

    Yesterday me and a mate decided to start a new game, meet up and survive together. I spawned near Otmel, whereas he spawned on the docks in Elektro. Instantly we agreed that the best place to gather resources for our trip to the north would be Elektro. It took me awhile to get there but eventually we met up at an old wooden building on the outskirts of Elektro. Unfortunately I had managed to attract an army of Walkers. I bolted into the house, closed the door and aimed down the sights of my M1911. The first walker entered, and then another and other. I only had a clip and after vigorous shooting 6 of the zombies were dead. But the dead kept flowing into the small house and my friend had no ammo. We saw an opening and decided to make a run for it. We managed to get out of the house, but the sound of our running attracted even more and more zombies. I noticed a red brick house to our left and we bolted through it, leaving the living dead standing cluelessly at the entrance of the building. We decided to rely more on stealth and began moving deeper into town. Unfortunately, a zombie took up the scent of my friend and we were separated, he was bolting towards the treeline on the outskirts of the town to lose the creature and as I had nothing to help him with, continued on to the supermarket. As I closed in on the city centre, i heard several gunshots. I could only hope that it was a survivor, slaughtering the dead. I entered the market, and found canned food, plenty of soda and a makarov with two mags. For some reason I instantly felt better, knowing I had a gun to keep away anything that wanted to harm us. Moments later, the feeling of security was washed away by some serious gunfire quite close to me. I told my friend, who by that time had lost the zombie, that he should enter the city very carefully. He was also moving to the supermarket, as I had spotted a crossbow that he wanted. He told me that he was close, so I left the supermarket to meet him. I turned a corner and saw him, followed by a gunshot, and then by him dropping to the ground. I bolted back around the corner, thinking he was dead. Moments later I realised that he was alive as he was screaming "Friendly, friendly!!!" on the voice comm. The stranger had shot him in the leg, just to be sure. We made certain to them that we meant no harm and I also entered the apartment building. There was two of them (lets call them Adam and Peter.), with way better loot than us. They had a tent in the back of the building. They obviously mistrusted us, however, and left in a while. My friend and I both needed medical supplies as I was down to 7000 blood and his leg had been shot to splinters, so it was on me to get to the hospital, get the supplies and bolt back. It took me a couple of minutes to find the hospital. I noticed that the entrance was made of glass and I had nothing to break it with apart from my Makarov. I put two bullets through the glass door, but it didn't break. I didn't want to waste any ammo or attract more zombies so I ran back to the apartment building, grabbed an empty soda can and after running back to the hospital, used it to break open the glass. I managed to deliver the medical supplies, we both gave each other a blood transfusion and I gave him a morphine shot, which miraculously grew back the powdered bones in his leg. We heard more gunfire as we were gathering supplies from the second floor. There was loads of food and more Makarov mags and my friend got plenty of ammo for his M1911. Armed to the teeth, we left the apartment building and entered the abandoned schoolhouse. We shot a couple of zombies in the ground floor and then moved up to gather more supplies. We weren't ready for what we were about to discover. On the third floor lay Adam, his body riddled with bullets and on the roof of the schoolhouse was the body of Peter. We were sad that they had died, but that obviously didn't stop us from looting them. As we were on the roof of the schoolhouse, I came to a terrible thought. What if the mad bandit who had killed Peter and Adam was still in town? We realised that we had everything we'd ever need to survive in a forest so we packed up and left, quietly. Our journey to the tree line north of Elektro was uneventful. We reached the forest and logged off. Hope you enjoyed!
  9. I'm new, and this was my first time seeing another survivor. I had found some loot already, including an axe. I was in the Kamarovo industrial building just looking for some more loot when I went afk for a minute due to a phone call. I came back, left the room I was in, and in front of me was a survivor. He also had an axe and started coming toward me. I panicked and planted the axe in his face. That was not enough however, as I backed away a little to see what he would do: He approached me again and swung his axe at me. I was out of bandages and couldn't risk bleeding to death so I attacked him. Somehow I was able to get the upper hand and after vigorous beating he finally dropped to the ground, bleeding. He tried to crawl away, but I figured that he could still be a threat if he was able to heal and track me down. So I slammed the axe in his back, finishing him. So that was my first kill story, I guess. I still kinda feel bad for killing this guy. Had he tried to run I would have let him go...