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Everything posted by Tobu

  1. Stop being such a white knight, it's starting to get pathetic. It's okay to call anyone a cunt on the internet. But maybe im just saying that because my morals have gone down the drain due to frequent visitation of a certain subforum of a certain imageboard. also, thread derail.
  2. My point is that under interests a normal person would write gaming, watersurfing, reading etc, not his/her bloody sexual orientation.
  3. Why would someone want to kill him? He's got a point you know, She's got "Boys" under interests on her profile.
  4. Unfortunately my computer can't handle frapsing arma 2
  5. mfw I just got a L85A2 AWS from a bandit there. Looked pretty legit too, Czech backpack, makarov some drinks and food. Must be mad right now...
  6. Tobu

    Bandit Skin on Spawn

    The same thing happened to me too, except that later on it fixed itself and actually gave me the right humanity and stopped switching skins. Unfortunately i don't have a clue as to what triggered it.
  7. Here's my little story. Don't take it too seriously, it's late, i'm tired and my jimmies are slightly rustled. I actually love this game. Just not right now. I spawn in Kamenka. Wooo, it will be great! I think that its gonna be cool to play without raiding a town for awhile. I then proceed to move north from Kamenka, raiding deer stands as I go. From the second deer stand I find an M16A2 M203, two mags for it. I'm like: "WoW! I've never gotten anything that amazing from a deer stand, of from anywhere for that matter!". Soon after that I spot a barn. I start to close in but suddenly hear someone on direct, speaking to me. I immediately scout my surroundings, im on a bloody field and he is nowhere to be seen. He is really laggy and I can't understand anything he's saying at first, but then he says it, in a really creepy voice: "I see you." I flip the fuck out and abort, cursing retarded scriptkiddies as I go. I join a new server and to my surprise I find a bike near that barn. I proceed to drive it all the way to Zelenogorsk and looting the supermarket there. Then the server crashes, It goes up like 10 minutes later. Nope, bike gone. I then travel all the way north, without seeing anyone or anything, looting a few deer stands on my way. Most have nothing, wtf is this shit. I soon arrive at the NWAF, approaching it from the north. Still havent seen anyone. Accidentally fire my gun in NWAF, ohshit.jpg im gonna die now. Nope. I move on, towards the barracks. Then, suddenly, modern art everywhere. FML wasn't that fixed. Nope, apparently not. I mean you would think that it was fixed because there were two different comments in the patch notes about fixing it but nope. I relog because its too bad. Log back on, go in barracks. Nothing. Fuck you. Even more artifacting. Go all apeshit on the airfield, run out of the barracks and start randomly shooting at zombies. Artifacts everywhere. Run to the Air Control Tower, there's some random rubble in the way, can't get in. Ladders? Nope. Zombie manages to bite me, pop that mofo and bandage up. Go to the fire station, nothing there. Run out, shooting zombies as I go, check every hangar, nothing. Run across the entire airfield to the southern barracks. Still no snipers. Pop the zombies, attract more, run inside the barracks. Almost nothing, some empty cans and G17 mags. Yaaaaaaay! Shoot 11 zombies, got 6 rounds left. Server crash. I went up north specifically to do some pvp and get good loot. Nope. Played on full server all the time (50 players). I feel better now, thank you.
  8. Tobu

    rant story rant story

    I didn't mean to respond to any of these posts but yours was just so incredibly retarded that I had to. The no loot spawning in a general area is a bug. I was just mad because it happened to me. Yes, i'm dealing with it. It is unfair but it is also alpha so shit like this is expected. I've never played Diablo 3 and from what i've seen it's bad.
  9. Tobu

    Is anyone friendly

    I'm friendly, but most of the time I'm just watching you from distance. Unless of course I've seen you kill. Then the hunt is on.
  10. Tobu

    DayZ dreams, anyone?

    Sure is summer in here...
  11. Tobu

    Love the Zombie Fixes

    Oh. That explains why I had such an easy time in elektro right now. I popped a bandit from the second floor of the pub with an enfield and still had plenty of time to get out of the house safely before zombies swarmed it.
  12. Tobu


    So I updated my DayZ and went in a server that ran and I spawned on the beach with a... scarf around my head. Isn't that supposed to be a bandit symbol? My humanity was 0 so I didn't know what to think of that. After playing for like 15 minutes the skin changed itself to a normal *survivor with a cap* skin. Also, how does one gain humanity?
  13. Tobu


    Okay, I rejoined a different server as the previous one crashed and I once again had the bandit skin. I ran around Elektro and saw a guy shoot a survivor dead, so I popped the mofo. I got a bandit kill and 150 humanity when suddenly... the server swiched my skin to the normal skin, reset my kill and humanity. So whats up with that?
  14. Tobu

    Love the Zombie Fixes

    How do you mean shootable? Is the pathing better or what?
  15. As the title goes. Yes, I have the same beta version as the server Yes, it works in skype, steam, anywhere except in DayZ Yes I am in the correct channel Yes I am indeed holding down Caps lock and haven't rebound the key. Getting desperate already... Cheers!
  16. Tobu

    Microphone not working.

    Oh, sorry, didn't notice that you had edited your post. Will check it out right away
  17. Tobu

    Microphone not working.

    Okay, how would I go about doing that?
  18. Tobu

    Microphone not working.

    I was in dayz with a friend and we were in a skype call. I turned off my microphone in skype and tried talking in dayz. He could not hear me. Yes his audio settings were fine. This other time I ran into a group of survivors. I tried talking to them on the mic and when they didn't answer me I asked them if they could hear me. They couldn't.
  19. I have an old i5 and an HD 5750, runs fine except sometimes if I go into a large city with alot of players / barbed wire etc, then I have to relog to fix it.
  20. Tobu

    Your first murder?

    My first kill was a hatchet fight. He started it. I won. For some reason that was incredibly funny to me.
  21. Me and my friend stumbled on this by accident, it works for us but I can't guarantee that it will work for others. Basically if you encounter artifacts you just change your Vsync setting. Doesn't matter whether its on or off but changing it helps. Well, helped us anyway.
  22. I feel your pain. About a week ago I had a similar experience when a hacker teleported the entire server like 500 meters from the ground. Had been alive for about 10 hrs.
  23. Tobu

    Artifacting fix, maybe?

    Changing video memory has never worked for me, for whatever reason. And yeah, should have called it a workaround instead. I made this thread because it might help someone.
  24. Okay so, i just found out that my microphone is for some reason not working in Dayz. No wonder people have been shooting me after saying hello. It's working in skype and i've turned all the volume settings up. Anyone had similar problems? Suggestions? Cheers!