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About mcdili

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  1. That was fucking AWESOME! Also, I love you a ton for the Metal Gear Solid music in the first video, you're an awesome human being.
  2. mcdili

    Base Wiping

    Sometimes it bugs out when it restarts, if you can, contact the admin of the server and see if they can restart it again. My group had the same issue but one of our group was the admin and upon another restart all of our stuff was back. He would definitely do the same for other players in the server if they had the same thing happen to them.
  3. mcdili

    Zombie behavior

    Zombie see's food, the zombie will chase it. It would break the immersion if Zombies just stopped after a while. Shoot them in the leg and run away.
  4. mcdili

    Heli update has revived DayZ

    Thanks! I really do love this game for the stories and memories that come out of it. My character is 9 days old and I have heeps of stories on just this one life. Had a few near-death encounters haha, oh and my dude's legs had to have been broken about 6 times lol.
  5. mcdili

    Heli update has revived DayZ

    Yeah my squad basically would hoard vehicles and items and I mean we'd get raided every now and again and then find more vehicles and items and hide them elsewhere, it was a rinse and repeat deal. About 2 weeks ago though our Ural got stolen and we were pretty pissed, any good military weapon you could think of was in it, SVD Camo, L85A2, AS50, etc etc, the most distinctive part of the inventory of the Ural was that there was 16 Blood Bags. So, yeah, 2 weeks ago it came up missing, oh well we moved on and made about 3 more bases, obviously we would make one after another was raided. The helicopter update comes back, after hours and hours of searching, and a bit of forum research, we found the UH-H1 on the only apparent spawn point that's been reported thus far. After about 4 or 5 hours of fuel and part trips to the Polana factory and lootpiling, we finally come up with the parts we need to get the thing running. Fortunately earlier we found a boat so we were able to make a few ferry trips, since the boat doesn't have an inventory that was our only option. Got the chopper running and airborne, with hardly any fuel. Took it to a nearby fueling point, spent 10 minutes with a small fuel train, and we were off. Within 30 minutes of base-hunting, we ended up in the forests west of Kamenka, and we spotted a Ural. The 6 of us in the chopper were ecstatic, we couldn't imagine that it'd be our Ural but it was a Ural still and likely to have plenty of supplies. We landed, inspected the Ural, and to our surprise, 16 blood bags were in it, as well as our NVG FAL, L85, AS50, everything we had put in there in a weeks worth of having it, was still there, except one SVD Camo, but that was no issue to us. We had one of our guys transport it to safety, I myself don't know where it is but, damn that was a great bit of vengeance. Whoever stole it will log back on and find it missing, and that was enough to put a smile on all our faces. We'd have never found it if not for the Huey, so hell yeah, I love the Heli Update!
  6. mcdili

    ATV attack!

    Because they are bitches.
  7. mcdili

    Being Shot Reduces Max Health

    Sounds kind of silly, and it would be more of an annoyance than anything. I suggest making zombies harder.
  8. mcdili

    Helicopter Takedown by Blunt Force Trauma

    Best advice for editting is to just use the software and get familiar with it. Also, awesome video dude. This is a good testament to how resistant Helicopters are to bullets, I was being told that they go down in like 8 shots from an M16, clearly you guys put way more bullets into him, makes me feel more safe now in my squad's helicopter
  9. The amount of butthurt is strong in this thread. Xiroth, haters gonna hate, awesome job with those kills. That really is an achievement. I am sort of new to this bandit deal, but I suppose I'm doing okay, we run a squad on our server too. We run a larger squad than you but it's generally less functional, only a few of us have the tactical mind to work together. My character is 8 days old and I'm working with an AS50 and M249, just got the SAW yesterday but had the AS50 for days and FINALLY got my very first kill with it yesterday, 500m shot, nothing special, but gah it was awesome! Chalks me up to 6 murders and 1 bandit kill, but I've been playin it safe a lot. Again, awesome job!
  10. Doesn't necessarily work when the Helicopter is 100m+ in the air, your target helicopter will have to be going pretty slow to get some accurate shots off.
  11. mcdili

    nerf drop from zombies

    Nah you're right, it's too easy.
  12. mcdili

    nerf drop from zombies

  13. mcdili

    Did I do the right thing?

    Even when your enemy was disabled from walking he still attempted to attack you, his initial objective was to kill you, killing him was protecting yourself. There's a hospital just south of where you killed him, he would have crawled back, got morphine, grabbed a gun from his mate's corpse and hunted you again.
  14. mcdili

    Stuck on "wait for host"

    The build-fix posted here and in another thread keep asking me for a Username and Password, what do I need to register to in order to download that? I've already uninstalled my BattleEye so....