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About rushua

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. rushua

    What Event Turned You Into A Bandit?

    My first kill on DayZ has to be one the most memorable events for me. When i started i used to run randomly inland until i came across a town. To this day have no idea where i was or what town i was in (and i have revisited them all!). Anyway i found a Winchester (back when they were good). This was my first weapon, and i got that 'woo-hoo' feeling. About 10 minuets later, after some more random venturing i came across a player who had not seen me. Having never had a weapon before i was eager to fire it and poof, headshot. Went over to his corpse, found an AK Kobra... 3 mags....gold mine. From this day on i have been a KOS bandit. Trusting friends only.
  2. rushua

    Best gun for player hunting

    Lee-Enfield is the most practical weapon for player hunting. Its accurate (600-700m, maybe more), two hit kill, ammunition is plentiful, and you wont rage quit over the loss of your not-so-precious Enfield. Yes, it makes a stupid amount of noise, but not much more than firing a DMR. (which has been suggested). My favorite load-out is an M4A1 CCO SD (for stealthy kills), PDW, and a Lee-Enfield. (note: last time i had this setup, i died with 28 player kills) I have even turned down M107's and AS50's for a Enfield.
  3. I don't even change the lyric, i think the song fits DayZ perfectly. Nice to know i am not the only one out there who does :)
  4. Know that feeling :P nice contribution :)
  5. Post songs that you think could be about DayZ. Personally I think Imagine Dragons - Bleeding out, ( ), sums up getting shot in DayZ. Any other suggestions? :)
  6. rushua

    Some little secrets (tactics)

    agreed, he has a good voice for it :P
  7. rushua

    Some little secrets (tactics)

    ha :P nice youtube channel btw :)
  8. I know there are many tactics you can use in DayZ to avoid been killed by the 'average Joe'. From my experience, its always about been smart; especially with positioning. A good think that I always try and do is to get into the mind of my 'enemies', try and work out what i would do in their situation, and attempt to counter it. For instance, i was in a 1 vs 3 firefight on the northwest airfield (me been the 1). I killed all three guys by been smarter and unexpected. Usually, I would expect the average player been fired on by three guys to attempt a rambo-style spray and pray, so i did the opposite. I ran back in the hedges and laid down in a bush. After about 10 minutes, the players assumed that I had combat logged and resumed their looting. I kept close to the group and waited until they entered the barracks. They had, and would be expected, drawn a lot of zed attention and were busy fighting them off. All three were, at this moment, inside the barracks. I crept up the window, and shot two of them dead in an instant. The third one fired back, so I ran off and laid down near a tree. The only thing I could see was the barracks exit. The third guy was clearly alarmed by my presents and ran out of the entrance, attempting to get behind the barracks. He didn’t make it. Another really important thing in DayZ is a pair of headphones with directional audio and clear bass. I had, up to recently, a pair of Razer Orca’s. Not the best, in terms of audio quality, but they gave a clear bass and direction. I owe many kills (and rescues) to the directional performance of the Orca’s. This is because of three things. The first is that I could hear a car engine from MILES away, much further than any of my friends. This is a tremendous advantage as it gives you extra time to plan an assault, or to retreat. It also allows you to accurately guess where a vehicle is (in a city) if you cannot see it. This has also proved to be useful because you know when the vehicle has switched off its engine, and its whereabouts. The second/third advantage is been able to tell which direction footsteps/zombies and gunshots are coming from. Some basic advice I have for improving kills/ avoiding death in DayZ are: Never go into a building with only one exit, unless you HAVE to. Get some good audio gear, it is worth the investment. Play smart, try and out think your enemy – brains vs brawl. Never fire the Lee-Enfield in a city. Patience – other players don’t have it, if you do, it can serve as a distinct advantage.