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About NumpTFlump

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Hospital loot has been a bit rubbish just lately guess it's the luck of the dice, you could of cleared it shoved all the loot outside ran away and came back again, also don't forget to check the roof sometimes the loot spawns on them instead. Bandit base has been removed but the hero base is still going on, has two barracks up there so whatever spawns, spawns! also make sure to check out NEAF as it has 3 barracks =) Happy hunting.
  2. That's a good thing the more the community sticks around the longer things should last.
  3. Did you? Everything is still intact so hope you didn't waste to much ammo haha, guess it wasn't that owned after all not like it matters everything is replaceable. try hard much =P. Like to do my part to keep a community running for as long as it can, just like your $25 donation for the dome, between us we brought some more time yay us :P Don't bother getting a roof though it's pretty bad.
  4. last time was yesterday, strolled into a bandit camp filled with loot, nothing i wanted so i just walked away tried to steal a SUV but it was embedded into a tree. First time just blood bags and crap.
  5. NumpTFlump

    New players are so impatient!

    Well that escalated quickly, sounds like a lot of fun =)
  6. Sorry writing this at work so it's in short sentences before the boss man catches me Server runs quite well, spent most of sunday running around. Community i played with seemed ok, though i hear rumours of a clan that think they own the server, but they sure do have a purdy base. (north west of Pobeda Dam, Help yourselves before it get's domed =) ) Should make an interesting gun fight some day, think they need a rival clan. Admin is active even in the mornings (UK) so that's nice, really need to get the taking parts off cars sorted. Love the fact they have a hero bases and bandit bases (bandits seem to be at a disadvantage though but who cares right?) All in all i give it a 8/10 so far only thing i worry about is the butthurtness there are far more bandits on here then heroes and you know what it's like when someone dies they tend to spit out the dummy and find another server.
  7. NumpTFlump

    Private Hive with weapons at spawn?

    If you wanna just shoot people why not go into a normal game on arma?
  8. From the few posts i've seen from him he just goes around thread to thread putting his worthless 2 cents in, one player i can guarantee won't be missed if stopped playing.
  9. Just don't say you have a tent or they will threaten to snipe you for it ;) I was never worried about you guys being bandits just i know a few groups that feel the need to collect everything and then take it to the out of bound zones so no one will ever see it again, but thank you for clearing that up and might see you in TS sometime though we can just use sidechat.
  10. 1. We tend to have light trigger fingers if you find someone stealing your loot or something i'm sure you can have a pop, 2. Dunno 3. The UK
  11. The only thing that worries me and don't get me wrong they are a good bunch is that the IG's are going to start hoarding all the vehicles.
  12. IT was a good night getting air lifted all over the place =D
  13. What exactly has happened? and do you have a rough idea on how long it will take to get it back up?