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Kuroi (DayZ)

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About Kuroi (DayZ)

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  1. Kuroi (DayZ)

    [FREEWARE] DayZ Install Tool v1.6

    worrom i'm getting this alerts when i start the game and when it's been loaded, any idea on how to fix it? i have arma2 CO http://i.imgur.com/noSAa.jpg http://i.imgur.com/GNLVa.jpg
  2. Kuroi (DayZ)

    You get hungry/thirsty even when offline?

    so you find beans and water anywhere you are? you must be very lucky :D
  3. Kuroi (DayZ)

    You get hungry/thirsty even when offline?

    so when you can't login for a long time (holidays etc) you must accept that you're already dead? LOL
  4. does it work like that? is it intended?
  5. so you like playing in front of a screen COMPLETELY black especially if ran out of flares? you like to not play a game you paid for (arma2) when you have some free time cause you don't see shit? a black screen is not realistic.
  6. is there any issue with night? it's so damn dark in every server ...
  7. every server says waiting for server response T_T
  8. Kuroi (DayZ)

    THE Firewood thread

    i found wood in a supermarket in cherno but i clicked the wrong arrow and it disappeared lol
  9. Kuroi (DayZ)

    [FREEWARE] DayZ Install Tool v1.6

    can you point it mr. bad repper? i really can't see any link to the 1.4 version in the first page' date=' the link on the website tho downloads you a dayzupdater[u']135.zip :rolleyes: i downloaded that to check if it was a typo and found it was, but what if someone doesn't do it? asking is forbidden? :rolleyes:
  10. Kuroi (DayZ)

    [FIXED?] Too many zombies DISCUSSION

    so zombies are very few now? :( still downloading here
  11. Kuroi (DayZ)

    [FREEWARE] DayZ Install Tool v1.6

    where's the link for 1.4 version?
  12. Kuroi (DayZ)

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    rocket will bandit's skin be removed with 1.5.8?
  13. dango daikazoku forever!
  14. Kuroi (DayZ)

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    so 1.5.8 will still have bandit skins for people with negative humanity? how will the temperature system work? and what's this? oO * [NEW] Forced disconnection saving for abort and alt+F4