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Everything posted by ninja!

  1. ninja!

    I regret buying this bull5h1t

    good night sir.
  2. i wish they could just get rid of these wire fences for once... its just a pain in the ass
  3. ninja!

    Hackers Caught on Film

    I want to see the real faces of these hackers when they get banned... now that will be epic look what they do to us in this video... after everyone got spawned in the plains. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf98KT3AfO8[/url
  4. ninja!

    Is this normal?

    so anyway's this happens due to a hacker. pretty funny if you ask me. all got teleported to plains and yeah... you get the picture http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf98KT3AfO8[/url
  5. ninja!

    Is this normal?

    haha lol it does look like that! funny hackers now dayz!
  6. ninja!

    found a mountain dew

    I have had 3 mount dews in my life time in this game and not once have i been able to keep it for more then 12 hours... so yeah it is cursed!!!
  7. ninja!

    Where did my L85A2 AWS go?!

    what he said /\
  8. ninja!

    Girlfriends Day Z is running wonky.

    Arma requires heavy load and im not sure but her specs are not good enough. if you say that the game ran well before then it most likely be the server you are playing on. i am running on AMD x4 B55 8GB ram and 560ti and still get crappy frames sometimes but that is due to the server. if you go on a fresh server which recently restarted then that might help. and always leave the video memory on default!
  9. i remember tapping a wall once and the ATV blew up along with me dying... it was my first ATV experience
  10. ninja!


    Be prepared to be nuked by the "this has already been posted" people... but i totally agree with you. this has to stop. i lost my player 4 times this week because of hackers but today i have seen a lot of people getting banned from servers by battleeye so maybe there might be change.
  11. ninja!

    The bans..

    So? The guy clearly needed assistant from this forum... i do not see anything wrong with that. Infact if other people have the same problem then they will straight away come to DAYZ forum as that is the easiest option and most ideal place to post for new users. If i got banned unlawfully then i will go to DAYZ forum and find out if anyone else has the same problem... and the guy even said this is the only place he can find help so i don't see why you have to go all bitchy on him. it makes sense... you get banned in a game that you play... you will end up going to the game forum. simple as if I had 900 post i would be more respectable to new users...
  12. ninja!

    The bans..

    I swear, some people tend to piss me of... its like every thread i read there is one ass wipe that has to act like a police and hate on the OP. to be honest with you, there are several people getting banned for no reason due to battleye... i do believe the OP and if you don't there's no need to insult or act like a fagidy fag. some people do not use this forum all the time so people with 200+ post have no right to act like you developed this game your self... quit being such a dick and just be nice :)
  13. its a pain in the ass... doesn't stop zombies and sometimes can be jumped over and other times you cant or you break your legs. if it actually prevented zombies from entering the barbed area then it will be useful to have but otherwise i don't see any use for it except preventing players from accessing certain places (which works half of the time) don't know if there was a topic about this or not, tried searching... what do you guys think?
  14. ninja!

    The bans..

    VAC has way better hack detection than BattleEye... even Punkbuster is good. i have been hit by hackers 3 times this week... its not fun loosing your stuff after hours of finding them :( oh well lol.
  15. just lost all my gear and my mates aswell... hes names Rodney or something at around 22:25 GMT US1211... nuked on airfield and when we stole a bus he just nuked the hell outta us and we both end up dying a useless death! damn this fuker HACKERS!! argh! edit: ok i think it was a hacked bus because i just spawn next to otmel and theres like 4 busses there...
  16. ninja!

    US1211 Stupid Hacker

    ffs no need to get so bloody rude... i forgot to take a print screen or record... but if i spawn again at ELECTRO then i shall... its like every player got a vehicle in this server.
  17. i was thinking... when someone is killed, it should show who killed them rather than just saying that person was killed. i dont know if this is already available in dayz but anything someone gets killed by a player it should show who killed who to make it more interesting and act on REVENGE!
  18. well me and mate just stacking our tent up with all the gears we have including 2 M107, FAL, ghillie suits etc and all of a sudden BAM! we entered thunderdome (not our first time)... so we quickly aborted and waited for the admin to restart server... after restart all our items disappeared from the tent. just wondering if a 2nd restart will bring back our goods or are they gone permanently? dont mind loosing the stuff but took us hours to find a spot for our tent and find the items lol.
  19. ninja!

    Crop Growing/Harvesting

    grow abit of weed :D get high make your vision blurry lol.. just a fun addon would be great.
  20. we from the uk so we tend to play at night times meaning we look for US servers to play on for daytime servers. we looking for a steady server to play on so we shall try yours!
  21. from london uk to... me and mate both 21 and play the game mainly at night or on our dayz off... add me skype gloryninja if u wanna join us...
  22. Yeah it makes sense. But if you were directly killed by a player then it would be nice to see who killed you lol... but yeah and also when you study a dead body, it will mostly not finish the sentence... but either than that this game rocks to the fullest even on APLHA state. oh and the hackers must die!
  23. ninja!

    What about Green Mountain?

    there are like zombies spawning there like theres a crash site or something... get hit and break my leg and stuck there till i get it fixed. had a morphine in my inventory but for some reason it was gone when i broke my leg. so yh... green mountain... zombies are to look out for... damn dem! oh and BTW i also heard shots coming from there too but when i got there, it was nothing but zombies and no dead bodies etc.
  24. ghillie suit!! das all i want :D:D i lost mine and never got to even wear it due to hacker... but would appreciate if you do have any to give to a brother?
  25. yup it was saved. we normally press save tent atleast 5 times to be sure lol, but normally our items will always be there but after being spawned in thunderdome in US1211 last night and server restart our items are all gone...