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Chuck L.

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About Chuck L.

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New Hampshire (U.S.)
  • Interests
    gaming, drinking some beers
  1. Chuck L.

    Hacker maybe?

    yeah not yet. This shit is startin to get old
  2. Chuck L.

    Hacker maybe?

    Is there even a AS 50 W/Thermal in this game?
  3. Chuck L.

    Hacker maybe?

    So I was just playing on a US server looking for downed choopers around Stary, and I find one and as soon as I get to it out of nowhere I have a AS50 with thermal with 6 mags a FN FAL W/NV and buch of mags and a coyote backpack. Now I already had some good stuff but I ended up killin my self because I heard if u get caught using hacked shit u can get banned. Just wonddering if anyone else has had this bullshit happen?
  4. I've been playin for like 7 days or so my Skype is rig791 and my steam ID is the same. Hit me up if u wanna play
  5. Whats up? I'm a fairly new player, been playin for like 7 days. Got controls and stuff down and lookin for cool guys to play with and hang out. My Skype is rig791 and my steam id is the same
  6. Chuck L.

    Gettin Kicked

    Cool thanks for the replies and happy surviving. Man I love this game
  7. Chuck L.

    Gettin Kicked

    Character name is Chuck L. I'm just geetin tired of gettin booted every game i get in to. And was curious if anyone else had this problem. Also it happens everytime I raid the NW airfield
  8. Chuck L.

    Gettin Kicked

    just says u have been kicked. no reason given and my average ping was 30-70. Thats preeety good
  9. Chuck L.

    Gettin Kicked

    for the last couple of days ive been playin and i have been kicked of 3 servers for no reason. I am kindda pissed. I havent shot anyone or cheated in any way. Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem
  10. Chuck L.

    Help with Tents

    Ok thanks guys I appreciate it. Man what a pain in the butt.
  11. Chuck L.

    Help with Tents

    Could someone please explain to me how to set up a tent. Everytime I try to set it up it says ground needs to be clear and flat and I've tryed to set it up in the middle of a damn field. If anyone could help I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
  12. Chuck L.

    Simple Question

    ok thank U. My mistake. Only been playin a few days. Thanks again
  13. Chuck L.

    Simple Question

    Ok so I just found a chooper crash and picked up the FN FAL with night vision and thermal but I can't figure out how to switch to thermal can someone please help me. I really would appreciate it. Thanks guys
  14. Chuck L.

    Looking for someone to play with

    how's it going been lookin for some one to play with. im getting in game in a few minutes. my Skype and Steam ID are rig791
  15. Chuck L.

    Someone to play with

    I've been playin for a couple days and have some gear. MY Skype and steam ID are rig791 if u wanna get together