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Everything posted by nexerius

  1. nexerius

    MERGED: Night time, darkness, gamma

    The nights on most servers are idiotic. There are nothing as a 100% dark night. Everyone can see alittle if it gets very dark, but here its like you just left a very bright room and ran into the night.
  2. nexerius

    bringing dayZ to kickstarter

    Why should they need kickstarter for this??
  3. nexerius

    Am I the luckiest newbie player?

    Ahem, the inventory is pretty good, if you just know how to use it. Play some training or something, before you go straight ingame...
  4. nexerius

    Melee Weapon Petition

    Theres a guy on youtube that has alot of meele stuff for arma 2, just search for him
  5. I just have to laugh when people call the zombies "walkers" Anyways, this is what i hate about Dayz. Don't give me the motherforking "Hurr dis is realistic people would shoot eachother durr!!!!!!1??!111" All they forking do is kill eachother for no freaking reason.
  6. nexerius

    What do you want to see in 1.5.9 ?

    I would HATE new zombies. It doesnt feel right. And especially NOT DOGS.
  7. nexerius

    Military Skin/Faction?

    "You one of the 2% uninfected(or something) left on the earth" Cant we keep it this way? Factions are okay, but no military forces..
  8. nexerius

    Remove NVGs.

    I avoid playing at the pitch black nights. They're unrealistic, and i cant do ANYTHING in them. Some servers have moonlight nights, and thats much better, even tho it could be a few percentage darker.
  9. nexerius

    MERGED: Cannibalism

    No, for the love of god no. It would be really silly, i tell you. And then bandits wouldnt even need to search for food anymore...
  10. Just wanted to inform all of you that ArmA 2:Combined ops has hit Number 1 on sales on steam! Holy shiet, what a mod can do! Congratulations on doing so good so far! Oh and look at this! http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16786 (oh and we need more servers)
  11. nexerius

    Melee Weapon Petition

    I have never seen melee in ArmA 2
  12. nexerius

    Empty Bags

    No its bags you can pick up. They dont have anything in them.
  13. nexerius

    I was evil last night...

    I seriously hate bandits like this. Dont even try to do anything anymore..
  14. nexerius

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    Thanks, and happy birthday! And please let the numbers of zombie stay. More zombies is great.
  15. Great work. I guess its the new players complaining... Bloody new players...
  16. I get this strange graphic bug in chernogorsk. For example, it looks fine when looking straight south. But when i look the other directions, it changes from small white lines, until i cant see anything, and sometimes HUGE boxes pops up and it looks like a TV with static. I have no idea whats causing this, but one of my friends have had the same problem.
  17. nexerius

    Can't join a normal server with DayZ

    Bejeebus. Remove the command line or whatever that takes the game to the dayz folder, remove that line. If it doesnt work then, remove the whole folder and try again.
  18. nexerius


    for the love of god, no.
  19. nexerius

    Rebalances, rebalances rebalances

    I don't see why you want to increase the sound. Its pretty much one shot and you're screwed.
  20. nexerius

    Sniper rifle scopes and NVGs

    This game doesnt support weapon mods i think.
  21. Are you all dumbas*es? Not many people "CRICRI" when they tell you about Bandit vs survivor. They're just as annoyed as me because more and more are becoming bandits. Yesterday i played, and i experienced lots of stuff. SSurvivors shooting eachother at military camp (i killed the guy that started it all) ran abit back, but got shot in the side by a camper bandit. From that moment i got so pissed i started hunting bandits, and helping survivors. I actually ran to the centre of elektro, in a flared area where a survivor was hunted by like 10 zombies. I pretty much ran in (as bandit skin, since i had to defend myself once or twice) and pellet-killed every zombie and bandaged him. He thanked me and asked me if i needed food or anything. ^^^^^^ This is how i want this game to be, people trying to save eachother, trade and other things. Its of course its supposed to be PvP in the game. But when bandits actually tell me that they dont even care about loot anymore, and just kill for the fun, its starting to get bad.
  22. nexerius

    Crashed Helicopter kills upon entering.

    Can confirm this, lost all my sweet,sweet loot. :(
  23. nexerius

    Chernarus file

    Are you running it in combined ops? Chernarus is the arma 2 map, if you dont have arma 2, you cant play the mod.