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Posts posted by blitzz

  1. jeg er octaveum btw.

    jeg er i frankrike nå i 2 uker og ønsker å skaffe en dag å spille på når jeg kommer hjem igjen :)

    så om vi diskuterer dager og tidspungt folk spiller på så vi vet sånn noen lunde hvorti folk er på :D

    i mellom tiden kan jeg se om jeg kan fikse oss en teamspeak server istedenfor skype,

  2. I used to be like you, but then i found a bicycle and that let me to an Uaz, uaz to motorcycle, motorcycle to bus, bus to a V3S Civilian.

    All on the same server..

    I have just found one car in my game time, and that was an uaz ( broken ), to the point!

    don't give up searching and think outside the box,

    for instance i used to think they all where in the cities but then i realized that who doesn't think like that?

    so i went all the way up on the top of the map searching at the spawn points,

    and boom! i found a bike, and you see where that let me.

    i can give you some tips in private msg :)

  3. I wish it would be a way of locking vehicles with a key.

    ( when you have saved an unused vehicle you get the personal "keys" to the unique vehicle )

    so that you can get out of you'r car in the middle of electro and feel safe.

    but on the other side you are not, if you for example have a crowbar you may be able to brake the window or something and get in the locked car and drive away with it.

    This way make it able to find player's cars in places where it's able to find it, instead of players driving the car on the end of the map where there is a chance of 1% someone would be.

    When you die, a player could loot you and find you'r keys. On the key description it would example say something like this:

    ( player name ) 's vehicle, UAZ red...

    thanks, and i hope you liked my suggestion :D

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