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About integerdevourer

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    On the Coast
  1. integerdevourer

    The Quest of the Holy Mountain Dew

    I appreciate your enthusiasm' date=' but I've got a Mumble server and 2-3 streamers (who will act as part of the party). Still feel free to stream, though, any attention will be good. :D What I really need is a admin of a server to help with getting us setup (the five of us). From there, it's up to watchers and other players to join in the fun. We are thinking on multicasting this weekend for Memorial Day. We've already chosen the start/end point. Here's what it will look like. (Edit: The course in Elektro should be leading to the Church, the final destination) More to come!
  2. integerdevourer

    The Quest of the Holy Mountain Dew

    I currently possess the Dew. I'm thinking of getting some players together to do the Quest AND STREAM IT! Even better will be our encouraging streamers to join in the fun (either to kill or follow). I'll update when I have a better idea of when I can stream. :D
  3. integerdevourer

    Naming and Shaming "Tianity" and his stream

    Big baby streamers can't handle being shot at, what's new? Props to who put them down.
  4. integerdevourer

    The Quest of the Holy Mountain Dew

    @Inu: It's usually best to have a small number of people on the Dew-righteous path. It don't know how fair it would be to the poor bandits if a vast majority of the server was against them.
  5. This is an idea for bored players that was developed by me and a few friends. It can be a fun twist for those who have grown tired of getting killed in Elektro. :D There are whispers that tell of a holy relic, rare in the land of Black Russia. It is said this green cylinder holds great powers. Some say it may humanity's only chance in the blighted times. Let the land hear its name: Mountain Dew. Those seeking to save the land, must heed its call and announce its glory. The bearer of the Dew must travel across and anoint the land and drive out the pestilence. How to play: *Find a Mountain Dew *Designate someone as the Dew Bearer *Gather your party (example: Bearer + 4 Guardians) *Choose the most distant city that has an enter-able Church from the Dew Bearer's current position. (include start and end) *Announce to the server in side you are the bearer of the Mountain Dew and your quest. *Each guardian must hold a green chemlight at night ("candlelight" parade). *The group travels to the destination on foot and by roads. *Safety of the Dew Bearer is paramount. Protect them at all cost! The Dew Bearer cannot defend themselves. *Any town that has a church: The Dew Bearer must preform a cleansing ritual. The Bearer must sit in mediation for 30 seconds. (Either at the altar or the door) *Once the Dew Bearer reaches the destination, you win! What IFs: *What if the Dew Bearer falls? One of the Guardians take on the burden. *What if other players want to follow? Just like in normal DayZ, trust at your own risk! They do not need to carry chemlights. *What if the Dew is consumed? Game over. *What if the Dew taken by someone? Retrieve it at any cost! What do you guys think? :D