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About antorugby

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. antorugby


    Everytime I need a map and a compass I go into Cherno and check the restaurants, and always found them. The Gps is useless if you know how to read a map.
  2. antorugby

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    Am I the only one with spawn location problem? I spawned in the wilderness but i don't know where, i think that i see the end of the map.
  3. antorugby

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    If a female character have sex with me will earn humanity?
  4. antorugby

    UK3 locked with admin + 5 others?

    I always saw the server locked with people in, like 20/30 not with only the FS so I don't think that they are doing irregular things. I just want to question, how it's possible for someone to start a clan and set up a base in this server if most of the time it's locked with just half of the people who can join? My friend and I have found a car and we started to set up a base to live togheter in the game, but we can't join togheter on the server, and it's difficult also for one of us to join. Se it will be always in this way and we have to found another server, car etc, or the server will be unlocked more frequently? Sorry for the bad english.