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Everything posted by orlandodoom

  1. name: orlandodoom player id: 38919174 I've been playing on US# 500 VET "GET TO DA CHOPPA" for the last few days, and after acquiring quite a bit of gear, I assume I was hacked and teleported to the debug plains along with a few other players. I don't have any of my items with the exception of my ghillie suit. The location isn't especially important, but if you could put me somewhere safe with my inventory restored, I would be forever grateful. Thanks.
  2. So I'm told that logging into these servers will log me out of the debug plains? Is this true? I tried earlier and it didn't seem to work. I seem to be stuck in invisible water. Though I still have my gear. Anyone have any idea?
  3. Hey Vipeax, I was hoping to get teleported somewhere safe. Preferably near Berenzino, but I'm not picky. Player Name: orlandodoom PlayerID: 38919174 A group of friends and I were on "DE 107" I believe (I may be off on the number). I spawned in Cherno, and the group decided that Berenzino would be the best spot to meet up. I looted the northern Cherno hospital before I killed another player, looted his body, and headed Northeast. Along the way I looted several tents and had a host of medical supplies and weapons on my person and in my pack. Eventually, after running through the wilderness for a while, I came into the debug plains and (not knowing what it was) I figured I may as well just run through since I had the supplies. Not long after I was mysteriously swimming in non-existant/invisible water, and have been stuck in it since (it was at this point that I decided to investigate just what the hell was going on). I have a FAL in my pack, an M4A3 CCO, a revolver, and some grenades. In my Alice Pack are some blood bags, morphine, epipens, and a small amount of food. I already tried Canada 1 at the suggestion of a friend, but it was no help. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.