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Everything posted by Tokae

  1. Hello Rocket! I had a question about the melee weapons. Currently it seems that the only weapons worth picking up are the axes. Is there a chance that the bat or the shovel or even the crowbar damage will be increased? Fighting off zombies right now with a bat takes like 10 hits, and the player is certain to take damage. I would think that if someone was hit with a bat, they would drop pretty quick! Another reason I bring this up is, for all the spawns that have to deal with kitted out players who sit and wait. Think about it, wouldn't it be nice for one of them to be able get a good hit on the bandits who are just there to kill the new comers? Anyway keep up the great work! :)
  2. So I have been joining servers the last like 3 days and I never get into the game. I am in the forest, or out on some giant plain. Never in the actual game... I have all the latest files.. Am I doing something wrong?
  3. Tokae

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Just wondering if this is a glitch? When I come across an ALICE pack as a bandit, I cannot pick it up and use it.. Am I supposed to be able to? I would like to carry more stuff.. If so, perhaps it could be looked at for the next patch! Keep up the great work Rocket!
  4. I love hearing the complaints from people playing the game, about the people killing other people. lol. This isn't World of Warcraft. If WoW allowed for you to just walk up to people and kill them randomly and take their stuff, I might have tried it out! Shoot first, ask questions later.
  5. Tokae

    Banned from Eu8 for russian language

    I applaud your stance regarding this topic Rocket. This truly is a world wide mod!
  6. Sorry if this is a repost, but I have been googling and checking around these forums and unless I am blind (which might be the issue!) I have not figured out some of the icons. I know what the food water, blood are.. There is a mask, which I read some where, is just a representatoin of your humanity? Now with 1.5.7 there is a temperature icon which I guess directly relates to your body temp.. I have seen 2 other icons pop up from time to time, one is a broken bone, which appears when you break your bones from a fall or hard zombie hit. But what is the other white icon? I see it sometimes and I am not sure what it represents..
  7. Yeah it still doesn't show the icon, but I assume its shock.. Thanks!
  8. Yeah I am not talking about that, I get that white icon randomly while just running around..
  9. Just to be clear I have attached a copy of the icon, so that one means I am being penalized for disconnecting?
  10. Thanks for that! Yeah I had no idea about the top white icon.. It randomly comes on and I have no idea why..