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About ravensplayer74

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ravensplayer74

    [New] International Clan Recruiting 13+

    Arma Name: raven_000 Steam Name: ravensplayer7 Skype Name: ravensplayer74 Age: 14 Timezone: MST Position: Scout Skills: Sneaking around and rifle use \Availability: On from 3:30 - 8:00 MST
  2. ravensplayer74

    Looking for a 3 Man Group

    Hey, I am looking for some good players to play with. I am a stealthy guy and looking for 3 more stealthy people. Here is some info for you guys: Age: 15 Play Time: I play 2-4 hours a day Skills: I use Crossbows and Sniper Rifles. I also use ghillie suits and other stealthy things. I have a mic so we can talk. Please get back to me if interested and we can meet up in game. If you want to contact me on skype, here it is: ravensplayer74 Thank you
  3. ravensplayer74

    RECON is Recruiting (13+)

    Age: 14 Timezone: Mountain Standard Time How much time: 2-4 hours a day Skills: Crossbows and Sniper Rifles Additional Info: None
  4. Help I am getting this error. I am using Six Launcher and Six Updater. Every time I try to get in a server it loads and then crashes and says Bad Serial Number gave in setup. Please help me