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dash (DayZ)

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Everything posted by dash (DayZ)

  1. dash (DayZ)


    unless thats a privite server not connected to the hive i do not belive your allowed to do that as a admin
  2. dash (DayZ)

    Banned from CA1?

    if he banned you he had a reason and you should be glad its not a global ban
  3. dash (DayZ)

    Battleye issues.

    you can try updateing BE by yourself http://www.battleye.com/download.html there instructions on there site its just as easy as replace the .dll files
  4. dash (DayZ)


    well atleast you have a place to put you coke and pepsi now :D
  5. dash (DayZ)

    How can I play with my friends?

    http://play.withsix.com/ is comeing for just this reason
  6. dash (DayZ)

    Global banned

    you used a hack script and now you ask to be unbanned lol hope you cant afford a new copy so you never get to play this game again you dont deserve to play with us
  7. dash (DayZ)

    i hate this game :(

    try hello kitty you may like that more <_<
  8. this is more for letting the admin of CA1 know his server has been attcked by a hacker , he spwaned hunderds of jets and started crashing them every where destroying allmost every building in all the main citys and we need you to restart the server i tryed to send you a email but it was returned
  9. dash (DayZ)

    CA1 attacked by hacker

    hes still hacking in CA1 right now
  10. Dogtags would just give bandits 1 more reason to kill you it would be like trophys to them
  11. dash (DayZ)

    Can I Run It

    i7 what 1st gen sec or 3rd and if you trun AA off or low and disable shadows make sure vsync is not on you should be fine
  12. dash (DayZ)

    New patch

  13. you just highlight the new name that will now be your main with the same gear
  14. you can start dayz and when it kicks you exit to the main menu from there you have the option to access the player profile
  15. dash (DayZ)

    New update

    the servers are not 9999 there is a option in six launcer to dertermen server pings but most people dont use it because it makes lag for servers
  16. dash (DayZ)


    open arma oa go to profile make a second profile (dont) delete the main profile and make the second profile your main and dont worry your profiles share gear in Dayz so you will not lose your stuff
  17. dash (DayZ)

    What does this mean? Anyone?

    look closer those are no mod or cracked servers he is not looking for those
  18. dash (DayZ)

    What does this mean? Anyone?

    have you tryed joining throw Six Launcher not gamespy
  19. dash (DayZ)

    Could this run DayZ on low settings.

    this is a little bit over 400 but it will run dayz np if you dont want to try running what you have this is 499 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883227392 and it will run it for sure
  20. dash (DayZ)

    Could this run DayZ on low settings.

    comp from ebay ya right thats just like flushing his money away
  21. dash (DayZ)

    Could this run DayZ on low settings.

    you can even get a rig for 400 from there if you pick the right one
  22. dash (DayZ)

    Could this run DayZ on low settings.

    the rig is not bad its the card this card will run it http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150602
  23. dash (DayZ)

    Could this run DayZ on low settings.

    Floppy diskdrive :thumbsup: make my want to play space invaders