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Everything posted by Digitalzebra

  1. Digitalzebra

    LF AS50 TWS

    So what, if its hacked in the game. I'm willing to pay a hefty amount. Add me on skype : adigitalzebra OR message me here.
  2. Digitalzebra

    LF AS50 TWS

    Nah, I found then. Hospitals are very convenient when it comes to supplying the citizens with explosives.
  3. Digitalzebra

    LF AS50 TWS

  4. Digitalzebra

    LF AS50 TWS

    So you're telling me, that you are in the possession of an AS50 TWS?
  5. Digitalzebra

    LF AS50 TWS

    I genuinely hope I die too.
  6. Two satchels? Do you have an AS50 TWS? I'll be willing.
  7. Digitalzebra

    LF AS50 TWS

    Yeah, yeah, yeah I know I'm not supposed to have one, though I killed a hacker and I lost it because of a to downgrade, I was killed during loading, and my body disappeared. I've got many things to offer, and when I say many, I mean, many. Add me on skype to negotiate : Adigitalzebra
  8. Digitalzebra

    LF AS50 TWS

    How can I get banned for something I didn't script in? Please, do, explain that.
  9. Digitalzebra

    LF AS50 TWS

    Don't like it? Don't post. Simple.
  10. Digitalzebra

    LF AS50 TWS

    I know Its unlikely, just hopin' someone came across one and doesn't like sniping.
  11. Nevermind, I have found someone.
  12. Digitalzebra

    Trade: Looking for a FN FAL AN/PVS-4

    I have the FAL you're looking for. At this moment I'm working on finding any other types of "hacked" weapons, that were taken from hackers. I've already got the G36C in my possession, maybe the Golden AK, maybe the SVD Camo (Even though its not modded). I'm in class all of tomorrow from 545AM - 230PM EST. Feel free to add me on skype to talk about it : adigitalzebra
  13. Digitalzebra

    Looking for assistance WILL PAY (Gear)

    I pay for my server, and the company gives me the choice to "shut it down" while I'm away. I do so, because that is my choice. It's not like there is 5K other servers available to play on.
  14. Digitalzebra

    Looking for assistance WILL PAY (Gear)

    I shut my server off when I'm not online.
  15. Digitalzebra

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    SIgn me up, I'm sure I can make it tomorrow. (EST --> GMT, It starts for me at 8AM, Lawl.)
  16. Digitalzebra

    Tired of BattlEye.

    http://gyazo.com/244e93ad7aaaf8e959babe39024ca49f.png?1345907136. Whats that battleye? I got banned from my friends server, but not mine? Huh, What a surprise that its a GLOBAL BAN. Also, whats that again? I wasn't hacking or doing anything wrong? Alright, thanks battleye.
  17. Digitalzebra

    Tired of BattlEye.

    Still banned. Dunno why.
  18. Digitalzebra

    Tired of BattlEye.

    :/ I just talked to my friend and he said he didn't ban me. I'm probably being trolled.
  19. Digitalzebra

    Helicopter GONE

    Well, I've hit an issue that hurts my quick transportation. :/ My server, has decided that the Helicopter isn't needed anymore. All other vehicles have spawned, though the helicopter is gone from my base. Weird thing is, nothing at my base was touched, the Urals, UAZ, NOTHING. :l I've checked all places that the Heli was saved in past times... Sadly, It's not there. For the sake of my transportation, is there any way to track vehicles as an admin? I know where is a vehicle log file, but it doesn't have any traces of anybody even flying the Heli.
  20. Digitalzebra

    Helicopter GONE

    Yeah I checked, it isn't there :/
  21. Digitalzebra

    Helicopter GONE

    Learn to read : "I know where is a vehicle log file, but it doesn't have any traces of anybody even flying the Heli. "
  22. Digitalzebra

    How to : Make friends in Day Z

  23. Alright, <Rant> So here it is. One of my new favorite games, Day Z. I'm a sniper by heat, people can tell that about my YouTube videos from the past. Now, tell me. How can a sniper, be a sniper when people keep fucking spawning in behind him with M16's and killing you. It may be Ghosting, but I'm sure it's this : 1. People know where snipers like I go, because it gives us snipers a good vantage point on the city, like no other spot. 2. They decide they want to go "Sniper Hunting" 3. They join random servers behind the spot where snipers in ghillie suits lie. 4. They get free kills, and can loot the sniper for his .50 Cal and anything else important, and LEAVE instantly. ------ ATOC: Another reason why I can't snipe in Day Z, is because how ATOC works. Honestly, I think ATOC should be ON All Grass + Trees 24/7. When its DISABLED... You can, see through trees, bushes, less grass shows, the ground is more plain, and it is easier to sot a more "high definition" player model AKA Wearing a Ghillie suit. ------- Ghosting is another bullshit story. </rant> 1072 Letters of text. I'm sure any other snipes can relate to this matter. This is the 7TH time I've died by someone spawning in behind me... and killing me.
  24. Digitalzebra

    Snipers, and why we can't "snipe"

    Well then. Some parts of this community.... Every community has those parts, and I keep forgetting how stupid they are. >Ignored _ On the other hand... I know I can't help someone logging in on my back, but It happens 24/7.