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About phreec

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  1. phreec

    Using RAMdisk to increase FPS

    20 FPS is hardly "fine" :rolleyes:
  2. Sounds like cloud cover. If you play around with the Cloud settings and put HDR on Low instead of Very Low you should always have superb night vision.
  3. I was one of the odd 5000 that survived the char wipe and I also experienced something like this. I believe it's a straight out bug since it happened to me while logging out Shakhovka. I hopped to join my friends server and to my surprise I was a fresh spawn standing on the beach. Next time I logged in I was back at my old, geared character in Shakhovka...
  4. phreec

    Tan Pickup Truck (not white) Valid?

    http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Military_Offroad This one?
  5. phreec

    I Achieved my Dream Loadout!!

    The SVD is nice for looks the first 5 minutes but the AS50 just outperforms it in everything and is much more convenient than the SVD once you get yourself a pair of rangefinders. You wont see any other sniper rifle in my hands 'til the alt+f4 combatlogging is fixed. AS50, L85 AWS and M9 SD for zombies is IMO the best thinkable weapon loadout.
  6. phreec

    Why this mod is failing

    I agree with OP. I'm pretty much a bandit myself, have nothing against PVP as long as it's not just killing noobs wielding flashlights at the coast... The fear of getting shot by other players and losing all your sh*t is what makes this game so intense and awesome. But the point OP is trying to make is that the end-game in DayZ is pretty much ALL about killing other players. There's really nothing else you can do but PK or possibly hoard vehicles and raid clan bases, all bandit activities.
  7. phreec

    Forever stuck at loading

    Also experiencing the same. Latest OA beta and DayZ patch.
  8. phreec

    How populated is Green Mountain?

    An unspeakable evil surrounds that place. Those few who've returned just aren't the same...