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Those Five Jewz

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Posts posted by Those Five Jewz

  1. The foldable "tourist" map that BIS used to give away ( I think you can buy them now) is handy to have as a reference. Unlike many of the on-line maps, it doesn't show lot spawn locations, which is fine with me.

    I managed to download a .pdf copy and had it printed to its 1:20 000 scale so it is compatible with the protractors on my Silva Ranger compass. Let the inner geek shine!

    Also, you obviously cannot zoom in and out with a paper map, so I find it more immersive (relalistic) than using the ingame map where you can zoom down to a 100m x 100m grid.

    yeah i think im just going to print one purely for the fact idk how to hook up a second monitor nor do i have one

  2. Alt-Tabbing is not recommended due to some serious life thretening bugs ;)

    I think most people refer to DayZDB map or some such when they mean having the map on another monitor.

    Bugs with Alt-Tabbing range from the annoying "Stuck direction Button" when you tab back in so your character won't stop moving.

    Single shot fired from whatever weapon you are holding

    To the FREAKING annoying FIRE STUCK ON which wastes your ammo and gives you away or worse ;)

    All these bugs are fixed by hitting ESC then back into the game but by then it's sometimes too late ;)

    If you have to Alt Tab put your gun down or switch to secondary first to be safe.

    Yes Printing the map out works if you can print it A3 but A4 should work fine too =p

    ok makes sense thanks

  3. The different monitor thing is referring to the map you can collect in game I think. Seems a bit over the top. I use the Wiki map: http://dayzwiki.com/.../beta/gmap.html.

    This plus a compass works a treat. Just Alt-TAB back and forth. If you have an in-game map you can also open a mini-map display so no need for 2 monitors.

    thanks for the help, but i was wondering that if i dont have another monitor or a map in the game

    that if i should use a map separately just so i have an idea of where i am

  4. i've heard that you should have a map on a different monitor

    just a question

    would printing the map work the same as a separate monitor?

    noob question i know but im new to Day Z
