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Everything posted by herrjon

  1. herrjon

    Put your hands up = death

    You don't know who's holding the handcuffs. They may end up helping you or give you gear for being a good victim or because they're bored. If anything you get an interesting game experience out of it.
  2. herrjon


    Yeah it was for static cars. Also, lol "daunting trip" that wouldn't take you more than an hour to hit coastline. Even then, the game is a journey, not a destination.
  3. I certainly appreciate and respect your willingness to help. It takes a strong will to do so. I just wanted to make it clear however to any would be patients reading your post, Sab0t and I assume his friend are not direct affiliates of TMW and we therefore cannot speak for their actions at this time. Good luck and stay safe!
  4. herrjon

    Please explain the difference...

    Answers are above, just curious what sort of searching you've done to not be able to find any of that information.
  5. herrjon

    Put your hands up = death

    Well, you don't necessarily need to fight or flight right away, just make sure you're in a covered spot or one is not far away. Buy some time by asking how to put hands up and such. Then from that point you can get some leverage with the situation.
  6. herrjon


    Not sure if you've done this or not, but I'd just make sure to test with a friend/acquaintance who you have outside comms with (ts, steam chat, mumble, etc) to truly see the messages aren't getting through. A lot of times your average player will not pay attention to text chat or not care enough about it to merit a response beyond a bullet. If you have someone on the other end who is expecting a message and can give you specific feedback, should help lead to the root a lot better. Also, you've heard the "get a mic" suggestion, but are you able to hear other players talking over their mics, or is it zero communication? I don't feel believe this is an issue for the game as a whole that the devs can necessarily fix, but is more of an issue on your end, probably due to configuration. Best of luck.
  7. Based purely off the sign I'd say that's Dubrovka, but I'd have too see pictures of the area to be sure. You should see that barn complex on the south side of the main road.
  8. herrjon

    Zombies, interface, survivability

    http://feedback.dayzgame.com/my_view_page.php You can get away from zombies by breaking line of sight and getting away without reaggro just by not making a lot of noise. You also always have your fists to dispatch zeds with a bop to the head. Interface in most alpha games almost always changes going into beta and release. If you have any specific feedback that would be useful, I urge you to put it in the tracker linked above. While the sniping, banditry, or general greifing may not be your cup of tea, you can't control what others do. It's part of the game and has been one for ages. Just adjust accordingly to survive. Along those lines, the permadeath and loss of gear on death has been, is, and always will be a core mechanic of the game. It's a major part of the game that made it popular, so it won't change no matter how much you personally don't care for it. Specifically with the bandages part, you can rip most shirts into rags to stop the bleeding. Your spawning shirt gives you 2. Good luck out in the wasteland.
  9. You mentioned you have a heli? I assume this is in DayZ Mod then? If so, the best recommendation I can give you is simply go and play the base game Arma 2: OA for awhile, maybe the wasteland mod as well. It's the same combat engine, and you don't get set back an hour every time you die. I could throw out a bunch of BS tips and tricks, but really when it comes down to it, it's just practice.
  10. Just head to debug plains. No one is usually out there, and those that are are thankful to see another soul.
  11. herrjon

    Worn food !

    Well if you find a worn banana, you can eat it, sure, but would you?
  12. herrjon

    How many ammo do you carry?

    None. Ammo is for pussies
  13. Depends on the night and what timezone you're in. It can get a bit dead later in the North American night before the EU early birds come on, but it's worth a check. Otherwise it would be a matter of getting on and empty server, going to the forest to harvest a stick, tearing a shirt for a rag, and making a splint.
  14. Well I won't speak to specific ways, as said bandits could be reading this, but I will say we've seen the tricks, and we have security measures. Unconscious patients get a bit messy as we have to help them on their server. Usually it's a high pop one in a busy area, so we send out a larger team usually. We don't mow down everyone in a way, we still stick to our RoE avoiding killing unless us or our patient is immediate danger, so we have to stay quick, stay hidden, and stay focused. If needed and if possible, once the patient is awake and stable, we assist them further on another server. This would be the case of chemical poisoning where there is no cure and can take up to 2 hours in-game to fully overcome.
  15. Well, unless the patient is unconscious, we advise they disconnect from their server to prevent further harm and have them join our server once we're on site. This allows us to secure the area and pin down the location with low risk.It's best to not post what server you're on with location on a public forum, as you are just asking for someone to hunt you down. Operation time can be anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour, just depending on location and condition of the patient. We do our best though to get the closest medic.
  16. herrjon

    The Curse of Green Mountain

    With that as well, the horde would spawn usually outside of the compound AFTER you already were inside. And there was only one way out.
  17. herrjon

    HELP; Sick with food poisoning

    Unless the rates have drastically changed since last I looked at the numbers, if you're bright green energized and hydrated, you should be able to stomach the sickness. Just stay near a water source and don't get in trouble. Also helps to focus looting in the medical rooms of buildings like 2nd floor middle room of offices, bathroom of the barracks, and the jail rooms of jail houses and police stations. Otherwise head over to the team speak server ts.tmwdayz.com and find a medic.
  18. herrjon

    Little help for new players

    You have to realize that just because you found something at an airfield doesn't mean it spawns there. Someone could've had m4 stuff but found a different gun at the af and dumped their m4 stuff. At any rate, it may be at a normal military spawn, but your best bet would be held crashes.
  19. herrjon


    Crouching I believe still lowers your sound a bit, but it for sure lowers your visibility. If you're still being heard, just walk over loud surfaces by holding left shift.
  20. herrjon

    A challenge for you all :)

    It's really down to play style if you consider it boring or not. While the challenge with the current mechanics may not be that difficult, I see it as more of a challenge to get out and explore the wilderness instead of the usual PvP and loot drudge. I personally enjoy wandering around and hunting and such in-game, even did it in the mod. But, it's a sandbox, so to each their own.
  21. herrjon

    A challenge for you all :)

    Screw that noise, who needs a gun. Just charge at those swine with your machete. Outside of that I'd say crossbow or bow (when they get it working) would be appropriate. Also, are we talking you can head out energized and hydrated or you can only eat 3 cans of food from the time you hit the shore?
  22. herrjon

    ethics of first kill

    Except in order to escape reality, something has to fill the void, and we naturally get immersed into the game. With DayZ specifically, knowing everyone else is a player that invests so much time into their characters and is struggling to survive as much as you, coupled with the natural immersion of a game, can give a similar moral feeling to harming another. And sure, we could just not take it as seriously, but what's the point in that. We play games for an experience, why would you dilute and flatten that experience by distancing yourself emotionally? At that point you're just clicking pixels on a screen and clicking on cans, not much of an experience there.
  23. I suggest gathering any info on your surroundings and logging out now before you pass out. Then head to our teamspeak server ts.tmwdayz.com and find a medic. Did you eat rotten fruit, or how did you get sick?
  24. herrjon

    The Curse of Green Mountain

    That was climbing a ladder. Green Mountain had nothing to do with it.
  25. herrjon

    Your first kill

    Well not sure if this applies since this would be a mod kill, but I'll go for it anyways. Have yet to kill anyone in SA, even in self defense. This was when I was still starting out in the mod a few years back, wasn't a full fledged medic but more of a lone wolf ghost, who occasionally helped people. It was in Cherno, in the red brick building East of the supermarket. I was trailing some zeds whilst looting, as was usual. After entering the building and take a hurried turn to the hallway (in order to loot before they caught up) I see 2 players with AK's standing in the backroom. Feeling boxed in and about to die, I reflexively spray down the hall at them. Hearing the zeds growl from miles around from my shots, I see one of them drop to the floor, unconscious. The other one still standing there while he bandages up, the realization of what just happened sinks in and I rush to the back room to bandage up my victim, however by now the zeds have caught up and it becomes a clusterfuck in the room. The damage dealt to me by the zeds prevents me from bandaging him just long enough for him to bleed out, in my hands if you will. During this the other guy opens my backpack, takes what supplies I had in there and logs out. I use up the rest of my ammo to clear the room of zeds. I check my victim to find that they didn't even have any ammo. I needless took the life of a defenseless innocent when I could've just moved along. That's when I decided I wouldn't be taking the life of another unless absolutely necessary. The most ironic part about it, was his player name was Private Ryan.