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Everything posted by herrjon

  1. herrjon

    Why Arma 2 Engine?

    Dallas is exactly right, sure they've used parts of different engines and whatnot, but the final product is its own thing. Way back they were looking at just taking the Arma II engine, changing a few things, and spitting out a standalone, but they realized that wasn't going to work for what they wanted to do, so they took all the BI products, tore them apart, and put together an engine that was going to work. Than and changed the client-server architecture to optimize the game and increase the difficulty of scripters. There probably aren't as many Arma III resources because when they were doing the bare bones developing, Arma III was still being developed itself. To throw it in now may throw the whole engine off.
  2. herrjon

    Food since update

    I would recommend just going straight inland off the coast. Loot only respawns on server restart, so unless you're there right at the start, chances are someone has already spawned where you are and took anything of value. You may be able to find a motorcycle helmet or a basic melee weapon, but it's a better use of energy to just go inland and go where others haven't.
  3. If you were bleeding when you passed out or weren't regening when you passed out (energized and hydrated) chances are you'll need someone to come help you. You fall unconscious when taking enough damage to gain a higher shock value than your blood level, or if your blood goes below 500. If it was shock related, you would've woken up after a few minutes, so if you haven't woken up or weren't regening when you passed out, you'll need someone. That someone can of course be TMW. Currently we are running low on Morphine and splints, but we can certainly wake you up if you're still alive. Charcoal tablets should do the trick, otherwise just keep hydrated and energized until you beat the poison.
  4. This is true, however some may consider this an exploit or bug, as you're drawing blood from someone who has 0 blood. You're free to do what you like, but TMW won't be using it in the field.
  5. There's no medicinal cure at this time, but you can fight it. You'll need to be in healthy status before it happens, or have a friend with blood and food to get you to healthy status. You'll need to eat and drink lots to keep it going. It can take about 2 hours to completely fight it off and get back to healthy again.
  6. Well usually your average joe will get pretty tired after running kilometer after kilometer, lugging around a bunch of gear, running from zombies, and running on warm soda and some beans. It is a feature, some of the timing of it and what not could use some tweaks, but it is intended. It's in Arma as well, it'll throw off your aim as well if you try aim immediately after running for a bit. You just have to lay down (prone) and catch your breath, and it'll steady. afaik there are no negative health effect, although I haven't test out the water/energy consumptions on the new patch, but it's really just an immersion thing, and something to inhibit run and gun. You won't pass out of exhaustion if you're caring to much like in Epoch.
  7. herrjon

    Forced to kill

    The hero/bandit system was removed because there are more playstyles that don't fit that binary system. Just because you killed a few people doesn't mean you should be viewed as an asshole with a constant target on your back. Think of OP's scenario under the conditions that a similar humanity system to the mod was actually implemented when the game launched (or a character wipe). The 4 players would still probably go for the kill for the quick, easy gear. The end result would be the OP who is just a survivor afaik would have a bandit skin and would be KoS'ed even more while the 4 guys respawn with survivor skins to yet again try a similar stunt. Part of it is the mod's humanity system had some major flaws to it, but at the end of the day a humanity system is a mistake, at least in my opinion. If we're looking at this as an apocalypse/survival simulator, people should have the freedom to do what they will, and get away with it. They should build and lose trust through their interactions with people, not by some skin system arbitrarily giving them a skin based on specific actions that don't tell the whole story. Outward appearances don't mean anything in the wasteland, anyone can be a KoS asshole and anyone can be a Hero. The only way you can know for sure is by getting to know them. I like to use the example of a cop or soldier, someone most would trust for protection, taking people out in the wasteland for their beans. It's entirely possible, as once the brown stuff hits the fan, it doesn't matter what someone is wearing or what the did before, they'll show their true colors soon enough.
  8. herrjon

    lack of appreciation

    Because you let him see you first. He saw you and though "I could have the tuna, water, AND all of that guy's gear" and made a go for the K.O. punch to the face. If it works he's set, if not, he's pretty much where he was at. The trick is to keep your distance or to remain hidden until you can get them to sit down for the approach. If I get spotted by someone whom I'm trying to help, I just bolt it out of there since I've lost all control of the situation. I don't carry guns btw. That's all well and good, but be prepared to kill loads of people making a go at you because they think you're holding them up rather than trying to help them. There's also the fact that fist sprinting is the fastest movement speed by far, so be ready to either shoot immediately or die.
  9. herrjon

    Beginners Guide.

    Painkillers and vitamins currently aren't functional items when it comes to affecting your character. You can interact with them and consume them, but they do nothing for you at this time. They are merely placebos.
  10. herrjon

    Beginners Guide.

    Yes and no. There is blood and health, saline and blood bags will refill blood, health can only be regained in a regenerative state AND your blood is full.
  11. There we many, many successful trades in the mod with no "trading outpost" area. There are ways to do it safely. There's also trading clans such as FTC and whatnot. There isn't a forum for it yet, but there was a whole forum in the mod http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/70-trading/
  12. herrjon

    Mossin Loading

    Yep, it's the paint. I may actually paint mine just for looking different and camo, since I never actually have it loaded in the first place. Just use it for binoculars and dire situations.
  13. herrjon

    How To Guide Yay / Nay

    Unless you can find a way to be a stand out, there's already bunches of people doing the exact same thing. Feel free to do it if you're confident you can make it useful and interesting, just keep your expectations realistic. I haven't seen any of your current videos. Feel free to link the channel or video, as it's relevant to the topic.
  14. herrjon

    The Hero Guide!

    In your example video, the guy failed not because he didn't hold them up, but because he lost control of the situation and didn't bail out and look for someone else, he didn't have the cans ready to go, and he just stood there while the fresh spawn ran around. There was also the issue of the guy that was in the house wasn't the one he met on the road, so there was no initial trust built. He did the right thing by pulling them in a house, but at that point the both of you sit down on opposite sides of the room, if you see him get up, you get up and dance around the room or leave. If he pulls his fists out, you can feel free to just bail out and leave him. The running down the road at them wasn't a big deal since they were clearly unarmed, but should have pulled them aside sooner. Sure holding people up is the safest way for you to help someone, but I think it doesn't provide the best experience for people in the end, and if you want to show people not to KoS and trust people that want to help them, you shouldn't do it at gunpoint. I'm not sure what your last paragraph is in reference to, since the previous posts didn't say anything about fame or getting vouches on the forums, but I know that's not my goal. What they were getting at is they feel you should make your presence in the area on the server known so people can come to you for help. With no side chat, you can't find people further away as easily, so your presence has to be known through word of mouth on the server. I personally agree with you on that point, stay hidden and in cover whenever possible, but I'll still ask anyone if they need help.
  15. herrjon

    The Hero Guide!

    I've been a successful Hero for all of the mod and SA. I only "held up" one person to help them early on in my time in the mod, and it didn't end well. They were scared so shitless that they didn't want to have anything to do with me and just begged me to leave them alone. You shouldn't hold people up, bark orders at them, and strong arm them into helping them while you've got a gun in their face. You have to give trust to receive it. It's as simple as making contact in a friendly manner from cover, asking them to respond and then un-equip their weapon (empty hands). If they aren't ready to do that, be sure to be behind them and tell them to alt + look behind them and show them you are unarmed (empty hands). I typically always run with gun lowered or empty hands, hell I've been out there helping people with no weapon at all. Once that ice is broken, most will be friendly and work with you. It's still good to take precautions i.e. never be standing in front of them, having them sit down, etc, but by no means do you have to hold them up. In terms of your killing bandits, it's not what a Hero should do. It's my view (and the view of TMW) that not everyone is true full on blood-thirsty bandit, and is just a scared survivor trying to survive, and has had too many negative experiences with people. Same goes for bandit skin in the mod; just because they killed some people in the past doesn't mean they should be KoS'ed. For me, the act of hunting a bandit is banditry, plain and simple. More on that, in SA it's very difficult to tell what is going on, and as a Hero you shouldn't every jump to the conclusion that someone is just a bandit looking to kill. You witness a firefight going on, who was the initial aggressor? You see someone stalking somone else, maybe they're trying to make friendly contact, or avenging their death or the death of their friend. You see someone handcuffing a player, who's to say they aren't friends testing the mechanic, or someone managed to sneak up on someone that attacked them and managed to handcuff him. The point is, if you're really going to "be a hero" by helping people doing no harm, you shouldn't take it upon yourself to judge the play style of others and pick and choose who you kill and who you help. If they show you trust when you give them trust, then you help them. If they shoot you or make a clear attempt to do so, then you defend yourself. Everything else is just people surviving in the wasteland. At the end of the day though, neither game has no true bandit, survivor, or hero, there are just people, all playing the game how they want to. All those terms are ambiguous and open to interpretation, with this thread being a prime example. Play how you will, just be aware that not everyone is going to consider your actions as heroic.
  16. Nope, we're an international group. We have many EU members and even some Aussies on every now and then. Currently we only have a US Mod server up right now as the EU one was just bleeding our money since no one used it anymore. We don't have a SA at this time and are just playing on servers we find.
  17. herrjon

    Mythical 'Healthy' Status

    That a bit harsh. You could maybe have that argument if it was the fully released game, but in the alpha state things are very confusing and buggy, lots of things don't work or don't work as intended, and you can only truly figure out how some things work by going into the game files and reading the code, and hours and hours of testing, with multiple corpses.
  18. herrjon

    Mythical 'Healthy' Status

    Replace blood with health and you've got it. When your health is low, your blood is full, and you are regening, you get healing. When your health and blood are full and are full enough to regen, you get healthy. It seems though these statuses don't "turn off" once you burn up that energy or water, but once you're there you just have to keep eating and drinking consistently and you'll maintain it.
  19. herrjon

    Mythical 'Healthy' Status

    Incorrect. Infections are not yet in the game. You can use alcohol on yourself and yes it does give you a message, but it does nothing for your character. It's just a placeholder right now. Same goes for antibiotics, vitamins, NaHCO3, painkillers, disinfectant spray, and water purification tablets. Chances are in that scenario, you were still regening blood or were just shy of getting regeneration. Note that healing or healthy will not appear until your blood is full, so you may be regening, but you won't know it unless you pay attention to your colors.
  20. herrjon

    Question about unconsciousness and death

    Yes, you can bandage unconscious players. It will stop any bleeding they are suffering from, but will not directly wake them up. If they're lucky enough to not fall below 500 blood however, their shock will wear off in a few minutes and wake up. If not they'll need to have someone give them saline or blood, or they'll have to be in a healing state (3000 water, 3500 energy or more)
  21. herrjon

    Question about unconsciousness and death

    Well, I can tell you that yes, you can die while unconscious. Once you're health reaches 0 you're done for. As for the other part, I have 0 experience killing anyone, so I haven't seen unconscious vs. dead. Someone else will have to answer that.
  22. herrjon

    Mythical 'Healthy' Status

    Sounds to me like you need to rewatch the video again. There's only 5000 blood and there's also 5000 health. You lose health and blood when you take damage, and health will only increase when you're regening AND your blood is full. 0 blood won't kill you, but 0 health will. When you eat/drink something, it goes into your stomach first, and then is digested over time into your water and energy pools. Most foods either have a positive or negative water amount along with their energy amount. For example, with rice you'll need to take a sip from a canteen every time you eat some of the rice to maintain your current water level. You'll have to drink even more beyond that to increase it. In order to achieve regeneration, you'll need 3000 water and 3500 energy for light regeneration (1 blood/sec) or 3500 water and 5000 energy for full regeneration (3 blood/sec). You get the hunger and thirst messages at 600 energy and 2000 water, respectively. An entire can of beans gives you 462 energy. You'll need to eat about 10 cans of beans after you stop getting messages to just barely have enough energy for full regen. If you are moving or lose water or energy via other means (vomiting, being sick, etc) you'll need to eat/drink more to keep your levels up. Finally, just a tip here, vitamins provide no nutritional value and serve no purpose medically atm. They are just a filler model and a planned feature, but they do nothing for you right now.
  23. herrjon

    This night time stuff is very annoying...

    Sounds like another person is only eating/drinking until the messages go away. If your energy is truly full (20,000 instead of the 600 when you stop getting messages) you can be constantly running for 22 hours in-game time and not die of hunger or not moving for 83 hours. Yes it's not the exact starvation times IRL, but it's definitely not 1 hour. More on topic, there are daytime servers, you just have to find them. I wouldn't count out the nighttime though, it does have its advantages.
  24. herrjon

    I can't wait until KOS is finally done with.

    Misleading title is misleading.
  25. If they're breaking the rules, they will be shut down. No one can run a DayZ SA server on their own box because the server files are under lock and key. And even if they did get out, they wouldn't be connected to the hive. Stop posing hypotheticals, report and move on.