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Everything posted by oshnatour1

  1. oshnatour1

    Should Zombies be abel to "one shot you" ?

    i think its a bit much. just because their skin starts rotting away and they become brainless they now are mma fighters? realisticly couldent you just pop em in the mouth and they'd drop?
  2. oshnatour1

    Cannot zoom out FOV

    well pretty much as the title says. when i try to hit - - on the numpad it dosent let me zoom out the fov. any help
  3. oshnatour1

    Cannot zoom out FOV

    are you talking about visibility because before i could change it. its not veiwing distance its like how zoomed in or out the camera is to your guy
  4. oshnatour1

    Cannot zoom out FOV

    wait so what am i supposed to do. hold down - then hit 9?
  5. so when i play day z my fps is always fine but when i play the normal Arma2 it drops and gets very choppy. this shouldent be happending and i dont think this is a hardware problem because my computer is only a few months old. any help would be appreciated
  6. did you update using dayz commander?
  7. well i like them and i don't even snipe... ever. the reason i like them is that they give you a sense of danger when you are going into a high traffic area. watch out guys there's probably snipers over that hill that could kill you before you know you're dead
  8. pretty sure bill gates isn't greedy....
  9. just move it to be safe because you wont always be on when he is and he could take all your shitttttt
  10. oshnatour1

    M4 holo SD?

    and even if it was a legit gun it wouldn't be worth a as50 or m107 nvm a chopper.
  11. oshnatour1

    Coast Spawning, Please Explain.

    i dont know how it would be a sever hoping thing because every time i spawn in... (hours apart) its a new spawn so i dont know about you but i dont consider that a server hop
  12. oshnatour1

    run rabbit

    love frankie
  13. so now that our mags don't restart at 30 or whatever they happen to hold when you spawn in i came up with an idea that probably wont even be implemented but i thought id share it anyways. so say you have an m16 and about 3 mags. you're stuck in a building trapped by about 10 or so zombies, you use 15 shots and run out of the house and are now safe. then you decide you want to go to Stary or NW to try and find some nice stuff. you make sure you reload your gun to make sure you can deal with anyone that you would see knowing you're going into a high traffic are. so you loot successfully and run off to another town. and now you need to kill say 3 or 4 zombies. now to my idea what if you could choose to reload that mag that had 15 shots in it rather then shooting off the magazine that had 30 shots in it to conserve those for defending yourself against bigger threats then zombies. well yea that's my idea it would be cool if you could just scroll wheel and reload 15 round mag similar to reloading SD mags or something like that. lets see this happen
  14. oshnatour1

    An idea to save mags.

    read my mind i was also thinking that only way to make that combining for full mags work is if i took time to move individually the rounds from one magazine to another. like something you could do when you are stoping to cook your meat in the woods or something
  15. oshnatour1

    An idea to save mags.

    I originally thought of that as a thing that i wanted in the game but then i realized that it would creat more of an ammo pool situation like cod or bf rather then having x armout of mags you would have a non streamlined system that make mags kinda un realistic
  16. oshnatour1

    An idea to save mags.

    the thing is i have more mags on me then i have room in my backpack. i gusse you could drop in but it wouldn't be helpful in a zombie situation
  17. oshnatour1

    Will DayZ be Mac Compatible?

    No... im not going to say anything about the mac OSX 10 or whatever it is because honestly i don't have any experience with it but as far as the machine itself macs are not good and extremely overpriced. you can just look at the specs and the prices when you are configuring your own mac computer on their website. if you want to get a good dead and actually get performance on the mac operating system build a Hackintosh. other then that its not a waste of money but its pretty damn close to buy a Mac.
  18. found the 6 nato mags on some dead guy in cherno and then the m107 mags in the millitary tents on the otherside of town. willing to trade them away. give me your best offer
  19. my mags? dont trade people he kills people
  20. anyone else i lost the mags so no more trade.... this fag killed me and stole everything
  21. oshnatour1

    North American Trading Company

    i have 6 as50 nato rounds and 1 m107 mag that i would like to trade for something
  22. oshnatour1

    Now 1 Million!!!!! + Unique Players!!!

    no i just bought arma 2 like 900,000 times. its was all me your welcome in advance
  23. oshnatour1

    SeaNanner's Server?

    us 1386 :D
  24. oshnatour1

    Help Near Chernogorsk

    ill start heading out towards you