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Everything posted by oshnatour1

  1. so this just started happening to me today when i tried to play day z through day z commander. it gives me an error message that says this. i was playing earlier and then all the sudden it stopped working. Please help
  2. oshnatour1

    Traders and Traitors

    :( good job though man
  3. oshnatour1

    Traders and Traitors

    s3ri0us158 +1 good trade with him again today
  4. dosent really matter what we think you will probably continue to do it. nothing complicated about this simply you are a bandit.
  5. from my experience just join one or two times more and it will update without failing
  6. oshnatour1

    Traders and Traitors

    meaning i get free stuff for being +10 :D
  7. oshnatour1

    Traders and Traitors

    +1 to seri0us158 ^^^^ that guy up there :D
  8. oshnatour1

    Trading a Radio.

    i want it
  9. oshnatour1

    Traders and Traitors

    Man Vs Wild +1 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/70329-man-vs-wild/
  10. oshnatour1

    First Legit Kill

    so do you guys have a bunch of "non legit" kills or something... wouldn't it just be your first kill?
  11. im looking to join so im going to go join the teamspeak
  12. takistan is connected to cherraus so mabey you could go there
  13. i get a error message when i try to join a day z server i could join a few hours ago. it says a bunch of dayz file names and says that they need to be removed. could i have some help with this
  14. oshnatour1

    Just found my first AS50

    what are you talking about
  15. oshnatour1

    NV goggle Trade

    regardless a nvg isnt worth an old bike... atleast in my opinion.
  16. if that was true then why did arma 2 combined ops go to the top of the steam list when dayz started getting popular. yea probably allot of fake accounts and stuff like that but i think your numbers are a bit exaggerated
  17. oshnatour1

    Vehicle Dust

    well it kinda does. i agree that shouldn't be too high on proprieties list but they should do it sometime in standalone. because whenever i see that smoke without seeing or hearing a car i look around and try to find one. and rain would obviously mask that. and for when i drive the cars in the rain it would be nice for a little more stealth
  18. oshnatour1

    a real gillie / wookie / yettie suit

    that would be kinda cool. but would be kinda weird to have the right color for your area
  19. yea lol you dont have to die to tell that you are hungry. you can tell if you are bleeding or low on blood or cold debug monitor isnt unrealistic unless they impiment all sense into the game. and that wont be in games for a long time
  20. so if you owe him 30 dollars why dont you buy him a new key?
  21. oshnatour1

    Want To Trade Dew and Antibiotics

    yea everyone seems to think antibotics are rare... for me at least it seems to be at one of the hospitals one out of every four times.
  22. oshnatour1

    Traders and Traitors

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/80899-bonehead3535/ Bonehead3535 +1
  23. oshnatour1

    Traders and Traitors

    emergykins +1 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/103475-emergykins/
  24. oshnatour1

    Traders and Traitors

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/82224-ipurgepeople/ give ipurgepeople a +1