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About Rehtiossi

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  1. Rehtiossi

    No night time.

    Definately we should have all servers forced to 1:1 to their timezone, cant ever find people playing night time, sure you can find people at night on eu servers that are utc -6 or such. But lets be honest. There is no night time in the game at the moment so cba about threads about night time before they fix it.
  2. Rehtiossi

    My first experience of DayZ

    Wow I wish I had been there, such a cool experience. Exactly what points dayz apart from most other games. Nice one sir.
  3. Rehtiossi

    The Problem with 1.7.1

    I dont see this whole thing as a problem. In my mind the whole thing was implimented to stop people running around the shoreline and doing pvp even when it would almost certainly result in their death by challenging someone with a bigger gun. It wasn't as much a problem for the guy with the makarov but for the guy with the gun because he can't get anything from killing the makarov runner. Now you have to spend time for your first weapon, which means that by the time you got something you indeed have something to lose and not just respawn again with the makarov and go duel and hope for the best which should make you think twice about engaging when you got 90% chance of dying. And if your choice is to run to elektro or cherno and just keep running trough until you get a bullet in the head or find a weapon its fine. This is not really "competitive" game like battlefield and such with objectives and scoreboards. But each death I would get from doing so would be just because I made a poor choice and pretty much totally failed in the game. I know it's not hard to find a weapon and avoid zombies and players until you find one, its just a matter of you not wanting to adjust.
  4. Rehtiossi

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Edit: Fixed myself (I jammed "w" with fork and let it be until I got back to the game area) confirmed. I tried this too, seems that stucking a fork to your keyboard helps
  5. I've had the same problem with m4 CCO. This does not occur in normal ARMA2 and arrowhead though.
  6. Rehtiossi

    Murders Sometimes Not Saving After Logging

    This problem keeps to persist, lost 1 bandit kill and murder today and 1 murder yesterday.
  7. Rehtiossi

    cheaters spawning gear

    Yes obviously their big guns and NV and stuff didn't cover their lack of brains or common sense since we killed 4-5 cheaters that night with those items, lee enfield kills just fine which in my opinion is definately one of the best things about this game. Rare guns and items are just extra, if you find them nice, if you don't its fine also. But it does present an issue that servers might get flooded with NVG and other rare items, although we hid all of those bodies not everyone will do the same and the cheaters will add a lot of NVG and other rare drops to the circulation since. I don't know which is worse, the cheaters killing you with NVG and all other stuff or that they even still can't kill anyone and now they just keep feeding good items to players that will kill me with those items for sure if I run across them :(
  8. Rehtiossi

    Can't shoot trough glass

    A few clarifications (and also I havent died yet so no video yet, sorry). I'm not talking about actually breaking the glass, like you have to do to get into the hospitals for blood packs and such. I ment shooting trough glass to wound or kill someone, and i tought it was a bug since my friend who stood next to me was able to shoot trough the glass quite well to kill zombies on the other side. And as i mentioned we tried several guns, so if makarov can't penetrate glass (don't know if it can) it is not relevant to this. And the other part was not being able to shoot trough opened doors at supermarkets, and no matter how "tough" and "realistic" the glass and bullet physics are I doubt the bullets are supposed to stop mid air (also my friend was able to shoot trough open doors just fine)
  9. Date/Time: Recurring, last instance was yesterday (15.5) around 2am gmt+2 What happened: Unable to shoot trough glass with various weapons, also cannot shoot trough open glass doors that supermarkets have. Tested this with akm, revolver and cz550. Tried shooting a friend or zombie trough glass or open supermarket doors, bullets just stopped where the doors would be had they been closed or where the glass was at windows. The bullet just stops in the air where the doors would be should they be closed and I hear the sound of bullets hitting glass. However my friend was succesfull with shooting trough the glass or open doors. I tried restarting the game and restarted computer also with no luck. Where you were: This happened first time at Stary Sobor market, thought it was a lag spike first but happened again at cherno market few days later What you were doing: At first just exploring the market and trying to shoot zombies, later trying to test this bug. *Current installed version: 1.5.7 (first time this bug occurred was in 1.5.6) *Server(s) you were on: Eu2 and Eu3, also on Norway 2 *Your system specs: Amd radeon 6900, windows 7 64bit, i5 2500 I'm willing to make a video illustrating this problem (got too nice gear atm to go goofing around markets and making videos so it will probably have to wait until tomorrow or the day after). But I thought I'd put this post here meanwhile to see if anyone else has had this bug / problem.
  10. Rehtiossi

    cheaters spawning gear

    I was with Qla when we killed that group of item cheaters, we also engaged in fight with another survivor later on with identical items but he escaped with alt+f4 ( disconnect). And 2 minutes later to the same location came a bandit with yet another m4 silencer scope + nv and all the same items, didnt manage to screencap that situation though since it was pretty hectic.
  11. Rehtiossi

    Murders Sometimes Not Saving After Logging

    I've had this problem several times now too Once lost 3 kills, 2-3 times 2 kills and about 5-6 times lost 1 kill. All of these happened when i logged more than 30 minutes after the kill. Haven't had this for 2 days now but lost kills twice today too so I thought I should report it here. Humanity was also returned due to the lost kills, don't think any of those kills were bandit kills, seems like it is limited to killing survivors.