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About Fox1rob

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Was just kicked off US #500 and now the server is locked.
  2. Fox1rob

    US 1047

    US 1047 right now is suffering from the exploits of a hacker. People are being killed constantly in electro, me and two other friends had a person in a ghillie suit with a thermo sight AS.50 or m107 spawn ontop of us and kill me and one other guy. We retrieved our bodies then disconnected to lobby and I can hear someone talking about killing people and catching it on their kill feed but no name is showing for the open mic.
  3. Please update the server, it is 2 patches behind now?
  4. What are you offering for the bounty?
  5. Fox1rob

    US331 Admin Abuse

    As previously stated, the amount of weapons were 20+ each, along with mags for them as well so while it may not be your camp, someone is duplicating mass amounts of items on your server. Also the server is only a 24 slot, so I do not believe it can hold 30+, especially not with my group playing on it as well. I agree the server is reset daily, but we have witnessed more than 1 reset in a day. I am not crying about losing anything, just reporting what I thought is abuse since servers can be reset constantly if an admin wished to spawn hop for items. Also one vehicle was today, and while I believe that yes it could be due to the patch since I instantly died upon logging in, the other was several days ago. After reviewing the requirements for reports like these, it seems that you need to have some form of screenshot or video evidence which we sadly did not take so you may as well disregard this thread until otherwise.
  6. Fox1rob

    US331 Admin Abuse

    Not only that, but we have lost 2 vehicles packed with loot while travelling in them when the server went down. They both had vanished when we logged back in.
  7. US331 suffers from random server restarts and difficulty changes. Not only that, but me and my friends have also come across a camp that had 20+ ak's, 20+ m16's, 20+ mags for each, plus mass amounts of food and other supplies which we think were duplicated. After destroying the camp, the map was marked with random insults and a mark was placed directly on our camp which said "Home Base". Nothing at our camp had been touched or stolen, and we were very far off grid so I do not believe anyone would just find it and mark it without looting the valuables from it and vehicles.