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Everything posted by ThatDamnGinger

  1. Yeni make sure when you log off you are synced. What that sounds like is you logged off while unsynced which causes recent progress to be lost. Just be more careful of that little link icon down in the corner there :P (I lost a few weapons like that due to both logging off and Server Restarts)
  2. So whats your excuse for verbally abusing people because I fail to see what that has to do with your anti hive argument. By the way all your complaints seem to hinge on that fact that the Hive isn't exactly stable in an ALPHA of a mod. ALPHA. AAAALLLPPPPHHAAAAAA. Seriously when you enter Alphas on ANY game you have to expect bugs, instability and generaly experiences that would ruin the game in Beta or after testing. Ever play the Raiderz alpha? It had a bug that would cause your character to become unbound to the main world after entering instances if you logged out/crashed/left the game for any reason inside one. Edit: Just reread your original post and would like to point out also once this game goes standalone it will most likely being using it's own engine and NOT the Arma2 one which is where most of the bugs and loopholes the hackers are exploiting are coming from. Dayz is remarkably playable for an alpha and the Hive works well the majority of the time. I completely fail to see why you want the hive gone from the alpha and why it would be an improvement when alot of the fun from this game comes from being able to drop in and out of different servers without losing progress. Also data logging is never useless and you are making several VERY large assumptions about how the Dev team is Mining said data. Who says they dont have a way to distinguish combat logging from normal logging? You say that the data collection is useless ingeneral but im pretty sure thats one of the reasons the game was released as an alpha in the first place. to collect data and find issues. Large player bases do this very effectively and Rocket had no idea DayZ would become this popular this fast.
  3. ThatDamnGinger


    Doublepost Ftl.
  4. ThatDamnGinger


    Alphas are Alphas bro. Sorry to break it to you but no matter how many players are playing this is still an Alpha. Raiderz did the same thing with it's alpha by releasing it to the public for a limited time. Using mass amounts of players is still the best way to flush out bugs and issues with the games. P.S. You still got arma. Why not go play that other zombie mod for it? Or play regular Arma? Or quit bitching because you think your opinion should be fact?
  5. ThatDamnGinger

    Soldier Clothing

    Sorry to break it to you but you ain't allowed to ban for that. Read Rockets' rules for server hosting.
  6. ThatDamnGinger

    Soldier Clothing

    Its actually not hacked. Its an item that appears due to a bug. We found one in our car after a server restart that had replaced the civ clothing we were keeping in there.
  7. ThatDamnGinger

    Congratulations Community, You have become scum.

    I guess i must be an an exception but I haven't seen a single hacker since i started playing DayZ 3-4 weeks ago. Guess i picked the good server :P
  8. ThatDamnGinger

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    See the thing is that they can't run it how ever they like. They have to follow Rockets rules for hosting a DayZ server. If they aren't following those rules they can be banned from ever being allowed to to host a server for DayZ. Unfortunatly it is often times very hard to prove that the abuse that does happen is infact taking place since it turns into a I say/ They Say argument. Kill the admin and the server mysteriously restarts? They will say they are updating the ban list or needed to take the server down for maitenence or the server just crashed. Hard for a player to offer proof to the contrary.
  9. ThatDamnGinger

    You're playing too much Dayz if...

    When after spending two hours looking for a box of matches you go upstairs to take a break and think you finally lucked out when you see said box of matches on the kitchen table.
  10. ThatDamnGinger

    What the hell happened to night servers?

    Haha I play at night without Nv's and an military gear and it's still great. Only time you NEED NV's is when you get stuck with no moon. Otherwise with a chemlight popped its quite easy to see in your general vicinity.
  11. ThatDamnGinger

    Server Restarts

    Admin on US 1 found our tents but ran into us while looting them. Needless to say he bit the dust and 10 seconds later random server restart to quote "Refresh the ban list" when we are able to get back on we run into him in the same spot still looting the tents dispite previously dieing. Moral of the story? Stay away from US 1. Seems like everytime an admin dies the server goes down.