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Everything posted by lilfellabob

  1. Hi all, I'm not sure when this issue first started as I have done heaps of updating and downgrading in the last few days due to a battleye issue (which is resolved now). Anyway I cannot bring my sights up in game nor can I shoot.. if I click either mouse button nothing happens.. I have tried different server and also rebinding the controls. I don't really want to do a while reinstall unless I absolutely have to. Any ideas? Cheers
  2. lilfellabob

    Cannot view sights or shoot

    SOLVED: Ok I think I somehow had selected no weapon becuase when I pressed f it cycled to useable weapons (grenade, gun mode etc). I didn't think of it as my character had his gun out and I also didn't think you could have a null mode!
  3. lilfellabob

    L85AWS Trouble

    I had this gun a while ago but unfortunately killed myself with a car and lost it. It used stanag ammo and so unless they changed it in the last few updates it does exist and should work fine. (STANAG or STANAG SD)